I've seen people claim they don't care about the leaderboard, but MOST of them fuss over it, try to game the system the get above it, specifically only queue as a premade in order to prevent losses (even though there is mixed evidence of how leaderboard works), complain about losing rankings even after a win or complain abouts PUGs ruining their leaderboard position.
To me, not caring means just ignoring it and playing the way you play. If you talk about the leaderboards so much and game it as much as you do, that means you do care but you are just frustrated about how it works.
I'm probably gonna get a lot of posts about how they are the exception and they REALLY don't care
Personally, I could not care less about the leader board. I have not checked it since the first day it went live (and that was just out of fleeting curiosity), and I doubt I will ever look at it again. However, some people DO take that seriously and work very hard to improve their rankings. Different strokes and all that.
I've seen people claim they don't care about the leaderboard, but MOST of them fuss over it, try to game the system the get above it, specifically only queue as a premade in order to prevent losses (even though there is mixed evidence of how leaderboard works), complain about losing rankings even after a win or complain abouts PUGs ruining their leaderboard position.
To me, not caring means just ignoring it and playing the way you play. If you talk about the leaderboards so much and game it as much as you do, that means you do care but you are just frustrated about how it works.
I'm probably gonna get a lot of posts about how they are the exception and they REALLY don't care
For me, I just PvP to earn those rewards like boon and gears. Leader board means nothing to me as it is not a good indication how good or skilled the player is. It is a good indication how often the player did PvP.
of course people care. it gave new life for the pvp.
i care very much for it, i just think it is a bit broken though, or they should at least release the formula so we understand how exactly it works.
i care for leaderboards. i just don't care enough for running troll full gwf comps to win all the time. i think it is dumb.
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
Uhhh, yeah, people have different opinions! Some care about the leaderboard, some don't, some want to see it spruced up before they care.
But my point being a lot of people SAY they don't care about the leaderboards, yet game the system (sometimes even exploiting).
I have video and images of players from well known guilds doing this.
I'll keep it to myself for the time being since we know cryptic won't do anything about it and the only result is me getting reprimanded for naming and shaming meanwhile these players who exploit are left unpunished.
By the way, these same players have on a multitude of instances stated they "don't care" about leaderboards and it is meaningless to them.
Uhhh, yeah, people have different opinions! Some care about the leaderboard, some don't, some want to see it spruced up before they care.
For me, I just PvP to earn those rewards like boon and gears. Leader board means nothing to me as it is not a good indication how good or skilled the player is. It is a good indication how often the player did PvP.
Ebony (Whisperknife)
i care very much for it, i just think it is a bit broken though, or they should at least release the formula so we understand how exactly it works.
i care for leaderboards. i just don't care enough for running troll full gwf comps to win all the time. i think it is dumb.
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
But my point being a lot of people SAY they don't care about the leaderboards, yet game the system (sometimes even exploiting).
I have video and images of players from well known guilds doing this.
I'll keep it to myself for the time being since we know cryptic won't do anything about it and the only result is me getting reprimanded for naming and shaming meanwhile these players who exploit are left unpunished.
By the way, these same players have on a multitude of instances stated they "don't care" about leaderboards and it is meaningless to them.