I do know many players are very "stats oriented" and many would say - hey, stack regen and power at your stone, and you will get "unkillable fawn !".
Maybe thats true but... Fawn is as till now most cute companion what i have seen in Neverwinter. Really, i got it today and very often im stopping somewhere in middle of mission just to watch how fawn moves, or to observe its other animations. Generaly his behavior is very "real" and natural (except healing and stuff of course), so im sure artists and animators had to spend some time observing real animals. Maybe i do like it so much because i lived for long time close to forests and just loved to watch "real" fawns and deers, thats quite possible.
Anyway - my personal congratulations for artists and animators, good work guys, you have created really beautiful companion, thanks !
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
edited December 2013
Yes, it's very cute AND very useful. It's the only companion that I ever thought to upgrade. I love it's animations.
The Midsummer Piggy was also cute, and not to bad either.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
obsiddiaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,025Arc User
edited December 2013
It is adorable. Haven't seen it die yet... Kinda hoped it was cat-like so I wouldn't have to see that.
Too cute to shoot.
+1 Wait til it's grown up before eating it
Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
Took it with me into the Jawbone fight today in Dread Vault. That little thing not only survived the encounter but kept me topped off with that regen spell.
I do like the fawn and it is cute, especially that sneeze.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited December 2013
I love how you'll be fighting for your very life, against the nastiest creatures imaginable, and he just kinda prances around with his nose up in the air and wagging his lil fluffy tail! He's like "eff this noise! Let's go play!"
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I loved the 500k ADs I got from that useless pet. Not an augment, and we're forced into the augment game, unless they make stupidly OP pets playing the game for you. If I could transmute my ioun stone into something else, i'd do it in a heartbeat, but i can't. Until then, i can't enjoy all the new pets the dev team made.
I think the little Fawn is real cool. :cool:
Of all the companions I have, I like it best
and use it all the time.
Even though its only green, I still love it.
he is cute and pretty usefull, if you build him right he can survive better than any other support pet.
my current Fawn equip is :
[Valiant Amulet of Youth] , [Seal of the Executioner] x2 with x3 [Radiant Enchantment, Rank 6] and [Eldritch Runestone, Rank 6] x3
with this junk he have 500 power and 1100 regen and works amazing!
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
The Midsummer Piggy was also cute, and not to bad either.
Too cute to shoot.
+1 Wait til it's grown up before eating it
I do like the fawn and it is cute, especially that sneeze.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Of all the companions I have, I like it best
and use it all the time.
Even though its only green, I still love it.
my current Fawn equip is :
[Valiant Amulet of Youth] , [Seal of the Executioner] x2 with x3 [Radiant Enchantment, Rank 6] and [Eldritch Runestone, Rank 6] x3
with this junk he have 500 power and 1100 regen and works amazing!