well I just got to level 60 and made it to the dread ring and shalandar. I was thinking cool I'll get some good gear to use and good loot that will sell on the auction house and make some dough. So far seems like everything is bop so no help there and the system to get good loot is so complicated that i don't want to even bother not that any gear ever sells for squat on the auction house. I bought awesome gear throughout my journey for next to nothing so i wasn't really expecting any gear to make a buck on but so far nothing good to farm and so much bs trying to get stuff. gotta research scrolls 7 times and then do this and do that task after task to climb the ladder...BORING.
Just seems like rather than exploring and battling, I have to do a bunch of busy work to get anything AND apparently I can't run a dungeon again and again without buying a key each time. then there's this whole learn to forge a glove and then see if something drops blah blah blah.
I went in one dungeon and had a few of those bags with the star thingy in it and so I opened a couple and it let me open the chest /coffer what ever, 3 or 4 times but all i got was peridot. Am i not supposed to open it more than once a run? if so why does it let us? so we'll waste all our star gloves on HAMSTER? Is that why I got all peridots? why not just make it open only once if they want us not to be able to use as many star gloves as we have? Or at least flipping tell us somewhere not to rather than let us waste them. OY!
Also maybe it's just me but it seems like you breeze thru the dungeon and so you think you can handle the boss at the end and then he is super tough compared to the level of mobs on the way there. I mean if you can solo the dungeon then you should be able to beat the boss in a try or three. but of course only on the dungeons you have to buy a key for.
I hope for heaven's sake they don't do the same HAMSTER in the icewind dale expansion. I know these FTP games have to make money somehow and i spent quite a bit so I am contributing but it just seems that these FTP games end up getting greedier and greedier and start pulling little tricks to make you spend money. The only one i've seen that really works well is the swtor star wars one. you can buy stuff for cash and then sell it on the market so players that can afford it can boost their ingame moola and the ones that don't can farm it up and buy the stuff on the market for ingame cash.win-win. I'd just play that but I like the D&D environment better. I wish PW would think about that. It's nice to have a REAL economy to play with. but that might just be one of my personal pleasures.
Also one more gripe seems like i HAVE to join a guild at some point to get stuff from gauntl. don't really like that.
Now having said all that I do still like the game just falling out of love a little. I was completely put off by the currency system when I first started because I could barely get enough gold to get a mount. Just took me a bit to get with the whole AD currency system because I just didn't really "get it" at first. Now that I understand it, I like it just fine (although book of the dead dropping from a lockbx and sold for over 2 million ad helped LOL)
Maybe I just don't understand the loot system well enough yet. it's not explained real well at all and that should be changed. but i guess i'll get it as i play thru the 2 expansions. and still not sure why they are giving experience out for lvl 60 missions, why bother?
So, wow didn't mean for this to be this long, maybe I'm missing something and I'll watch the replies and see if anyone wants to clue me in, thanks in advance if you do
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited March 2014
Long wall of text is... hard to read.
Look, I know that the campaigns are grind-heavy. Some people like that, some people don't. Personally, I don't mind Dread Ring at all - it's Sharandar that I've been annoyed with, lately. Compared to Dread Ring, its rewards are lacking, and the instances are too long. Other than still not having gotten a Blink Dog, there's really nothing else about it that I'm interested in. Even the later boons aren't that much of a draw for me, after having gotten 2 characters all of them.
Please use paragraphs and capitalization in your future posts. Thanks!
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The solo areas are mainly for you to earn boons and daily rewards. You can get some purple gear out of it, but its not the best way to do so.
If the goal is to get phat loots. And from your wall of text its hard to tell. Then what you really need to do, is sign up and run epic dungeons. Group content will generally get you better rewards then solo content.
Really? Dread? After the boons outside of rolling dice for an arti once a day Dread has nothing to offer. Sharandar at least has Fey and those potions. All Dread rewards become useless once you get the last boon...
Some of the epic gear you can get by soloing isn't bad, though the biggest use for it is the AD you can get by salvaging it. The Thayan Zealot weapons are actually pretty good. The rings and belts are sort of useful. I prefer targeted stats rather than a bunch of low numbers, but I have put them on companions due to the regen/lifesteal.
As for the lairs themselves, yes the trash mobs are pretty easy, especially in Dread Ring. They can certainly lull you into a sense of complacency that the boss will shock you out of. However, I don't think the bosses in the modules rank anywhere near as hard as some of the lair bosses from the leveling maps. I would much rather fight Jawbone over and over than deal with the Rime Hound or the chief fire giant from Mt. Hotenow again and again. The big thing is not to get overconfident before you go into the boss room and focus the adds when they spawn. Fight everything but the boss until he or she is the only thing left. More adds will spawn when the boss reaches a certain threshold so you have to clear out the existing ones before damaging the boss anymore. Most of the adds in DR are pretty weak - only Death Forge has elite adds and you can prevent those from spawning.
You can run one dungeon in each zone for free each day. In Sharandar, you can run them more than once without a key but you won't get the chest. In Dread Ring, you can only activate the door if you have the quest or a purchased key (you can get in if a party mate opens the door but you still need a key to get the chest again.) On the whole, just do a dungeon once a day per zone and don't worry about it. There's not a lot to gain buying the keys.
Also, don't worry about how much the purchased gear costs in either module. Just buy level 60 blue gear on the AH. It will give you enough stats to run dungeons (slot some enchantments) or if you don't run dungeons, will be all you need to play the solo content.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
Wall of Text hits you for over 9000 damage. You flinch, and can't type.
BTW there is no way any company can make content faster than a player can "consume" it. There's where grind comes. I know of no other game where you keep enjoying fresh content over time without grinding. If you do, just tell me.
"I know of no other game where you keep enjoying fresh content over time without grinding. If you do, just tell me."
DDO. Amazing amount of content in that game. There is some bit of grind, but it isn't as egregious as the boon grind. There are grinds like, "we do this challenging encounter every 3 days, but not everyone can do it and we might fail". There are "I need this drop" type grinds where you are just gambling with your time.
But the boon grind is like "this is no fail just insert time" grind. That is the grind in Neverwinter that gets a little weird. When you know a) what you will get that you care about, b) you will not fail at all ever, c) you need to repeat it over and over and over, d) but you can't do it at once because come back tomorrow, e) you won't be challenged, and f) you will never be surprised by anything in Shanardar ever. It is just a little blatant.
I will say this though, I get that Neverwinter is younger. I get that it is new. I praise it for having a good bit of content in its first year, but this boon paradigm will not age well. You can't just stack (a) through (f) over and over again and call it a game. Four years later, "do your 15 daily grinds and don't stab yourself with a fork." That won't work. If I even sense that in year 2 I am so out. I roll with a pre-made and I will explain to them, "that my friends is dumb."
But I have faith. I have seen signs in module 3 that they realize their daily system is pretty stale. They are clearly hitting the drawing board a little bit.
And as a post-script, you might ask, "Why don't you play DDO then scrub?" Because Neverwinter is a better designed game. It is more fun to play when it hits its stride, and the stat system makes more sense. DDO revealed D20 to have major issues when combined with the concept of end game gear unrolled over time, so Neverwinter is both action wise more fun to play, and has a more cohesive design. That said, it has no sharandar which is probably a good thing.
Wall of Text hits you for over 9000 damage. You flinch, and can't type.
BTW there is no way any company can make content faster than a player can "consume" it. There's where grind comes. I know of no other game where you keep enjoying fresh content over time without grinding. If you do, just tell me.
Yeah, if only there was some MMO where players could make playable content.....
I agree with a lot of what you say although comparing DDO's amount of content to Neverwinters is a bit harsh , DDO has been around 8 years or so and yeah I see that you acknowledge that too , and yeah I agree that as the game gets older and fleshed out with more and more content and new in game systems and new classes , races and paragon paths it will turn out to be a really great game , I'm glad to be here from the ground up.
everyone has their own opinions based on personal preferences. if you have played through the game and are bored, try another class. try the foundry. join a guild and get social. make some friends on the /NW_Legit_Community channel. join a pvp match if that's your thing. if the campaign system and grinding isn't for you or if anything i've suggested here doesn't interest you, there isn't anything that i could say to convince you otherwise.
feedback is definitely important to the game makers and here, it is required to be respectful and constructive in your conveyance of it. ranty threads don't usually do well because the negative tone attracts unproductive and non-constructive comments. if you are providing feedback with the intent of making the game better, then it should be given with a positive tone. it is possible to give negative feedback and be respectful and constructive.
if you're going to reply to this post, the discussion of forum rules and moderation in the open forums is not allowed. if you'd like to discuss those topics, please send me a PM. thanks.
"I know of no other game where you keep enjoying fresh content over time without grinding. If you do, just tell me."
DDO. Amazing amount of content in that game. There is some bit of grind, but it isn't as egregious as the boon grind. There are grinds like, "we do this challenging encounter every 3 days, but not everyone can do it and we might fail". There are "I need this drop" type grinds where you are just gambling with your time.
I was in the beta, and I played DDO back when it was still called "Stormreach" for a year or so. There wasn't much to do after reaching max level (10), except to reincarnate (basically deleting a character and restarting with more starting ability points, but this may have been added later, I don't remember well that part). The game almost died (I stopped playing as well) until 3 years later or so it was re-released as F2P, as content was veeeeeeery slow to come and people wouldn't pay a subscription to play without purpose (yep, there wasn't much to do when you hit max level).
You can't really compare DDO today (but i'm sure there is a point there when you've finished 8 years of content as well, and have nothing else to do than repeat the same stuff over and over again, or restart with a fresh/reincarnated character) to a newly released game that is barely 1 year old. But if you compare it to the 1 year old DDO at the time, NW wins in pretty much every aspect.
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
The most worrying thing is that we will soon have 3 modules and 3 sets of boring boon grinds. Anyone else see a pattern?
What people don't seem to realize is, that the boons are in fact the equivalent of a lvl cap increase.
(not by much, but still) Some games out there have similiar systems, but with other names instead of boons. aka master levels/etc.
What people don't seem to realize is, that the boons are in fact the equivalent of a lvl cap increase.
(not by much, but still)
Well, yes we do actually, BUT leveling is varied and much more fun than seemingly endless grinding the same quests for boons. I would be happy if the level cap was doubled if quality of the leveling experience was the same as for 1-60.
Look, I know that the campaigns are grind-heavy. Some people like that, some people don't. Personally, I don't mind Dread Ring at all - it's Sharandar that I've been annoyed with, lately. Compared to Dread Ring, its rewards are lacking, and the instances are too long. Other than still not having gotten a Blink Dog, there's really nothing else about it that I'm interested in. Even the later boons aren't that much of a draw for me, after having gotten 2 characters all of them.
Please use paragraphs and capitalization in your future posts. Thanks!
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
This is a forum, not your personal blog site.
If the goal is to get phat loots. And from your wall of text its hard to tell. Then what you really need to do, is sign up and run epic dungeons. Group content will generally get you better rewards then solo content.
As for the lairs themselves, yes the trash mobs are pretty easy, especially in Dread Ring. They can certainly lull you into a sense of complacency that the boss will shock you out of. However, I don't think the bosses in the modules rank anywhere near as hard as some of the lair bosses from the leveling maps. I would much rather fight Jawbone over and over than deal with the Rime Hound or the chief fire giant from Mt. Hotenow again and again. The big thing is not to get overconfident before you go into the boss room and focus the adds when they spawn. Fight everything but the boss until he or she is the only thing left. More adds will spawn when the boss reaches a certain threshold so you have to clear out the existing ones before damaging the boss anymore. Most of the adds in DR are pretty weak - only Death Forge has elite adds and you can prevent those from spawning.
You can run one dungeon in each zone for free each day. In Sharandar, you can run them more than once without a key but you won't get the chest. In Dread Ring, you can only activate the door if you have the quest or a purchased key (you can get in if a party mate opens the door but you still need a key to get the chest again.) On the whole, just do a dungeon once a day per zone and don't worry about it. There's not a lot to gain buying the keys.
Also, don't worry about how much the purchased gear costs in either module. Just buy level 60 blue gear on the AH. It will give you enough stats to run dungeons (slot some enchantments) or if you don't run dungeons, will be all you need to play the solo content.
BTW there is no way any company can make content faster than a player can "consume" it. There's where grind comes. I know of no other game where you keep enjoying fresh content over time without grinding. If you do, just tell me.
DDO. Amazing amount of content in that game. There is some bit of grind, but it isn't as egregious as the boon grind. There are grinds like, "we do this challenging encounter every 3 days, but not everyone can do it and we might fail". There are "I need this drop" type grinds where you are just gambling with your time.
But the boon grind is like "this is no fail just insert time" grind. That is the grind in Neverwinter that gets a little weird. When you know a) what you will get that you care about, b) you will not fail at all ever, c) you need to repeat it over and over and over, d) but you can't do it at once because come back tomorrow, e) you won't be challenged, and f) you will never be surprised by anything in Shanardar ever. It is just a little blatant.
I will say this though, I get that Neverwinter is younger. I get that it is new. I praise it for having a good bit of content in its first year, but this boon paradigm will not age well. You can't just stack (a) through (f) over and over again and call it a game. Four years later, "do your 15 daily grinds and don't stab yourself with a fork." That won't work. If I even sense that in year 2 I am so out. I roll with a pre-made and I will explain to them, "that my friends is dumb."
But I have faith. I have seen signs in module 3 that they realize their daily system is pretty stale. They are clearly hitting the drawing board a little bit.
And as a post-script, you might ask, "Why don't you play DDO then scrub?" Because Neverwinter is a better designed game. It is more fun to play when it hits its stride, and the stat system makes more sense. DDO revealed D20 to have major issues when combined with the concept of end game gear unrolled over time, so Neverwinter is both action wise more fun to play, and has a more cohesive design. That said, it has no sharandar which is probably a good thing.
Yeah, if only there was some MMO where players could make playable content.....
I agree with a lot of what you say although comparing DDO's amount of content to Neverwinters is a bit harsh , DDO has been around 8 years or so and yeah I see that you acknowledge that too , and yeah I agree that as the game gets older and fleshed out with more and more content and new in game systems and new classes , races and paragon paths it will turn out to be a really great game , I'm glad to be here from the ground up.
everyone has their own opinions based on personal preferences. if you have played through the game and are bored, try another class. try the foundry. join a guild and get social. make some friends on the /NW_Legit_Community channel. join a pvp match if that's your thing. if the campaign system and grinding isn't for you or if anything i've suggested here doesn't interest you, there isn't anything that i could say to convince you otherwise.
feedback is definitely important to the game makers and here, it is required to be respectful and constructive in your conveyance of it. ranty threads don't usually do well because the negative tone attracts unproductive and non-constructive comments. if you are providing feedback with the intent of making the game better, then it should be given with a positive tone. it is possible to give negative feedback and be respectful and constructive.
if you're going to reply to this post, the discussion of forum rules and moderation in the open forums is not allowed. if you'd like to discuss those topics, please send me a PM. thanks.
I was in the beta, and I played DDO back when it was still called "Stormreach" for a year or so. There wasn't much to do after reaching max level (10), except to reincarnate (basically deleting a character and restarting with more starting ability points, but this may have been added later, I don't remember well that part). The game almost died (I stopped playing as well) until 3 years later or so it was re-released as F2P, as content was veeeeeeery slow to come and people wouldn't pay a subscription to play without purpose (yep, there wasn't much to do when you hit max level).
You can't really compare DDO today (but i'm sure there is a point there when you've finished 8 years of content as well, and have nothing else to do than repeat the same stuff over and over again, or restart with a fresh/reincarnated character) to a newly released game that is barely 1 year old. But if you compare it to the 1 year old DDO at the time, NW wins in pretty much every aspect.
What people don't seem to realize is, that the boons are in fact the equivalent of a lvl cap increase.
(not by much, but still) Some games out there have similiar systems, but with other names instead of boons. aka master levels/etc.
Well, yes we do actually, BUT leveling is varied and much more fun than seemingly endless grinding the same quests for boons. I would be happy if the level cap was doubled if quality of the leveling experience was the same as for 1-60.