First Suggestion:
At present, most of the time you're queued, you end up with 3 straight DPS ( usually a mix of TR, HR, and GWF ), a GF, and DC. And to be blunt, most of the T2 dungeons are not doable without extremely high GS all around or the presence of a CW. I've yet to see a PUG with that high GS. Although occasionally you'll see one or two people with decent GS.
What I would like to see when the popup appears with the 5 checkboxes, is the class symbol for the proposed participants. I would really like to opt out if a CW isn't on the list.
If I choose to opt out, dont throw me completely out of the queue, I would like to maintain my position so that I can possibly join another group.
Second Suggestion:
Now that we have a group going, what I see happening in a lot of groups is the DC and/or the GF checking everyone's GS, then dropping out if it doesnt meet their requirements. Can't really say I blame them since they're almost guaranteed an instant re-queue. The DPS members however are hosed and many times will not get another group for that DD period.
There needs to be a queue timeout period if you choose to leave the group. There also needs to be a setting for the group leader to say "yeah, you can leave without penalty", just in case everyone agrees the current group composition isnt going to cut it.
Third Suggestion:
Let us buy keys for the chest vs requiring us to play during the DD period. (just like you can buy keys for Gnarlroot, for example) Many times when I get home from work, the DD period is far too late to even be considered.
Would be very nice to loosen that restriction. And dont make the key cost so high that it costs more than any possible reward. ( which is also the case in Gnarlroot )
Many high GS players don't use the queue as it doesn't work very well and it's easier for them to make full groups with their guilds or a chat channel. Ultimately, using the queue is a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> shoot. If you want a specific party composition, you should make your own group using those methods. It would be nice if the queue was all you needed, but the reality is that the party composition it wants isn't the best for the dungeons we have. Not that you can't beat dungeons with a rainbow party, just that having at least one CW is really good and a GF is optional because there aren't that many things that actually need tanking and other classes can kite if that's required.
DD keys have been proposed and made a brief appearance on the Preview server but were taken down as not being ready yet. Hopefully they will be enabled at some time, though frankly I think the whole DD event doesn't serve a good purpose now that the important items in the chest are BOP.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
Agreed about DD keys. All the DD time does is ensure that all that's ran during non dd times is mc 2/3 and vt 1/2. This does nothing but get players that don't like to pvp bored with the game as there is little to do pve wise that advances their characters. This can only be hurting the bottom line in the long run.
The queue, well the queue system is in my mind irreparably broken at this point. It forces characters that aren't needed into every party, (very few instances need a tank, some don't even need a dc), doesn't force a CW in, (most dungeons need a cw unless the players are good, and those using the queue system are invariably new and can't cut it). This is on top of all the actual bugs. The best thing to do at this point would probably be to grey out queuing unless you are in a full party, this will make it so new people learn to use the lfg/guild/and channel systems rather than trying to queue like they can in other games and deal with the inevitable failure and disappointment the queue system will bring.
DD keys have been proposed and made a brief appearance on the Preview server but were taken down as not being ready yet. Hopefully they will be enabled at some time, though frankly I think the whole DD event doesn't serve a good purpose now that the important items in the chest are BOP.
Except the DD's increase your otherwise very low chance of actually getting the item you need.
DD keys have been proposed and made a brief appearance on the Preview server but were taken down as not being ready yet. Hopefully they will be enabled at some time, though frankly I think the whole DD event doesn't serve a good purpose now that the important items in the chest are BOP.
The queue, well the queue system is in my mind irreparably broken at this point. It forces characters that aren't needed into every party, (very few instances need a tank, some don't even need a dc), doesn't force a CW in, (most dungeons need a cw unless the players are good, and those using the queue system are invariably new and can't cut it). This is on top of all the actual bugs. The best thing to do at this point would probably be to grey out queuing unless you are in a full party, this will make it so new people learn to use the lfg/guild/and channel systems rather than trying to queue like they can in other games and deal with the inevitable failure and disappointment the queue system will bring.