This is a thread aimed at DC's and why we play the class. No flames, no BS, just why we choose to do what we do.
Personally, I like to help people. I feel empathy towards others and their problems. I want to help them out of a tough spot, dig them out of the hole they are in.. soothe their ouchies.
Why do YOU play a healer? (Please, no "cause everyone needs a healer" type responses)
Post edited by Unknown User on
jenspaladinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited March 2014
I am playing a cleric because it's the main class in a group, and others can't something without your agreement. This is a very gratifying class when you get messages for thanking of your gameplay quality.
Because it's more important to protect than to destroy, and because this is a really gimp class in pvp.
I started my Cleric because it seemed like a fun class to play. I like helping people out in quest land when I see them in a spot of trouble. I'll send them a heal or two if they need it. Sometimes I'll do a drive-by where I'll toss Astral Seal on a bad guy and keep moving on to my goal, or if its a particularly tough enemy, I'll stand and watch just to make sure.
I find myself more aware of the other players around me because of playing a DC. And I think that has made me a better player.
baylen76Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
I play a DC ...
- originally because I wanted to see how other people play a GF (as that used to be the main).
- because as DC, I can still cover damage mitigation, via Foresight and Astral Shield. I never quite understood why they didn't give these to GF, an Aura of Resilience could've been a GF class feature and Astral Shield should've been a Battle Standard-y thing - could've worked Astral Shield into Enforced Threat which PVE-GFs use anyway. Initial Threat pulse and mitigation near it.
- because DC as a class stands outside of the DPS race (which is silly anyway as it promotes haphazardous dumb-rushing ahead instead of party play).
- because, as others mentioned, bad clerics are unbearable
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited March 2014
- because a good cleric is always in demand.
- because I like playing as a part of a group, contributing to the group's overall success - not just focusing on my own DPS.
- because there is no "holy paladin" class, which is what I usually like to play.
My first two reasons were: because I liked healing, and because I figured they'd always be in demand.
Then, after hitting 60 and doing the dungeons, I really fell in love with it since it was such a busy role and healing wasn't pure healing. Mind you, this was when Astral Shield still stacked, so all we did was CN using 2DC/2CW/TR. I loved how the DC always got aggro, and what a lovely pair up it was with a CW.
Now, I only use my DC when people actually need it, as I really don't see the point of having one in the team, unless you're helping them to gear up.
I created a DC as my first char because Cryptic made them sound awesome in the announcement trailers. You know...kicking *** and healing cool is that.
Now I only bring him out if people are in need.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited March 2014
Hate to be that guy..
But most days Im pretty despondent about the state of the DC in this game. If they release another healing class such as druid, I would probably just level that up and see how it played. Not that it will be any better in PVP probably..
Ive never seen a MMO where healing was so secondary and where healers were so weak comparatively in PVP land. Most of the time games cultivated those who wanted to heal, vs just blowing things up. I keep thinking something is going to be done, but what I do not know.
This game utility roles seems pretty far down the list and as DPS scales ever upwards, damage doesnt, so need for healers/tanks become less and less. Wouldnt be so bad if you had true viability of swapping paths/roles without costing so much. Here, post patch module 2, a DC isnt going to hang with other classes.
Stack another CW I guess..
Doesn't help that everyone watches those stupid little X screens all the time.. (meh , what does a DC do anyways.. they have like 1/4 damage vs everyone else.. we dont need healing.. buffs are all nice and stuff, but hey lets just...
stack another CW.
.. or we could stack another CW.
or.. for the truly desperate, get another gwf =P.
Then again this same conversation could be had with the GF, TR and HR crowd at points.
I rolled a DC because every game since EQ 1, I was a cleric/shaman/minstrel/rune-keeper/priest/druid or hybrid healers, such as paladin, lorekeeper, captain ect..
Doesn't mean I haven't done my share of other classes, but its always where I want to be first and foremost.
I'm Old School 1E/2E and liked 3.5E. I really hate 4E D&D, but I love NW as a game in it's own right.
Also, I play a Cleric because I play with friends in a Guild and they had two Thieves, a Ranger and a Wizard. So I tried a Tiefling Healer/Buffer Cleric and then made a Dwarven Battle Cleric as well.
I like dodging in and out of melee range and healing/buffing. Clerics in 4E suck beyond belief - especially in PvP. They are more brittle than a Thief or a Ranger, don't really heal for all that (no 100% hp restore like in earlier editions), they do REALLY HAMSTER damage and get killed by a mob easier than a Thief or Ranger in leather armour.
But it's fun for all the chaos.
I also have a Dwarven Guardian which is fun as he is almost unkillable if I use the "Damage Enemy=Heal Self" Daily and keep my guard up with shield bashes and stab over the top. I am sick of Kamikaze idiot GF and GWF who run off on their own, attract all the threat on the way and then die because the rest of us are fighting the mobs they brought down on us.
Then you get a Rage Chat:
"no haels? retrad clerci!!"
I reply "No, HAMSTER Warrior thinks he's invincible when he is nowhere close enough to get healed. Keep your guard up"
"u not see boss brake mi gard?!"
"So you stand in multiple red crossfire, on your own, your guard keeps getting broken and you just stand there and die. And that's my fault?"
I got kicked. That's happened twice in 2 months to my level 60, and both times it was immature babies thinking they were invulnerable after running off on their own. Most of the time, nothing happens and we all have fun, but quite often people actually bother to say "THANKS!" when they were nearly dead, I divinely Exalted them, making them temporarily immune to damage, cast an Invigorated Healing Sunburst (which is buffed by Prestigious Exaltation) and knock the threat away, and an Anointed Army buffed by Ancient Warding.
I also have a Ranger who does a lot more damage and can dodge better than a Cleric, and a Halfling Rogue I love. She is only level 8 but hardly gets a scratch and is usually ignored by the enemies. She is completely overpowered already. No wonder mobs can kill Clerics in metal armour in seconds in PvP. Especially if a Wizard has me hanging in mid air and a Thief jumps on my head and stuns me as well.
But most days Im pretty despondent about the state of the DC in this game. If they release another healing class such as druid, I would probably just level that up and see how it played. Not that it will be any better in PVP probably..
Ive never seen a MMO where healing was so secondary and where healers were so weak comparatively in PVP land. Most of the time games cultivated those who wanted to heal, vs just blowing things up. I keep thinking something is going to be done, but what I do not know.
This game utility roles seems pretty far down the list and as DPS scales ever upwards, damage doesnt, so need for healers/tanks become less and less. Wouldnt be so bad if you had true viability of swapping paths/roles without costing so much. Here, post patch module 2, a DC isnt going to hang with other classes.
Stack another CW I guess..
Doesn't help that everyone watches those stupid little X screens all the time.. (meh , what does a DC do anyways.. they have like 1/4 damage vs everyone else.. we dont need healing.. buffs are all nice and stuff, but hey lets just...
stack another CW.
.. or we could stack another CW.
or.. for the truly desperate, get another gwf =P.
Then again this same conversation could be had with the GF, TR and HR crowd at points.
I rolled a DC because every game since EQ 1, I was a cleric/shaman/minstrel/rune-keeper/priest/druid or hybrid healers, such as paladin, lorekeeper, captain ect..
Doesn't mean I haven't done my share of other classes, but its always where I want to be first and foremost.
Have to say I agree. DC's *are* still useful in PvP, but only really if you have the DPS to back it up..
And, because I have tried most classes, and have had more fun with DCs than with any other class. I havent played a GWF but seeing it just doesnt appeal to me at all.
"CLERIC" ?!?!? I thought it said "CLARK" and i wanted to play Clark Kent and be Superman OP !!!
Saddenz, back to the character creation page.....
mittensofdoomMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 247Arc User
edited March 2014
I don't really know why I picked cleric in the first place.. my first toon was a DC and I guess it was a choice between that and CW as I like ranged classes (CW ended up my 2nd toon). Anyway I picked DC and was hooked.
I messed around with pure heals on the first DC for a while then turned it into a dps DC for kicks as it was a tiefling. I made a pvp DC (halfling obv) and it is my favorite character. Currently I am working on an orc DC for pve, crit heals and enough defence so im not constantly sliding around.
So even though I have a CW, HR, TR and GWF as well, I spend most of my time on my DC's and I love them. Drive-by heals, 'hell no u aint dying on my watch', the slam as u land a daunting light into a dozen mobs, making pretty circles, the versatility of builds.. it all just adds up to some of the best fun I have ever had.
I don't really know why I picked cleric in the first place.. my first toon was a DC and I guess it was a choice between that and CW as I like ranged classes (CW ended up my 2nd toon). Anyway I picked DC and was hooked.
I messed around with pure heals on the first DC for a while then turned it into a dps DC for kicks as it was a tiefling. I made a pvp DC (halfling obv) and it is my favorite character. Currently I am working on an orc DC for pve, crit heals and enough defence so im not constantly sliding around.
So even though I have a CW, HR, TR and GWF as well, I spend most of my time on my DC's and I love them. Drive-by heals, 'hell no u aint dying on my watch', the slam as u land a daunting light into a dozen mobs, making pretty circles, the versatility of builds.. it all just adds up to some of the best fun I have ever had.
I'm happy to see another cleric having as much fun as I do
susp3ktMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 38Arc User
edited March 2014
I really enjoy my DC and happily play it .vs my CW at any time. I really view the DC as a buff/debuff engine. Sure, AS is a standard....but otherwise I want to spam divine glow as much as possible. I run full HP and greater terror and our party burns through dungeons. There is a lot to do outside of the 'healer' title....
Goes all the way back to NWN1, made a million characters then come HoA I ran thee campaign w/ a uber cleric I built and it was the character I had the most fun playing out of all the different classes and multi classes and builds, named what my cleric is named in nwo. So come nwo, first character I made, a dc, even it is a sad pale facsimile of what a cleric is supposed to be
josiahiyonMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 396Arc User
edited March 2014
In PVP, cleric is a natural leader class. Need to keep an eye on actions across the arena. Make calls, adjustments, rotations, etc. That's why I enjoy playing cleric.
Iyon the Dark
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
edited March 2014
Back on 6/7/13, Neverwinter became my first and only MMO...but I've been playing tabletop D&D since September of 1980. My very first Basic D&D character was Berrin, a human cleric with no spells cuz that's how Basic D&D worked. I have always been most comfortable with the various "support" classes that Neverwinter and D&D 4.0 characterize as "Leaders." My first and still primary Neverwinter toon is Myles from Nowhere, a male DC of Sune based on a Bard of that same name I took from 1st to 30th level over the course of a three-year campaign playing on average about once every three weeks.
As much as I love dealing out the dps with my TR or tanking with my GF, I always come back to Myles...and I feel acutely less useful when I go past an injured toon with one of my other characters and can't do anything for them. Yeah, it slows me down a touch, but Myles always heals whomever is in need.
renatelrunaeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited March 2014
To begin, my namesake, Rena, has always been a holy-or-light user, in whatever game she ended up in. In NW, this meant cleric.
Though I enjoy playing support anyway. I heal in WoW, I healed in City of Heroes, and Clerics here look like they can pull a fun DPS/support hybrid.
So I guess it's because it was the best class for my namesake, and I just enjoy it!
Hi, I play DC because I played previous D&D games with Paladin (NWN2) and kind of like the idea of free healing and helping out fellow adventurers. Whenever I see injured players I use the healing word spells on them. After reaching level 60 I find that Devoted Cleric seriously helps you save on healing potions, I have tons of spare cash from not buying too many potions.
Sometimes I feel like the Wolverine with my constant regeneration, so its kind of fun for me to use DC.
Oddly, when I tabletop I prefer to play rogues (3.0/3.5 runs, nothing was more fun then a sneak attack with a double-fistful of d6's... good times).
Neverwinter is my first MMO, and I liked the cleric because I liked the idea of being more self-sufficient in solo in terms of healing. I've played CW and HR, tho neither got to 60 before I got bored. In a party, I definitely "get" my role much more instinctively than other classes. Might roll up a rogue at some point because the stealth looks fun, but certainly not until I've finished getting the cleric all geared up. Can't concentrate on 2 characters at once.
Will probably continue to play cleric even if I start playing another class - it's nice to always be in demand.
mddoughtsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
I play Cleric because it's fun, and tactically simple. You do the same thing in every dungeon, you heal stuff and you don't die. That sort of across the board tactics appeals to me.
At the same time, healing is something that is hard to get right. You have to work at it in order to be any good.
I also love annoying people in pvp. I managed to hold a tower against three other people with a low geared hunter for a good minute or so.
-Because i like being the one in the center like my Main Class is Tank taking every damage but now i decided to Heal People instead. (Wasn't my 1st time trying tho.)
-Supporting and Helping people in need.
-And i don't know i'm usually nice when i play a healer. (Habits...)
Honestly I have played the Cleric (Dwarf) role since Everquest (playstation 1) came out. I like solo play a lot. Mastering the Healer role hasn't been as important to me as playing the character. I just enjoy being independent. Don't get me wrong....I love group/guild play just as much but occasionally want to run in my own direction. I can farm lower/mid level areas with ease. ****...maybe I am a hermit?
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited April 2014
I have 2 clerics in the game, and elf and a tiefling. I have always enjoyed playing a cleric in all the games I have played, PnP and PC, So that is why I gravitated to the DC here, although I do have 1 of each class.
I loved my resto/feral druid and disc/holy priest in WoW. Healers were always in demand. After reaching 60 and finishing all of the dungeons I was disgusted with my DC because as a healing class, let's be honest, DCs are horrid main healers.
I decided to roll a CW and have loved everything about CWs. I am primarily on my CW now.
A few weeks ago I decided to do some additional research on DCs to see if it really is just a poorly designed class. That's when I stumbled across Kaelec's DC guide. After reading the guide I realized I am doing it all wrong. I came to the realization (thanks to Kaelec) that DCs are actually meant to be off healers. The primary role of the DC was to provide mitigation against damage and to provide buffs. Secondary duty is to heal and to off tank.
I respec'd and tweaked my gear for such duties and have fallen in love with the class now that I understand how to play it.
... I'd tried everything else in other MMOs. Rogue, melee damage, tanking, range damage. And I was hoping it would be the Bard class from EverQuest (it isn't). I really enjoyed my cleric in the early days, and I still maintain a guide to my cleric build (it'll be a year old next week!). I liked being the tank, in the early days, and power-sliding for justice, and propping up parties with Astral Shield and Sunburst felt really satisfying.
These days I bust out my cleric only when my guild really needs a cleric and no other clerics are around. It's truly a sad reflection of what the class used to be.
I got into this game because my bro needed a DC, so I became a DC out of obligation. However, I have grown to really enjoy the class. I have since gone on to a GF and GWF for a change of scenery, but the DC will always be the first when it comes to PVE. PVP-wise, not so much fun and that is where my GF trumps it.
The one negative of it though is that I am extremely critical of what the DC does if I am on my GF or now GWF. I can HAMSTER my pants if I am hitting something and I don't see Astral Seal. Chains/Healing Word over Divine Glow? U mad? I play a heal-buff bot, so ASeal on everything in sight and drop Divine Glow like its hot. I've seen what divine, Divine Glow can do if you catch a GWF in it, so when I'm on my GWF or even GF (Anvil of Doom critting for 36k) I'd like the same benefits.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Because it's more important to protect than to destroy, and because this is a really gimp class in pvp.
When I started it was fun to have all the aggro.
I find myself more aware of the other players around me because of playing a DC. And I think that has made me a better player.
- originally because I wanted to see how other people play a GF (as that used to be the main).
- because as DC, I can still cover damage mitigation, via Foresight and Astral Shield. I never quite understood why they didn't give these to GF, an Aura of Resilience could've been a GF class feature and Astral Shield should've been a Battle Standard-y thing - could've worked Astral Shield into Enforced Threat which PVE-GFs use anyway. Initial Threat pulse and mitigation near it.
- because DC as a class stands outside of the DPS race (which is silly anyway as it promotes haphazardous dumb-rushing ahead instead of party play).
- because, as others mentioned, bad clerics are unbearable
- because I like playing as a part of a group, contributing to the group's overall success - not just focusing on my own DPS.
- because there is no "holy paladin" class, which is what I usually like to play.
Then, after hitting 60 and doing the dungeons, I really fell in love with it since it was such a busy role and healing wasn't pure healing. Mind you, this was when Astral Shield still stacked, so all we did was CN using 2DC/2CW/TR. I loved how the DC always got aggro, and what a lovely pair up it was with a CW.
Now, I only use my DC when people actually need it, as I really don't see the point of having one in the team, unless you're helping them to gear up.
Now I only bring him out if people are in need.
- JailBreak (in development)
But most days Im pretty despondent about the state of the DC in this game. If they release another healing class such as druid, I would probably just level that up and see how it played. Not that it will be any better in PVP probably..
Ive never seen a MMO where healing was so secondary and where healers were so weak comparatively in PVP land. Most of the time games cultivated those who wanted to heal, vs just blowing things up. I keep thinking something is going to be done, but what I do not know.
This game utility roles seems pretty far down the list and as DPS scales ever upwards, damage doesnt, so need for healers/tanks become less and less. Wouldnt be so bad if you had true viability of swapping paths/roles without costing so much. Here, post patch module 2, a DC isnt going to hang with other classes.
Stack another CW I guess..
Doesn't help that everyone watches those stupid little X screens all the time.. (meh , what does a DC do anyways.. they have like 1/4 damage vs everyone else.. we dont need healing.. buffs are all nice and stuff, but hey lets just...
stack another CW.
.. or we could stack another CW.
or.. for the truly desperate, get another gwf =P.
Then again this same conversation could be had with the GF, TR and HR crowd at points.
I rolled a DC because every game since EQ 1, I was a cleric/shaman/minstrel/rune-keeper/priest/druid or hybrid healers, such as paladin, lorekeeper, captain ect..
Doesn't mean I haven't done my share of other classes, but its always where I want to be first and foremost.
Spot on.
I'm Old School 1E/2E and liked 3.5E. I really hate 4E D&D, but I love NW as a game in it's own right.
Also, I play a Cleric because I play with friends in a Guild and they had two Thieves, a Ranger and a Wizard. So I tried a Tiefling Healer/Buffer Cleric and then made a Dwarven Battle Cleric as well.
I like dodging in and out of melee range and healing/buffing. Clerics in 4E suck beyond belief - especially in PvP. They are more brittle than a Thief or a Ranger, don't really heal for all that (no 100% hp restore like in earlier editions), they do REALLY HAMSTER damage and get killed by a mob easier than a Thief or Ranger in leather armour.
But it's fun for all the chaos.
I also have a Dwarven Guardian which is fun as he is almost unkillable if I use the "Damage Enemy=Heal Self" Daily and keep my guard up with shield bashes and stab over the top. I am sick of Kamikaze idiot GF and GWF who run off on their own, attract all the threat on the way and then die because the rest of us are fighting the mobs they brought down on us.
Then you get a Rage Chat:
"no haels? retrad clerci!!"
I reply "No, HAMSTER Warrior thinks he's invincible when he is nowhere close enough to get healed. Keep your guard up"
"u not see boss brake mi gard?!"
"So you stand in multiple red crossfire, on your own, your guard keeps getting broken and you just stand there and die. And that's my fault?"
I got kicked. That's happened twice in 2 months to my level 60, and both times it was immature babies thinking they were invulnerable after running off on their own. Most of the time, nothing happens and we all have fun, but quite often people actually bother to say "THANKS!" when they were nearly dead, I divinely Exalted them, making them temporarily immune to damage, cast an Invigorated Healing Sunburst (which is buffed by Prestigious Exaltation) and knock the threat away, and an Anointed Army buffed by Ancient Warding.
I also have a Ranger who does a lot more damage and can dodge better than a Cleric, and a Halfling Rogue I love. She is only level 8 but hardly gets a scratch and is usually ignored by the enemies. She is completely overpowered already. No wonder mobs can kill Clerics in metal armour in seconds in PvP. Especially if a Wizard has me hanging in mid air and a Thief jumps on my head and stuns me as well.
Have to say I agree. DC's *are* still useful in PvP, but only really if you have the DPS to back it up..
Mon Chi Chi - PVP Tankist(not anymore) DC
Monchichi - PVE Buffbot DC
Shh - Semi Stealth Tr
Sir Auron - Weaksauce GF
Ola - GWF
Olala - WTFpwned CW
This ^
And, because I have tried most classes, and have had more fun with DCs than with any other class. I havent played a GWF but seeing it just doesnt appeal to me at all.
Saddenz, back to the character creation page.....
I messed around with pure heals on the first DC for a while then turned it into a dps DC for kicks as it was a tiefling. I made a pvp DC (halfling obv) and it is my favorite character. Currently I am working on an orc DC for pve, crit heals and enough defence so im not constantly sliding around.
So even though I have a CW, HR, TR and GWF as well, I spend most of my time on my DC's and I love them. Drive-by heals, 'hell no u aint dying on my watch', the slam as u land a daunting light into a dozen mobs, making pretty circles, the versatility of builds.. it all just adds up to some of the best fun I have ever had.
I'm happy to see another cleric having as much fun as I do
Iyon the Dark
As much as I love dealing out the dps with my TR or tanking with my GF, I always come back to Myles...and I feel acutely less useful when I go past an injured toon with one of my other characters and can't do anything for them. Yeah, it slows me down a touch, but Myles always heals whomever is in need.
Though I enjoy playing support anyway. I heal in WoW, I healed in City of Heroes, and Clerics here look like they can pull a fun DPS/support hybrid.
So I guess it's because it was the best class for my namesake, and I just enjoy it!
Plus lasers. Can't go wrong with lasers.
Sometimes I feel like the Wolverine with my constant regeneration, so its kind of fun for me to use DC.
Neverwinter is my first MMO, and I liked the cleric because I liked the idea of being more self-sufficient in solo in terms of healing. I've played CW and HR, tho neither got to 60 before I got bored. In a party, I definitely "get" my role much more instinctively than other classes. Might roll up a rogue at some point because the stealth looks fun, but certainly not until I've finished getting the cleric all geared up. Can't concentrate on 2 characters at once.
Will probably continue to play cleric even if I start playing another class - it's nice to always be in demand.
At the same time, healing is something that is hard to get right. You have to work at it in order to be any good.
I also love annoying people in pvp. I managed to hold a tower against three other people with a low geared hunter for a good minute or so.
-Supporting and Helping people in need.
-And i don't know i'm usually nice when i play a healer. (Habits...)
I decided to roll a CW and have loved everything about CWs. I am primarily on my CW now.
A few weeks ago I decided to do some additional research on DCs to see if it really is just a poorly designed class. That's when I stumbled across Kaelec's DC guide. After reading the guide I realized I am doing it all wrong. I came to the realization (thanks to Kaelec) that DCs are actually meant to be off healers. The primary role of the DC was to provide mitigation against damage and to provide buffs. Secondary duty is to heal and to off tank.
I respec'd and tweaked my gear for such duties and have fallen in love with the class now that I understand how to play it.
These days I bust out my cleric only when my guild really needs a cleric and no other clerics are around. It's truly a sad reflection of what the class used to be.
The one negative of it though is that I am extremely critical of what the DC does if I am on my GF or now GWF. I can HAMSTER my pants if I am hitting something and I don't see Astral Seal. Chains/Healing Word over Divine Glow? U mad? I play a heal-buff bot, so ASeal on everything in sight and drop Divine Glow like its hot. I've seen what divine, Divine Glow can do if you catch a GWF in it, so when I'm on my GWF or even GF (Anvil of Doom critting for 36k) I'd like the same benefits.