They took them out cause there was an issue. It is still in collections cause they are going to try and fix the fey weapon. If they can't fix it then it will also be removed from collections.
gex91Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
They took them out cause there was an issue. It is still in collections cause they are going to try and fix the fey weapon. If they can't fix it then it will also be removed from collections.
thx for answer
Gexy - Devoted Cleric - Lv60 - GS 12k- Guild : N e v e r W i n t e r O r d e r
They took them out cause there was an issue. It is still in collections cause they are going to try and fix the fey weapon. If they can't fix it then it will also be removed from collections.
Do you have a dev quote for this? Sorry that I'm skeptical, just I don't believe things like this till they're out of the horse's mouth so to speak.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Presumably some sort of Dread replacement is coming. But given how bad they tend to look...
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
why they did this?? now i cant take my fey weapon
and it's also in the people are enable now to finish fey collection?