I've searched the web but the only answer that seems legit is to go to the reward claims agent myles broome in protectors enclave. However, what to do here I'm not so sure about..
I bought a white tiger on one character using zen. The game states that this mount should be availeble on all characters on this account. However I dont know how to access it on a different character..
To show specifically how it's done, here's a picture:
I for example have bought the mount "Leopard of Chult". To claim the item you've bought via the Zen store, simply press "Y" ingame or press "Alt" on your keyboard then click the "Z" on your action bar.
To claim the actual item, go to the specific section that you bought it from. Then, click the "0 Claim". This allows you to claim the item on the specific toon you're on.
Tx will check that tonight when I log in, wouldn't have thought of that.
I for example have bought the mount "Leopard of Chult". To claim the item you've bought via the Zen store, simply press "Y" ingame or press "Alt" on your keyboard then click the "Z" on your action bar.
To claim the actual item, go to the specific section that you bought it from. Then, click the "0 Claim". This allows you to claim the item on the specific toon you're on.
Visit a mailbox to receive the item .