Ive been a DO since I rolled my priest. I finally have some decent gear and would like to try a AC build.
My stats :
Power 5500
Crit 3900
Recover 4100
GS of 13.1k
Basically, I use Sunburts/ Astral Shield / Divine Glow... ( sometimes BoH ) and for a daily, Hallowed ground.
I wouldn't mind trying an AC build. But it needs to be feasible in MC and VT (which is where Im currently farming)
Any advice or links is much appreciated. AGain, this is for END GAME DD's... If you feel that AC wouldn't be feasible, then Id appreciate that feedback as well!
Thank you kindly!!
Dr.Real Good :Sun Elf-Annointed Champion : Trith :Fury Soulbinder :
as many ppl allready wrote, healing step is great feat
rest of the build is party buff
its take bit of time to decide when to cast Annointed army, but the party damage go realy high
i use falme strike as my second daily
battle fervor is 750 more power u give to your party... nice buf as well
rest of the play is similar, i think
with the boost of stamina (its like u can glitch non stop for 10 sec) i find myself going more inside, so you can buff the mele char as
I have 1600 defelct + 3000 defence (with annointed armor and action u get realy nice buff)
i didnt play alot with exaltation yet, somehow i never use it
in valindra i switch sun burst with healing word and divine forune and thats it basicly
If you can put together a decent DO build, you can do the same for AC. There's no real mystery to it since there are not that many great ways to build DC feats. AC is perfectly feasible for PvE; it's just that some players really hate single target powers and/or prefer the simplicity of Foresight.
I'd suggest, however, that you are rocking too much Crit and Recovery (especially Recovery). The diminishing returns on Recovery become pretty severe, and you simply don't need that much.
You have the right idea with Hallowed Ground; Flame Strike is a poor Daily choice for group play. You'll always contribute more damage by using Hallowed Ground and letting yourself and the rest of the party benefit from the buff. I tend to use Divine Armor as my other Daily since it makes an excellent panic button if necessary. Anointed Army is great sometimes, but you'll get a bigger damage buff for a longer duration by using Hallowed Ground (the Power increase looks like a lot, but it gets knocked off quickly and doesn't make as great a difference in damage output as one might imagine).
Exaltation is fantastic, and I don't see much point in going AC if it isn't used. Sometimes players forget that it isn't just a Divine-mode panic button with a moderate heal; it significantly buffs damage and defense for ~10 seconds and grants the caster a healing buff with the Prestigious Exaltation feat.
I started another thread, but here is my video from today after I spec into AD.
I enjoy it if I can stay out of harms way, the buffs that stack on me really amount to some big heals over time. ( Doing HW once and it ticking up to 10k+ heal is great. )
what path did you had before? do you wana keep the same path
i use teh following build
as many ppl allready wrote, healing step is great feat
rest of the build is party buff
its take bit of time to decide when to cast Annointed army, but the party damage go realy high
i use falme strike as my second daily
battle fervor is 750 more power u give to your party... nice buf as well
rest of the play is similar, i think
with the boost of stamina (its like u can glitch non stop for 10 sec) i find myself going more inside, so you can buff the mele char as
I have 1600 defelct + 3000 defence (with annointed armor and action u get realy nice buff)
i didnt play alot with exaltation yet, somehow i never use it
in valindra i switch sun burst with healing word and divine forune and thats it basicly
Check out my power !! LOL
8817 for those that cant see it
Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
I'd suggest, however, that you are rocking too much Crit and Recovery (especially Recovery). The diminishing returns on Recovery become pretty severe, and you simply don't need that much.
You have the right idea with Hallowed Ground; Flame Strike is a poor Daily choice for group play. You'll always contribute more damage by using Hallowed Ground and letting yourself and the rest of the party benefit from the buff. I tend to use Divine Armor as my other Daily since it makes an excellent panic button if necessary. Anointed Army is great sometimes, but you'll get a bigger damage buff for a longer duration by using Hallowed Ground (the Power increase looks like a lot, but it gets knocked off quickly and doesn't make as great a difference in damage output as one might imagine).
Exaltation is fantastic, and I don't see much point in going AC if it isn't used. Sometimes players forget that it isn't just a Divine-mode panic button with a moderate heal; it significantly buffs damage and defense for ~10 seconds and grants the caster a healing buff with the Prestigious Exaltation feat.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
I enjoy it
MC 3/3 final boss fight ^
Trith : Fury Soulbinder :