Hello everyone.
I am thinking about returning to Neverwinter, and I quit due to me having insufficient time in my personal life, but I am looking for a game to play again

A while back when I played, when some sort of pack released about elves and unicorns in a forest, cost 50$ at the time, the game was 'very' unbalanced and everyone was complaining and even rumors went on wether or not Neverwinter was going to stay. PvP was a mess.
How is that going now? I would like to know this before I go ahead and invest my time in this.
True Story.
Last edited by ukatoenasni; Today at 06:09 AM. Reason: Grammar sucks before coffee.
Fury of the Feywild was the name of the module, and like other modules it was free.
Knight of the Feywild was the name of the pack that came with a unicorn mount and unlocked the Moon Elf race, which was the pay variant of the High Elves (and the Sun Elf is the free variant) along with other things.
Anyways, is the game 'fixed', bug free, and OP-classes free? or is that still too much to ask for :P
Edit: Remember every single game will have bugs, "op classes" for a while until changes, and all those things, in f2p games it takes more time to fix since there is no big budget to fix things fast like in other games, its something most people forget or just dont want to acknowledge.
Every game has bugs and balance issues.
As for coming back - only you can decide to do so or not. If you're thinking about it then it sounds like you may as well just give it another go. The game has changed a lot since the Feywild module and has greatly improved, new zone added, even a new class (Hunter Ranger). Cryptic is always working on balancing things and right now appear to be working very hard on balancing Player-vs-Player right now.
As for what you read from others in the forums (including my own comments) - you need to take it all with a serious dose of salt. Everyone speaks with an opinion and that means: from their own perspective, which will slightly or greatly vary from your own.
Hence: only you can decide for yourself if it's "worth" coming back.
And there's only one way to find out.
The game is free give it a try and form your own opinion
In a nutshell, this. You have nothing to lose by giving it a shot.
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