The bugs need to be addressed directly and should simply not happen.
Other than this is a Kick option only suicide for a team. Once you kick a player will you not know when you get a replacement and also have no guarantee for the replacement being actually better than the player you have kicked. All while the towers keep ticking their timers... It is just dumb.
What might be a good idea is a Surrender option, where a team can surrender to the other team to speed up a losing match. If all players on one team believe they are about to lose then a vote should succeed and the other team gets to win faster. Everyone can move on quicker onto a next match without silly trading of towers or idling around at the camp fire.
To the OP, it coud be a solution, if you woud not get the leaver penalty, when you are stuck in protectors enclave and leave the group, so your team gets a new player. True story, happened to me. Left in the fist seconds, so the team gets another player and got the penalty myself.
To one of the posters above, making fun of a whiner, last on the leaderboard, seriously ltp. PvP is about capping and contesting nodes, not points. If you and your 9k teammates keep running to homebase, capping it and getting points, guess what. You are only able to cap, because the 15k GS whiner was trying to cap enemy base or 2 and got killed 4v1 while the cool kids got points capping 1.
When we que semipremade with 3 or 4 mates there are 2 options, we get decent players or we get noobs. Guess what, if we win with the noobs, they end up first on the leaderboard most of the time, because WE capped and or defended the nodes, while they where busy running from node to node, to get their 300 points for capturing the node. **** has 6000 pts at the end of the game, 2 or 3 leeched kills and zero contribution to the team at all.
OK, there are bad griefers too, but dont pretend, that your position on the leaderboard tells anything about your contribution to the team.
Kick option is a really terible horrible idea.
The obvious reason is the abuse of the whole system,etc.
But there are other resons aswell that none mentioned them.
First and foremost:In pvp you do not have a clear image of what your team8 are doing.This is not a dung where you stick all together.
countles times i was angry with my team8s ,mainly rangers and i thought that were afk or hiding.Most of the times ,in the end of the match,it is revealed that the rangers did what are most good at,keeping the high ground/pillars and mass weakening the enemies melees/spellcasters.So i was wrong wrong plain wrong.Yet i thought i was correct.
Or another example?Where are our stupid rogue??
Most of the times the "stupid rogue" is in the enemy home node keeping occupied the enemy GWF and one more so you to face 3 and have numerical superiority.And think you are great.
What about CWs??Where is our stupid CW?What is he doing?Most of the time he will support from a dinstance and slow/immobilize the enemies main assets (GWFs) so yo have time to deal with their squishies first.
Botomline the nature of pvp is that that most of the times you do not have a clue what are your team8s are doing.Andmost of the times,if you think what are their doing it is YOU that is out of the game whinning and complaining and leaving your "worthless" team8s 4vs 5 ,while you the "valiant" and "able" you are typing in zone or party chanell.
To one of the posters above, making fun of a whiner, last on the leaderboard, seriously ltp. PvP is about capping and contesting nodes, not points. If you and your 9k teammates keep running to homebase, capping it and getting points, guess what. You are only able to cap, because the 15k GS whiner was trying to cap enemy base or 2 and got killed 4v1 while the cool kids got points capping 1.
OK, there are bad griefers too, but dont pretend, that your position on the leaderboard tells anything about your contribution to the team.
Not at all, we were fighting on all the nodes, but were just overwhelmed by the other team's gear.
Anyway, what does someone expect if they charge off on their own and fight against 4 other players and lose? It's not our fault the queue system mismatched him with us and also mismatched us against a 20k enemy team.
As the other guy said: team work = non-existent.
But you do raise a good point, as I don't really understand how the scoring in PvP works. I read somewhere you get no points for attacking an occupied node, only defending, while somewhere else I read the opposite.
I did this one yesterday with my level 20 Rogue in a level 29 PvP for the Rhix Daily, and we were killing them far more often then they killed us, we were fighting on all the nodes and we died a lot less often.
In what way did those saps on the Red team contribute to their Team Victory, considering how badly they did, and how come these scores are so misleading?
- You can't add someone in progress.
- It won't shorten the match.
- You can always ignore someone if you don't want to see their chat.
- There will be annoying 'pop ups' anytime someone starts a kick vote.
- More abuse, arguments, griefing, and hard feelings.
I don't feel like having the "Why you vote to kick me, bra?" argument in addition to the other common nonsensical aguments.
I had some bad PvP social experiences at the start of this game and ignored it.
Now I'm really into it, but let's face the facts, the PuG situation in this game is a bit anti-social anyway, PvP even more so
I not super interested in having another layer of ill will, considering that's most of all you hear in chat anyway.
(or maybe I'm consistently and repeatedly unlucky with the groups I'm in, but I don't think so. I say "Hi" every group I join and maybe 20% of the time there is response. It seems poor play inspires comment easily but good play rarely does. I almost never see someone say something witty in chat or even simply converse. Sorry to harsh on the community but that's kind of how I sees it)
Kick vote gains us nothing except more arguments, more pop-ups in combat, more hard feelings.
It doesn't solve a single problem and creates a few new ones.
But you do raise a good point, as I don't really understand how the scoring in PvP works. I read somewhere you get no points for attacking an occupied node, only defending, while somewhere else I read the opposite.
I did this one yesterday with my level 20 Rogue in a level 29 PvP for the Rhix Daily, and we were killing them far more often then they killed us, we were fighting on all the nodes and we died a lot less often.
In what way did those saps on the Red team contribute to their Team Victory, considering how badly they did, and how come these scores are so misleading?
When you cap a point you gain 300 personal points (only count towards your place on the table) and that node starts generating team points for your side. It's team points that determine the winning team. Nothing else.
A contested point (one not solidly one colour or another) generates no points for either side.
You lost because you were focussed on getting more personal points through kills etc. (50 points per kill, 25 per assist) or you spent too much time fighting off node and your opposition were better at keeping points capped in their favour.
You lost because you were focussed on getting more personal points through kills etc. (50 points per kill, 25 per assist) or you spent too much time fighting off node and your opposition were better at keeping points capped in their favour.
Actually, I was focused on surviving and not getting killed and helping my team survive. If you are attacked, you have to fight back. Wherever you are.
But that was with my level 20 Rogue. The next PvP (she was level 22) I just ran to enemy nodes to stop them scoring, and it worked! We won by a narrow margin AND I got my first ever top score and won some gear.
So PvP actually IS a lot MORE moronic and ridiculous than I previously thought. You just stand on a red node to stop them scoring and try to stay alive as long as possible? That is it?
So we killed the most, scored the highest, died the least, but most of the fighting and killing was defensive and on our own nodes. So they managed to stop us scoring enough to win the game, even though their army was repeatedly annihilated?
Who designed this? General Haig?
I tried the same tactic with my level 52 Cleric, but no chance. Total annihilation as I was stunned, floating in the air and smashed to death. Although I did manage to kill a couple and stand on enemy nodes, their team score just kept shooting up and ours hardly moved.
Actually, I was focused on surviving and not getting killed and helping my team survive. If you are attacked, you have to fight back. Wherever you are.
But that was with my level 20 Rogue. The next PvP (she was level 22) I just ran to enemy nodes to stop them scoring, and it worked! We won by a narrow margin AND I got my first ever top score and won some gear.
So PvP actually IS a lot MORE moronic and ridiculous than I previously thought. You just stand on a red node to stop them scoring and try to stay alive as long as possible? That is it?
So we killed the most, scored the highest, died the least, but most of the fighting and killing was defensive and on our own nodes. So they managed to stop us scoring enough to win the game, even though their army was repeatedly annihilated?
Who designed this? General Haig?
I tried the same tactic with my level 52 Cleric, but no chance. Total annihilation as I was stunned, floating in the air and smashed to death. Although I did manage to kill a couple and stand on enemy nodes, their team score just kept shooting up and ours hardly moved.
It's not a perfect system. In fact if you browse the forum you'll see many suggestions for improving the scoring system to take account of other means of contributing to a victory. But as it stands, kills and personal points don't count towards a win. It's Domination, not death match. I've finished top of the table on a losing side and bottom of the table on a winning one.
Keeping nodes ticking over in your favour and stopping them scoring for the enemy is all that counts. How you accomplish that is up to you. Fighting off node only works in certain situations. Capping and holding points wins matches.
jaradielMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2014
YES, I agree to this. With the new system people being voted off PVP should have the same penalties as people leaving PVP. And if I am leader I'd like to kick campers too, and have the slot refilled by randoms like dungeons do. But people being kicked off a PVP team, or booted (which only happens to camp fire campers) should have all the penalties as people leaving a PVP match: This means they can't join a skirmish or dungeon until they have spent an hour playing (not just after an hour, an hours real play time)
a vote kick in pvp would never happen due to the fact that pvp is competitive and it would be massively abused. when PWE incorporated the vote kick in-game, they could have easily added this option to pvp and they didn't and i'm sure it was for the aforementioned reason.
as for spawn campers, if you spend any excessive amount of time in the spawn area, there should be a 30 minute penalty added account-wide (as the current penalty should also be changed to account wide). personally, i don't think pushing spawn campers out of the spawn area is a great idea. the whole point to entering pvp is to play. if you are going to enter it and sit there because you're losing, then i could see changing the dispersion of glory points as an incentive to keep playing. after all, if two people quit the match then essentially the match is forfeit and you can leave without a penalty. staying in the game and spawn camping, though, shouldn't grant you any glory points at all.
Penalties are not the answer, to nothing in this game. Get this into your skull.
Improved gameplay/matchmaking/reward style will change stuff. PWE seems to have failed in matchmaking. Improved as in better, not more.
Penalties are just a way to express that you have lost.
It's like beating a child. Some give a child a smack if it does not do as the parent wishes. Meaning, they are incapable to motivate/explain/entice a child to do some chores etc.
They have failed. And the beating goes on and on, and gets harder and harder. It this the road you like this GAME to be heading?
I am in severe opposition to any kind of, in my opinion unnecessary, penalties.
They hit innocent as hard and as often as guilty.
You are in a PvP match. The door rings. You have to answer the door. It takes 3 minutes. BAM penalty. IT IS A GAME!
If you can not cope with life happening why the hell do you still use the PuG??????
Get friends! Guild! There are OPTIONS in the game how you can AVOID having a spawn camper in YOUR team! You can USE them.
Get rid of your opinion that everyone that does not behave like YOU like it has to be hit with the penalty hammer.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
there are many ways that an afk penalty could be implemented without penalizing the innocent. the whole idea of committing to a pvp match is that you'll be able to sit through it uninterrupted for x amount of time. a 3-5 minute timer could start the moment you respawn and boot you from the game if you do not leave the spawn area. no glory points or credit for the daily. do that 3-5 times and be unable to queue for anything account-wide for 30 minutes. do it 15-20 times and you're penalized for 1-2 hours. the new leaderboard tab could keep track of this if you've been booted for spawn camping.
they could combine this with an alternate glory point system that would be an incentive to continue to play in a losing match. the new boon rewards in pvp coming up in module 3 may help as incentives.
a vote kick in pvp would never happen due to the fact that pvp is competitive and it would be massively abused. when PWE incorporated the vote kick in-game, they could have easily added this option to pvp and they didn't and i'm sure it was for the aforementioned reason.
as for spawn campers, if you spend any excessive amount of time in the spawn area, there should be a 30 minute penalty added account-wide (as the current penalty should also be changed to account wide). personally, i don't think pushing spawn campers out of the spawn area is a great idea. the whole point to entering pvp is to play. if you are going to enter it and sit there because you're losing, then i could see changing the dispersion of glory points as an incentive to keep playing. after all, if two people quit the match then essentially the match is forfeit and you can leave without a penalty. staying in the game and spawn camping, though, shouldn't grant you any glory points at all.
I agree up to a point. There are games which are still massively one sided and in which the other team is happy to sit under your campfire and pound everyone to a pulp, unwilling to do 1 on 1s. If you're going to penalise spawn sitters then I think you need to add an option for the team that's getting face rolled to forfeit the game early. Everyone on your side has to vote yes, and then the game just finished, with glory allocated as appropriate for the scores at the time.
Tele Savalas, Dwarf Thaumaturge CW
Putting the Buff into Debuff since 2013 \o/ (Does that even make sense)?
I agree up to a point. There are games which are still massively one sided and in which the other team is happy to sit under your campfire and pound everyone to a pulp, unwilling to do 1 on 1s. If you're going to penalise spawn sitters then I think you need to add an option for the team that's getting face rolled to forfeit the game early. Everyone on your side has to vote yes, and then the game just finished, with glory allocated as appropriate for the scores at the time.
If you see you have no chance to win there should be a way to say "ok, this is impossible, I give up, let's make it quick". The fastest way ATM is sit at the campfire to make the other side cap everything quickly and end the match.
If there was a "surrender vote" things would probably be different. But there isn't such feature, so when you give up for whatever reason you have no options but to sit at campfire.
i think a surrender vote could work as long as its not able to be abused. if surrendering grants zero rewards and is triggered on a unanimous vote, i could see that as a possibility. on the other hand if you have four people wanting to give up and the fifth guy doesn't want to forfeit his 133 glory by surrendering the match, what can you do?
there are many ways that an afk penalty could be implemented without penalizing the innocent
There are also many ways to make afk sitting less attractive than being facerolled or whatever.
If someone is only after glory he will maximize his glory.
Make the PvP AD quests mutually exclusive with the DV quest. Either PvP reward or PvE Reward.
Make the players do this twice to get people to spend more time in the game. Now its ~30 minutes to 1h DV and 30 minutes to 1h PvP for 4k AD (?) each.
same time, same reward.
There are ways to get people that do not want to PvP out of PvP.
Creative minds will find a way to circumvent any and all feasible methods of player detection. Short of having to answer a CAPTCHA every minute I can easy think of various methods to pretend to the game I am punching keys.
I still stand by my opinion that the stick will not work. I know many frustrated players object to that, but I have not found out
A) why they still PuG having learned that in PuGs you might encounter someone who does not fight to the 1000th death and why is it most of the time THEIR team (and not half the time the opposing team as statistics would dictate) that has 1 or 2 campfire sitters (I reject any and all prejudice on them being female) on the team
But go on, maybe take a bigger stick! And hit harder! Did you not see the belt there?
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
a vote kick in pvp would never happen due to the fact that pvp is competitive and it would be massively abused. when PWE incorporated the vote kick in-game, they could have easily added this option to pvp and they didn't and i'm sure it was for the aforementioned reason.
It worked just fine in Swtor where i had max pvp rank and players only got kicked for being afk, it did have a timer limit for another kick attempt
During two matches yesterday and four matches today we had 1-2 players on our team that were in other zones. They were able to be in our match and still adventure in the other zone that they were in.
This is not a votekick issue, it is a queue issue. A bug.
I agree with you in so far that penalties alone don't work. The question is, how many more incentives do you require to accept the fact you don't win a match all the time? Glory based on the time you're actually active on a node? Glory based on how much damage you take in a match? You see the point? Yes, I'm giving extreme examples here. And it's to show you the problem is 2 fold.
It's not just matchmaking. Despite the crying by a few people (who are most likely at either extreme of the ELO range) it has improved a lot. If I get 1 lopsided match a day I'm having a bad day, no matter what character I'm on. But while it's annoying, you cannot overlook the 2nd half of the reason. And that's the players themselves.
People want it easy. They cry for anything that would make the game easier. Can't take the dmg? NERF! Dungeon takes too long? EXPLOIT! Can't reach the top 5 after 5 minutes of PvP? CAMPFIRE! Can't get max glory in 5 minutes? CAMPFIRE! How much honey does it require before these lazy bees get off their asses and commit to the game they started?
I do not really understand why or how this concerns "you" (as a general you, not a personal one) as long if you do not hit that bloody QUEUE button while you are not in a party of 5.
It is easy! Get some friends, guildies etc., people from wherever, even LFG channel, and - before you queue - talk to them and ask them if YOUR rules/style of play is equal to theirs.
If they agree to the same morale level as you do THEN queue.
It does not sound hard!
Save yourself the disappointment, and save me from silly stupid penalties for whatever reason.
You do not PuG for EDV (at least I hope you don't), but you PuG for PvP. Why? Whats the difference?
It's the same with exploiters. If I PuG, at the start I find out of they are going to do the run for real or exploit, if exploit I just leave the party. It's not rocket science.
As this is atm forbidden in PvP (thanks to the penalties) to leave a bunch of jerks I form a party of like minded persons and queue with them.
Does it bother me? No! Let the campfire sitters sit, but not in my team. I adapt.
Meeting a premade from EoA? Lets try, but at 200:10 I call it a day and sit it out at the campfire. (well, it might have been a young team that we can take down)
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
Let me explain why something like this wouldn't work at all:
This is a free too play MMRPG, the community here is probably the worst of the worst (not saying everyone is a troll, just saying there is a lot of bad apples in the middle of the few good ones). On top of that, the report system and the lack of GM's in game watching things like chats (people are wishing cancer upon others for God Sake!), people using glitchs, abusers and all that makes makes the problem worst. Lastly, the way that this company takes not weeks but months too correct simple mistakes/bugs/glitchs and sometimes they dont even correct anything (party queque for dungeons have been broken for more than one year now) gives already enough reasons too not even bother with a system like this.
Someone posted here something along the lines of: "We dont have the community for something like this too work." I dare add that we dont have enough Gm presence / moderation in game too make something like a vote kick in pvp fair and not abusable. Something like this would be abusable left and right while nobody would enforce any kind of fair play.
The thing about vote kicking is that people can use it poorly. For instance, you have a clueless person who is in your group, you are loosing pretty badly and this person just doesn't seem to be contributing much, even though they are out there fighting. Leader gets frustrated and initiates a vote kick. people vote yes just to get the box to drop. Hard working clueless n00by gets ejected.
Other than this is a Kick option only suicide for a team. Once you kick a player will you not know when you get a replacement and also have no guarantee for the replacement being actually better than the player you have kicked. All while the towers keep ticking their timers... It is just dumb.
What might be a good idea is a Surrender option, where a team can surrender to the other team to speed up a losing match. If all players on one team believe they are about to lose then a vote should succeed and the other team gets to win faster. Everyone can move on quicker onto a next match without silly trading of towers or idling around at the camp fire.
To one of the posters above, making fun of a whiner, last on the leaderboard, seriously ltp. PvP is about capping and contesting nodes, not points. If you and your 9k teammates keep running to homebase, capping it and getting points, guess what. You are only able to cap, because the 15k GS whiner was trying to cap enemy base or 2 and got killed 4v1 while the cool kids got points capping 1.
When we que semipremade with 3 or 4 mates there are 2 options, we get decent players or we get noobs. Guess what, if we win with the noobs, they end up first on the leaderboard most of the time, because WE capped and or defended the nodes, while they where busy running from node to node, to get their 300 points for capturing the node. **** has 6000 pts at the end of the game, 2 or 3 leeched kills and zero contribution to the team at all.
OK, there are bad griefers too, but dont pretend, that your position on the leaderboard tells anything about your contribution to the team.
The obvious reason is the abuse of the whole system,etc.
But there are other resons aswell that none mentioned them.
First and foremost:In pvp you do not have a clear image of what your team8 are doing.This is not a dung where you stick all together.
countles times i was angry with my team8s ,mainly rangers and i thought that were afk or hiding.Most of the times ,in the end of the match,it is revealed that the rangers did what are most good at,keeping the high ground/pillars and mass weakening the enemies melees/spellcasters.So i was wrong wrong plain wrong.Yet i thought i was correct.
Or another example?Where are our stupid rogue??
Most of the times the "stupid rogue" is in the enemy home node keeping occupied the enemy GWF and one more so you to face 3 and have numerical superiority.And think you are great.
What about CWs??Where is our stupid CW?What is he doing?Most of the time he will support from a dinstance and slow/immobilize the enemies main assets (GWFs) so yo have time to deal with their squishies first.
Botomline the nature of pvp is that that most of the times you do not have a clue what are your team8s are doing.Andmost of the times,if you think what are their doing it is YOU that is out of the game whinning and complaining and leaving your "worthless" team8s 4vs 5 ,while you the "valiant" and "able" you are typing in zone or party chanell.
Yes cause kicked afkers can be replaced, not in PVP.
Not at all, we were fighting on all the nodes, but were just overwhelmed by the other team's gear.
Anyway, what does someone expect if they charge off on their own and fight against 4 other players and lose? It's not our fault the queue system mismatched him with us and also mismatched us against a 20k enemy team.
As the other guy said: team work = non-existent.
But you do raise a good point, as I don't really understand how the scoring in PvP works. I read somewhere you get no points for attacking an occupied node, only defending, while somewhere else I read the opposite.
I did this one yesterday with my level 20 Rogue in a level 29 PvP for the Rhix Daily, and we were killing them far more often then they killed us, we were fighting on all the nodes and we died a lot less often.
You Lose!
How did we lose?
In what way did those saps on the Red team contribute to their Team Victory, considering how badly they did, and how come these scores are so misleading?
- It won't shorten the match.
- You can always ignore someone if you don't want to see their chat.
- There will be annoying 'pop ups' anytime someone starts a kick vote.
- More abuse, arguments, griefing, and hard feelings.
I don't feel like having the "Why you vote to kick me, bra?" argument in addition to the other common nonsensical aguments.
I had some bad PvP social experiences at the start of this game and ignored it.
Now I'm really into it, but let's face the facts, the PuG situation in this game is a bit anti-social anyway, PvP even more so
I not super interested in having another layer of ill will, considering that's most of all you hear in chat anyway.
(or maybe I'm consistently and repeatedly unlucky with the groups I'm in, but I don't think so. I say "Hi" every group I join and maybe 20% of the time there is response. It seems poor play inspires comment easily but good play rarely does. I almost never see someone say something witty in chat or even simply converse. Sorry to harsh on the community but that's kind of how I sees it)
Kick vote gains us nothing except more arguments, more pop-ups in combat, more hard feelings.
It doesn't solve a single problem and creates a few new ones.
No thank you.
When you cap a point you gain 300 personal points (only count towards your place on the table) and that node starts generating team points for your side. It's team points that determine the winning team. Nothing else.
A contested point (one not solidly one colour or another) generates no points for either side.
You lost because you were focussed on getting more personal points through kills etc. (50 points per kill, 25 per assist) or you spent too much time fighting off node and your opposition were better at keeping points capped in their favour.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Actually, I was focused on surviving and not getting killed and helping my team survive. If you are attacked, you have to fight back. Wherever you are.
But that was with my level 20 Rogue. The next PvP (she was level 22) I just ran to enemy nodes to stop them scoring, and it worked! We won by a narrow margin AND I got my first ever top score and won some gear.
So PvP actually IS a lot MORE moronic and ridiculous than I previously thought. You just stand on a red node to stop them scoring and try to stay alive as long as possible? That is it?
So we killed the most, scored the highest, died the least, but most of the fighting and killing was defensive and on our own nodes. So they managed to stop us scoring enough to win the game, even though their army was repeatedly annihilated?
Who designed this? General Haig?
I tried the same tactic with my level 52 Cleric, but no chance. Total annihilation as I was stunned, floating in the air and smashed to death. Although I did manage to kill a couple and stand on enemy nodes, their team score just kept shooting up and ours hardly moved.
Keeping nodes ticking over in your favour and stopping them scoring for the enemy is all that counts. How you accomplish that is up to you. Fighting off node only works in certain situations. Capping and holding points wins matches.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
as for spawn campers, if you spend any excessive amount of time in the spawn area, there should be a 30 minute penalty added account-wide (as the current penalty should also be changed to account wide). personally, i don't think pushing spawn campers out of the spawn area is a great idea. the whole point to entering pvp is to play. if you are going to enter it and sit there because you're losing, then i could see changing the dispersion of glory points as an incentive to keep playing. after all, if two people quit the match then essentially the match is forfeit and you can leave without a penalty. staying in the game and spawn camping, though, shouldn't grant you any glory points at all.
Improved gameplay/matchmaking/reward style will change stuff. PWE seems to have failed in matchmaking. Improved as in better, not more.
Penalties are just a way to express that you have lost.
It's like beating a child. Some give a child a smack if it does not do as the parent wishes. Meaning, they are incapable to motivate/explain/entice a child to do some chores etc.
They have failed. And the beating goes on and on, and gets harder and harder. It this the road you like this GAME to be heading?
I am in severe opposition to any kind of, in my opinion unnecessary, penalties.
They hit innocent as hard and as often as guilty.
You are in a PvP match. The door rings. You have to answer the door. It takes 3 minutes. BAM penalty. IT IS A GAME!
If you can not cope with life happening why the hell do you still use the PuG??????
Get friends! Guild! There are OPTIONS in the game how you can AVOID having a spawn camper in YOUR team! You can USE them.
Get rid of your opinion that everyone that does not behave like YOU like it has to be hit with the penalty hammer.
they could combine this with an alternate glory point system that would be an incentive to continue to play in a losing match. the new boon rewards in pvp coming up in module 3 may help as incentives.
I agree up to a point. There are games which are still massively one sided and in which the other team is happy to sit under your campfire and pound everyone to a pulp, unwilling to do 1 on 1s. If you're going to penalise spawn sitters then I think you need to add an option for the team that's getting face rolled to forfeit the game early. Everyone on your side has to vote yes, and then the game just finished, with glory allocated as appropriate for the scores at the time.
If you see you have no chance to win there should be a way to say "ok, this is impossible, I give up, let's make it quick". The fastest way ATM is sit at the campfire to make the other side cap everything quickly and end the match.
If there was a "surrender vote" things would probably be different. But there isn't such feature, so when you give up for whatever reason you have no options but to sit at campfire.
If someone is only after glory he will maximize his glory.
Make the PvP AD quests mutually exclusive with the DV quest. Either PvP reward or PvE Reward.
Make the players do this twice to get people to spend more time in the game. Now its ~30 minutes to 1h DV and 30 minutes to 1h PvP for 4k AD (?) each.
same time, same reward.
There are ways to get people that do not want to PvP out of PvP.
Creative minds will find a way to circumvent any and all feasible methods of player detection. Short of having to answer a CAPTCHA every minute I can easy think of various methods to pretend to the game I am punching keys.
I still stand by my opinion that the stick will not work. I know many frustrated players object to that, but I have not found out
A) why they still PuG having learned that in PuGs you might encounter someone who does not fight to the 1000th death and
But go on, maybe take a bigger stick! And hit harder! Did you not see the belt there?
It worked just fine in Swtor where i had max pvp rank and players only got kicked for being afk, it did have a timer limit for another kick attempt
This is not a votekick issue, it is a queue issue. A bug.
It is easy! Get some friends, guildies etc., people from wherever, even LFG channel, and - before you queue - talk to them and ask them if YOUR rules/style of play is equal to theirs.
If they agree to the same morale level as you do THEN queue.
It does not sound hard!
Save yourself the disappointment, and save me from silly stupid penalties for whatever reason.
You do not PuG for EDV (at least I hope you don't), but you PuG for PvP. Why? Whats the difference?
It's the same with exploiters. If I PuG, at the start I find out of they are going to do the run for real or exploit, if exploit I just leave the party. It's not rocket science.
As this is atm forbidden in PvP (thanks to the penalties) to leave a bunch of jerks I form a party of like minded persons and queue with them.
Does it bother me? No! Let the campfire sitters sit, but not in my team. I adapt.
Meeting a premade from EoA? Lets try, but at 200:10 I call it a day and sit it out at the campfire. (well, it might have been a young team that we can take down)
This is a free too play MMRPG, the community here is probably the worst of the worst (not saying everyone is a troll, just saying there is a lot of bad apples in the middle of the few good ones). On top of that, the report system and the lack of GM's in game watching things like chats (people are wishing cancer upon others for God Sake!), people using glitchs, abusers and all that makes makes the problem worst. Lastly, the way that this company takes not weeks but months too correct simple mistakes/bugs/glitchs and sometimes they dont even correct anything (party queque for dungeons have been broken for more than one year now) gives already enough reasons too not even bother with a system like this.
Someone posted here something along the lines of: "We dont have the community for something like this too work." I dare add that we dont have enough Gm presence / moderation in game too make something like a vote kick in pvp fair and not abusable. Something like this would be abusable left and right while nobody would enforce any kind of fair play.
All in all, its a bad ideia.