talking all pet but this is mainly centered about the the Pseudo dragon
many players I seen and got tells from say way to small.
Pseudodragon is a very exspensive pet as in other that are that price have really nice effects yet this pet walks like a dog,very very small.
"aren't dragons bigger in general ?" needs to be resized> say saize +1/2 size bigger way too small, yes Pseudo dragon are small in dragon sense but should be larger then they are. also when he yawns why no fire effect?? why doesn't he spit fire? as in effect. all we see is his horns go different and honestly no one can see this in game inless there really zoomed in.. fire doesn't have to effect dmg I mean its a $$$ pet how bout a little prepping up ahh?? how bout he flys randomly instead of walking like a dog..
i mean yawn's fire, grows bigger, fly's like pixe or fairies do at lvl 30 affect be good after all there are companions that do have greater effects.. this thing just sleeps and has to be walked like a dog "release the beast dangit" how bout his armor changes color when hes attacking. every dragon in this game there skin changes a lot."green blue florescent orange blue etc.
Cat is normal cause cats are small. he sits and paws his ear
Skeletal dog has a bad *** effect,red eyes, shakes flees off but that's not normal but hey effects are a win win.
Armored orc wolf shakes flees off and nice body armor, markings all good can his eyes be red or blue or purple like orcs?
Fawn of Shiallia looks like a fawn yet Mystical glow, has bell, jumps, play full movement. ok good.
there are other pet I don't yet have but ive seen and those that are epic has epic attributes looks wise that compliment the $$$ paid.
can someone at admin just comment the possibilities of a re look?
set the dragon free after all you
@#$%^& got my *** on april fools lololol dam u lol
this message wasn't ment bad spirited but kinda funny nice april fools guys...
was so stoked the bomb was dropped grrrrrrrrr
can we have a poll on this?
The prefix pseudo- (from Greek ψευδής "lying, false") is used to mark something as false, fraudulent, or pretending to be something it is not.
Think about this: if it was to spit fire then someone else would immediately ask why it does not do fire damage. And if it was a real dragon would players ask why it does so little damage when it is a real dragon?
Therefore can it not be a dragon. It is simply an animal, which imitates a dragon, possibly is remotely related to real dragons, but is not one.
Chances are the animal is as disappointed about not being a real dragon as much as you are.
as they do in other games.
Another way for the management to make cash.
Sell them in the Zen shop and I would buy them. :cool:
never the less dragons are intelligent, mystical, and breath fire
as I originally stated I think they should be bigger and at least fly not walk like a dog, when yawns he spits or throws fire out none dmg wise.. all visual effects or body change color when atacking
then it wouldn't be a Pseudodragon...
A city to protect
innocents to save
"Why?" They ask "they hate you"
We're heroes it's what we do.
*patiently waiting on Paragon City*
The Pseudo Dragon is not any kind of dragon. It's a critter trying real hard to look like one so it doesn't get eaten. It is the correct size and a real nice prize as it is. But also.. some day, they may actually release an infant dragon companion. There is no way at all that I think they would allow this pet to over-shadow that one, whenever it comes....
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Here's a video I found on youtube if you want to see him fly.
The pet/mount squatting is bad enough in other games. No need to drag that garbage in to NW.
I would be ok with a resize of any pet as long as they could not be summoned in town or at campfires.
They go back to AD&D's original rules. They're not going to change it.
Wait for the Dragon Module that's coming. I'm sure there will be
larger dragon-related mounts and/or companions.
While I can understand why you feel this way, unfortunately... this is not within the Lore of D&D, those aren't actually Dragons I'm sure you've heard people say to you already.
You have to understand the Old 1st edition D&D and how the original Companion/Hireling/Henchman system worked.
The only people who could get a Pseudodragon were Wizards and Rangers, and Wizards only if they rolled lucky when summoning a Familiar. The Familiar was something that increased the Magic User's power to a large degree, giving him more hit points and some of the stats of the Familiar.
But most people don't understand how the original Hireling system even worked.
This game actually sticks to it very well to a point... through the Active Bonuses you get on companions, representing the fact that as a high level adventurer, you are actually traveling with a company of your own.
In 1st edition once you reached 9-11th level (yes that was "High" level back then), you could go out and gain land and build your own Stronghold. You would then attract henchmen and hirelings. Example: Mages would get apprentices, Clerics would have Acolytes, Rangers would attract Animal Companions and so forth.
So when you played the game at those levels you were no longer just controlling a single character but rather several of them. And you could have all kinds of abnormal ones you attained in dungeons, like Mages could build a Golem, or have a Familiar, Paladins a Squire, or Evil Fighters could have Orcs and Ogres as hirelings and companions.
This was your entourage... in this game its more represented by the companion Active Bonuses that simulate them being there without actually being summoned.
But in the real game all those companions could be there with you IN party along with the other player characters. So a high level party was actually a virtual army in 1st edition, not just 6 guys in a group. Granted the hirelings and companions were all lower level than the Player Character, but you did see this.
Also you could play those hirelings as PCs too in their own adventures. Example: Gary Gygax the founder of 1st edition (Advanced D&D), had a character named Mordenkeinen. His apprentices were Otluke and Bigby. You might recognize spells from that game in the form of Mordenkeinen's Disjunction, and the Bigby Hand spells.
Those were all Gary Gygax's characters, Mordenkeinen was his main, Bigby and Otluke were some of his apprentices he later turned into characters of their own.
So I guess the next best thing of course is Active Bonus, unless the Devs really ARE planning to remove active bonus and allow all the companions to be summoned at once for the dungeon crawls. Admittedly though this might make some of the upper end Teir 2 dungeons much more interesting and doable for regular PUG groups.