This is obviously some wishful thinking/suggestions for module 4.
After making delves chest the way it is, it is too easy (relatively) to obtain tier 2 armor and weapons. After that, what else is there to farm? Dread Ring?
Castle Never isn't as good anymore. The ancient weapons are dropping in price and are becoming irrelevant due to multiple ways to get epic weapons. What else is there to farm? What is the point now of having a PVE guild? What is the point now of having a PVE toon? Endgame has been just queueing up for PVP with 1 game mode and 2 maps.......
I seriously hope cryptic has some plans for PVE content in module 4. I understand the BOP protect against cash shop allegations and flooding of gear on the auction house but you need to have something worth it to continually farm. It used to be fun and worth it to farm dungeons a year ago and hopefully cryptic will focus their attention back to it after this whole pvp module has been released
Yep the lack of quite rare good stuff to sell on the AH will slowly kill the F2P model. Everything BoE was a mistake, but everything being BoP is far too extreme to have a healthy auction house in game. The design of T2 dungeon is excellent: every boss drops purple drops for salvage, and the final boss drops sometimes (rarely but not too rarely) a good item you may sell instead of vendoring it. Why they failed at making MC and VT on par with them is a mystery to me.
tourage16Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
I hope there are better and harders Dungeons... I can't stand the idea of repeating CN anymore... too easy and not very rewarding.
imaginaerum1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 378Arc User
edited April 2014
Rather than setting up a situation where people farm the same dungeons over and over and over (which to me is exceedingly dull), I'd like to see them put in a reward system to make it worthwhile to play Foundries. That way you could still work toward the powerful gear, but by doing new content, instead of the same old dungeon.
There are some really great foundry quests out there, and I'd much rather be getting high-end gear by playing a lot of those instead of by doing the same dungeon for the 23rd time.
I've been wanting to make a Foundry adventure, but it seems to me that the editor just isn't there yet. No Boolean logic, levers, switches, dials, randomness, timers, proper triggers, I could go on. Maybe it's because I'm spoiled with the Legend of Grimrock editor, but there's just so much more that could be done for a single-player Foundry experience (I know, LoG is a single-player game in the same vein as Eye of the Beholder, but there's no reason why a Foundry quest couldn't also have puzzles, randomness, etc.) One major Achilles' heel that I see in current Foundry quests is that they're too repeatable -- a way for authors to introduce randomness could keep things at least somewhat fresh. Perhaps the devs should take some personal time playing some of the incredible LoG mods to get a feel for what a playerbase might want to create.
(shameless plug: The Curse of Kaefin is my own contribution, but there are many *many* more out there. I highly recommend The Pyramid of Xafi as a good example of a very tight, dense, yet compelling mod).
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
I don't care about HAMSTER to sell to lazy people, but the game is really lacking new content for pve and it IS the biggest point pushing me away from the game.
PvP is a unbalanced bland joke, cant stand the game mode and the maps anymore.
Foundry could have been awesome but they just killed it with useless loot and general lack of rewards of time invested and even more, rewards for content creators.
Module 3 needs an immediate release after launch of new content on pve, I hope it will be fixed since Icewind Dale has a lot of potential and I cant really believe they wont release a new area and a new dungeon.
There are some really great foundry quests out there, and I'd much rather be getting high-end gear by playing a lot of those instead of by doing the same dungeon for the 23rd time.
(shameless plug: The Curse of Kaefin is my own contribution, but there are many *many* more out there. I highly recommend The Pyramid of Xafi as a good example of a very tight, dense, yet compelling mod).
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
PvP is a unbalanced bland joke, cant stand the game mode and the maps anymore.
Foundry could have been awesome but they just killed it with useless loot and general lack of rewards of time invested and even more, rewards for content creators.
Module 3 needs an immediate release after launch of new content on pve, I hope it will be fixed since Icewind Dale has a lot of potential and I cant really believe they wont release a new area and a new dungeon.