Depends on what you want to do. I have a link to what I use in my signature, but it's for a Renegade MoF. Just click on '60 CW'.
What kind of build is it? Just started and Im really digging this class so far..
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
I think, in general, thaum is better. Elemental empowerment and assailing force are incredible feats, and frozen power transfer is really good as well.
That said, renegade is still pretty good. The feats in the top row are better than the bottom ones. Most people will take top row renegade, then bitter cold/malevolent surge/tempest magic.
I think the crit required to make renegade work with MoF is a bit tougher, since we don't have EotS, but it can be a very fun playstyle.
I use Grimah's
Most top end CW's use thaum, and ofcourse for very good reasons. This build can keep up with thaum's and gives you more options througout a dungeon. Hence the name 'versatile'. I really like the Renegade path and just ignore the higher damage output done by thaum's, just because fun and your own preference is all that matter in a game!
Have fun!
ulrenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
This is exactly what Ive been looking for, thank you so much! I figured since I went 18int/18cha I should focus on a more crit heavy build
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited March 2014
Well if you're going Renegade,
You're right it relies almost solely on Crit damage and multiplier. So you will likely stack a higher crit stat on your gear than other CWs.
Another note, apparently in PvP crit damage multiplier has been severely nerfed which pretty much negates this entire path for that area now, since, well it was all about crits.
That said, the damage on this path in PvE can be really erratic and very up and down. When you win, you win big, but when you don't... well... there is that too.
Please explain this for us newer CWs? I am leveling a CW and will learn the powers as I use them, however this is the second time I've heard fire is bad?
Thaumaturge is about doing damage and control with a heavily reduced spell variability. In most cases, you will be using CoI on TAB and that limits what you can do greatly.
Renegade, on the other hand, can use whatever spells he want. Well, you will most probably be using Steal Time and Shard 90% of the time (since they are good), but, most important, your TAB is free for experiment. You can use Entangling Force for tightly grouping mobs as well as instant arcane mastery stacks (and then send SS there). You can put Sudden Storm on TAB for crazy uncapped damage and DOTs. I have even seen Steal Time on TAB in fast runs. Put Shard on Mastery for proper positionind or to prone the same mob 2-3 times. RoE for double stacked 30% debuff for 12-18 seconds. Lol, put on Mastery shield and go kite mobs (best against heavy-hitters)! The possibilities for adaptation are great and that is why I love Renegade.
In fact, I would love to have Renegade, Thaum and somebody with Master of Flame spec in one party - it will give the best synergy.
Please explain this for us newer CWs? I am leveling a CW and will learn the powers as I use them, however this is the second time I've heard fire is bad?
Eye of the Storm is a noticable dps boost whether you go Renegade or not, Master of Flame can not get Eye of the Storm. Also Sudden Storm is naturally an AoE and has great damage, Fanning the Flame needs to be in the Mastery slot to be AoE, CWs are the AoE specialists at higher levels.
Also, some people just have issues with anyone not playing an "approved" FotM build.
Please explain this for us newer CWs? I am leveling a CW and will learn the powers as I use them, however this is the second time I've heard fire is bad?
He's talking about a Master of Fire build with Renegade...
This generally is not recommended as the key feat which powers the crits is in the Spellstorm Mage side, not the Master of Flame side. So Renegade is kind of a waste in the MoF path, but is very good in the Spellstorm Path as you get Eye of the Storm which kicks in and everything you do will crit for 3 seconds.
When that is combined with the Renegade Crit related feats they do some major damage.
So what he's kind of telling you is that if you're going the MoF path rather than the Spellstorm path, Renegade is a waste.
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
I wouldn't call it "a waste," but if the goal is really endgame, Thaum is better.
The majority of renegade feats are based upon crit, and a spellstorm has Eye of the storm - so they crit all the time. So this means that both nightmare wizardry and masterful arcane theft are more useful. 15% crit severity is no joke either.
The reason why MoF/Renegade is lackluster is that unless you have high charisma and high crit it feels like you don't crit enough to really get everything out of it.
That said, even spellstorms tend to run Thaum. Why?
1) assailing force is great. 15% damage buff to everything conduit hits. In addition, conduit on tab is huge damage, it's modified by your AOE feats, it adds chill stacks, so that's more control, damage boost if you have bitter cold, etc. sometimes at draco 25% of my damage is conduit. Yes it really is that good.
2) Elemental empowerment is great, the buff is i believe 6% damage (if i am wrong it's confirmed in another thread) and there is a nice DoT there as well, great feat.
3) FPT is also great, 10% damage when you use an at will rotation in sing.
So in general, for PvE, thaum is just plain better.
As for my build - i still do pretty good damage Running T1s or T2s is typically a roflstomp, they die pretty quickly. I have always believed that we control first and DPS second (I think this is the way the class was intended to be played), and it is a very effective method, in a variety of party compositions and a variety of gear levels. There is a reason my parties are standing on draco's corpse so often.
If you want to go max nuke it seems that Stox has highest DPS, that said it comes at the expense of survivability and control. At lower gear, you might have to stack more defensive stats than he does simply because you can't put out the damage, but that is very much a run ahead and nuke style of build.
Both builds are valid though. My guildmates who tested MoF/Renegade agree too - just not quite enough crit to make it work. I think with the things i've shown on the forums, it's hard to say my build is ineffective
The majority of renegade feats are based upon crit, and a spellstorm has Eye of the storm - so they crit all the time. So this means that both nightmare wizardry and masterful arcane theft are more useful. 15% crit severity is no joke either.
The reason why MoF/Renegade is lackluster is that unless you have high charisma and high crit it feels like you don't crit enough to really get everything out of it.
That said, even spellstorms tend to run Thaum.
A lot of it has to do with the fact that the Renegade build is something where you have to read the small print in order to play it correctly and takes a little more skill.
The Renegade crit related feats require you to have a "Combat Advantage" to utilize. So... obviously you have to know what that is.
For those who don't know... a Combat Advantage situation happens when the opponent is either Stunned, Dazed, flanked, or caught off guard in a way they are unable to defend themselves, like Proned.
Once you under stand that, you adjust your other powers to repeatedly keep opponents in a combat advantage situation. So you know what to lead with.
I grant you Nightmare Wizardry can put a foe in a combat advantage situation for you, but the more you have your foes in combat advantage positions, the more that crit multiplier kicks in. So you tend to lead with techniques that achieve this. A good example would be to... Steal Time, then Sudden Storm, then Shards of Avalanche, then possibly even Entangle or Chill Strike.
They key to maximizing the Renegade build is to stack up on Crit gear and keep your opponent in a Combat Advantage situation to maximize the damage done by your Phantasmal Destruction feat.
So in order to understand it and play it correctly and to its potential, you have to understand what combat advantage is.
2) Elemental empowerment is great, the buff is i believe 6% damage (if i am wrong it's confirmed in another thread) and there is a nice DoT there as well, great feat.
Good news. It's a 10% damage buff. Or it was when I tested it a month or two ago, with ST then CC on target dummies.
I thought that Grimah's latest guide advocated a hybrid Thaum/Rene build, taking the majority of the feats from the Thaum tree, including assailing force, but also taking Critical Power and Nightmare Wizardry from the Rene tree at the expense of Frozen Power Transfer. It's something I'm considering respeccing to anyway.
Tele Savalas, Dwarf Thaumaturge CW
Putting the Buff into Debuff since 2013 \o/ (Does that even make sense)?
Good news. It's a 10% damage buff. Or it was when I tested it a month or two ago, with ST then CC on target dummies.
I thought that Grimah's latest guide advocated a hybrid Thaum/Rene build, taking the majority of the feats from the Thaum tree, including assailing force, but also taking Critical Power and Nightmare Wizardry from the Rene tree at the expense of Frozen Power Transfer. It's something I'm considering respeccing to anyway.
At the expense of Transended. He recommends FPT. I have run with Grimahs build through all of Shadowmantle and it is awesome. I am now out of boredom trying Stox build but keeping FTP and COI on tab. Both builds are strong solid builds.
At the expense of Transended. He recommends FPT. I have run with Grimahs build through all of Shadowmantle and it is awesome. I am now out of boredom trying Stox build but keeping FTP and COI on tab. Both builds are strong solid builds.
Agreed. I don't think you can go wrong with either with an adjustment here or there for your play style and encounter choices.
A lot of it has to do with the fact that the Renegade build is something where you have to read the small print in order to play it correctly and takes a little more skill.
The Renegade crit related feats require you to have a "Combat Advantage" to utilize. So... obviously you have to know what that is.
Don't everyone try to maximize the time they deal CA damage?
In a team, even on my TR (Stealth gives you automatic CA) I'll try to position myself so that my teammates will also recieve CA. One thing to note about positional/flanking CA is that it only applies within a certain range. If you stay at long/maximum range you'll not recieve the benefit from this kind of CA and you will not provide others with it either.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Good news. It's a 10% damage buff. Or it was when I tested it a month or two ago, with ST then CC on target dummies.
I thought that Grimah's latest guide advocated a hybrid Thaum/Rene build, taking the majority of the feats from the Thaum tree, including assailing force, but also taking Critical Power and Nightmare Wizardry from the Rene tree at the expense of Frozen Power Transfer. It's something I'm considering respeccing to anyway.
I did not know about Grimah's Hybrid,
But ironically these days I've been running a similar Hybrid with things I discovered myself. I call it the Nuke build, because that's really what its all about.
Difference is I take all the way up to Transcended Master on Thaum side, and do a 3/3 split on Transcended and Phantasmal Destruction. It's a surprisingly powerful nuke build. This too obviously you have to understand combat advantage to make full use out of.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Don't everyone try to maximize the time they deal CA damage?
In a team, even on my TR (Stealth gives you automatic CA) I'll try to position myself so that my teammates will also recieve CA. One thing to note about positional/flanking CA is that it only applies within a certain range. If you stay at long/maximum range you'll not recieve the benefit from this kind of CA and you will not provide others with it either.
Sadly no,
Because a lot of people do not know what a combat advantage even is, or even care. But the Renegade Wizard really needs to know what that is, because Renegade, much like the Rogue actually requires it in order to maximize the damage potential on their build
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
combat advantage is really nice - typically on draco we get on opposite sides somewhat naturally. If you play a melee class you think about CA all the time.
I don't think about this consciously but we certainly tend to spread out and get around the target, but if you need to move you need to move, so it's very much a flow thing.
It's just so hard to pass up elemental empowerment and assailing force - they do so much stuff for the team.
Transcendent master is a nice option. After taking FPT/elemental/assailing force (assuming you go thaum), you have to pick between four good feats:
Bitter Cold
Transcendent Master
Critical Power
Nightmare Wizardry.
I think all four options are great, and it's very difficult to decide between them. Bitter cold is lots of straight damage, transcendent master is 15% on shard. Since shard is about 20-25% damage, that makes it approx. 3% DPS increase, where since most things have chill on them, bitter cold would be a little less than 5% dps.
Critical Power is like getting AP from an extra encounter every 20 seconds - it's very noticable and can let you run less recovery. I run 24 int, 18 wis, crit power, book of the dead, and only 3300 recovery, yet i am getting dailies very quickly. all about playstyle.
Nightmare wizardry is great - and wonderful for team too. It's hard to evaluate or even theory craft how much team DPS this is, but I think it's significant.
I don't think there is a bad option, but i'm of the opinion transcendent master is the weakest of the four. That said, CWs running bitter cold _and_ transcendent master do really nice damage.
I don't think there is a bad option, but i'm of the opinion transcendent master is the weakest of the four. That said, CWs running bitter cold _and_ transcendent master do really nice damage.
I could see how you'd feel that way, the MoF perspective is a little different than a Spellstorm.
From an MoF perspective that is true as you're very concentrated on DoTs and Debuffs. Which is really big on things like Boss mobs and Elite Mobs.
From a pure nuke or spike damage build where you're talking about just burning down large crowds and massive waves of Mobs, then Transcended Master is the choice as you're constantly burning them down very quickly with things like Shards, Sudden Storm, and Steal Time.
So it depends on which side of the ball you're dealing with or focusing on.
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
quite possible, if you opened your rotation with shard, or if you always sharded in EotS it might be possible.
That said, I think the two feats are very close. Obviously, as you said, playstyle can change that. That's why testing on your own character in real runs is so important.
In my personal opinion, as a MoF Renegade, everything past Nightmare Wizardry except for Arcane Theft and Chaos Magic is better spent in the first two Thaum feats to drive your damage while preserving your versatility. I got a much larger increase in overall DPS getting rid of the extra crit severity feat than I ever had with it, even while stacking SW set for more crit severity.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Depends on what you want to do. I have a link to what I use in my signature, but it's for a Renegade MoF. Just click on '60 CW'.
That said, renegade is still pretty good. The feats in the top row are better than the bottom ones. Most people will take top row renegade, then bitter cold/malevolent surge/tempest magic.
I think the crit required to make renegade work with MoF is a bit tougher, since we don't have EotS, but it can be a very fun playstyle.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Would kill to play the fire path but I cant find a guide for it that isnt your support build (I'd rather not do support)
I use Grimah's
Most top end CW's use thaum, and ofcourse for very good reasons. This build can keep up with thaum's and gives you more options througout a dungeon. Hence the name 'versatile'. I really like the Renegade path and just ignore the higher damage output done by thaum's, just because fun and your own preference is all that matter in a game!
Have fun!
You're right it relies almost solely on Crit damage and multiplier. So you will likely stack a higher crit stat on your gear than other CWs.
Another note, apparently in PvP crit damage multiplier has been severely nerfed which pretty much negates this entire path for that area now, since, well it was all about crits.
That said, the damage on this path in PvE can be really erratic and very up and down. When you win, you win big, but when you don't... well... there is that too.
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Renegade, on the other hand, can use whatever spells he want. Well, you will most probably be using Steal Time and Shard 90% of the time (since they are good), but, most important, your TAB is free for experiment. You can use Entangling Force for tightly grouping mobs as well as instant arcane mastery stacks (and then send SS there). You can put Sudden Storm on TAB for crazy uncapped damage and DOTs. I have even seen Steal Time on TAB in fast runs. Put Shard on Mastery for proper positionind or to prone the same mob 2-3 times. RoE for double stacked 30% debuff for 12-18 seconds. Lol, put on Mastery shield and go kite mobs (best against heavy-hitters)! The possibilities for adaptation are great and that is why I love Renegade.
In fact, I would love to have Renegade, Thaum and somebody with Master of Flame spec in one party - it will give the best synergy.
Also, some people just have issues with anyone not playing an "approved" FotM build.
I would suggest listening to chemboy613. Regardless of what people say about him running MOF, this guy runs CN all day everyday.
- JailBreak (in development)
He's talking about a Master of Fire build with Renegade...
This generally is not recommended as the key feat which powers the crits is in the Spellstorm Mage side, not the Master of Flame side. So Renegade is kind of a waste in the MoF path, but is very good in the Spellstorm Path as you get Eye of the Storm which kicks in and everything you do will crit for 3 seconds.
When that is combined with the Renegade Crit related feats they do some major damage.
So what he's kind of telling you is that if you're going the MoF path rather than the Spellstorm path, Renegade is a waste.
The majority of renegade feats are based upon crit, and a spellstorm has Eye of the storm - so they crit all the time. So this means that both nightmare wizardry and masterful arcane theft are more useful. 15% crit severity is no joke either.
The reason why MoF/Renegade is lackluster is that unless you have high charisma and high crit it feels like you don't crit enough to really get everything out of it.
That said, even spellstorms tend to run Thaum. Why?
1) assailing force is great. 15% damage buff to everything conduit hits. In addition, conduit on tab is huge damage, it's modified by your AOE feats, it adds chill stacks, so that's more control, damage boost if you have bitter cold, etc. sometimes at draco 25% of my damage is conduit. Yes it really is that good.
2) Elemental empowerment is great, the buff is i believe 6% damage (if i am wrong it's confirmed in another thread) and there is a nice DoT there as well, great feat.
3) FPT is also great, 10% damage when you use an at will rotation in sing.
So in general, for PvE, thaum is just plain better.
As for my build - i still do pretty good damage
If you want to go max nuke it seems that Stox has highest DPS, that said it comes at the expense of survivability and control. At lower gear, you might have to stack more defensive stats than he does simply because you can't put out the damage, but that is very much a run ahead and nuke style of build.
Both builds are valid though. My guildmates who tested MoF/Renegade agree too - just not quite enough crit to make it work. I think with the things i've shown on the forums, it's hard to say my build is ineffective
Everything you need to know about CW:
A lot of it has to do with the fact that the Renegade build is something where you have to read the small print in order to play it correctly and takes a little more skill.
The Renegade crit related feats require you to have a "Combat Advantage" to utilize. So... obviously you have to know what that is.
For those who don't know... a Combat Advantage situation happens when the opponent is either Stunned, Dazed, flanked, or caught off guard in a way they are unable to defend themselves, like Proned.
Once you under stand that, you adjust your other powers to repeatedly keep opponents in a combat advantage situation. So you know what to lead with.
I grant you Nightmare Wizardry can put a foe in a combat advantage situation for you, but the more you have your foes in combat advantage positions, the more that crit multiplier kicks in. So you tend to lead with techniques that achieve this. A good example would be to... Steal Time, then Sudden Storm, then Shards of Avalanche, then possibly even Entangle or Chill Strike.
They key to maximizing the Renegade build is to stack up on Crit gear and keep your opponent in a Combat Advantage situation to maximize the damage done by your Phantasmal Destruction feat.
So in order to understand it and play it correctly and to its potential, you have to understand what combat advantage is.
Good news. It's a 10% damage buff. Or it was when I tested it a month or two ago, with ST then CC on target dummies.
I thought that Grimah's latest guide advocated a hybrid Thaum/Rene build, taking the majority of the feats from the Thaum tree, including assailing force, but also taking Critical Power and Nightmare Wizardry from the Rene tree at the expense of Frozen Power Transfer. It's something I'm considering respeccing to anyway.
At the expense of Transended. He recommends FPT. I have run with Grimahs build through all of Shadowmantle and it is awesome. I am now out of boredom trying Stox build but keeping FTP and COI on tab. Both builds are strong solid builds.
Agreed. I don't think you can go wrong with either with an adjustment here or there for your play style and encounter choices.
In a team, even on my TR (Stealth gives you automatic CA) I'll try to position myself so that my teammates will also recieve CA. One thing to note about positional/flanking CA is that it only applies within a certain range. If you stay at long/maximum range you'll not recieve the benefit from this kind of CA and you will not provide others with it either.
I did not know about Grimah's Hybrid,
But ironically these days I've been running a similar Hybrid with things I discovered myself. I call it the Nuke build, because that's really what its all about.
Difference is I take all the way up to Transcended Master on Thaum side, and do a 3/3 split on Transcended and Phantasmal Destruction. It's a surprisingly powerful nuke build. This too obviously you have to understand combat advantage to make full use out of.
Sadly no,
Because a lot of people do not know what a combat advantage even is, or even care. But the Renegade Wizard really needs to know what that is, because Renegade, much like the Rogue actually requires it in order to maximize the damage potential on their build
I don't think about this consciously but we certainly tend to spread out and get around the target, but if you need to move you need to move, so it's very much a flow thing.
It's just so hard to pass up elemental empowerment and assailing force - they do so much stuff for the team.
Transcendent master is a nice option. After taking FPT/elemental/assailing force (assuming you go thaum), you have to pick between four good feats:
Bitter Cold
Transcendent Master
Critical Power
Nightmare Wizardry.
I think all four options are great, and it's very difficult to decide between them. Bitter cold is lots of straight damage, transcendent master is 15% on shard. Since shard is about 20-25% damage, that makes it approx. 3% DPS increase, where since most things have chill on them, bitter cold would be a little less than 5% dps.
Critical Power is like getting AP from an extra encounter every 20 seconds - it's very noticable and can let you run less recovery. I run 24 int, 18 wis, crit power, book of the dead, and only 3300 recovery, yet i am getting dailies very quickly. all about playstyle.
Nightmare wizardry is great - and wonderful for team too. It's hard to evaluate or even theory craft how much team DPS this is, but I think it's significant.
I don't think there is a bad option, but i'm of the opinion transcendent master is the weakest of the four. That said, CWs running bitter cold _and_ transcendent master do really nice damage.
Everything you need to know about CW:
I could see how you'd feel that way, the MoF perspective is a little different than a Spellstorm.
From an MoF perspective that is true as you're very concentrated on DoTs and Debuffs. Which is really big on things like Boss mobs and Elite Mobs.
From a pure nuke or spike damage build where you're talking about just burning down large crowds and massive waves of Mobs, then Transcended Master is the choice as you're constantly burning them down very quickly with things like Shards, Sudden Storm, and Steal Time.
So it depends on which side of the ball you're dealing with or focusing on.
That said, I think the two feats are very close. Obviously, as you said, playstyle can change that. That's why testing on your own character in real runs is so important.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Well it says its only for Shards, but descriptions have been wrong before, and I haven't tested that part.
It mentions both Shard and IR; I originally took the feat for IR in PvP, and the bonus to Shard is of course very nice as well.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin