It's a dirty job by
Mission Type: Dungeon
Average Duration: 40 min (Grp of 3)
Amount of Combat: Heavy combat
Starts at: Map
Mission Summary:
In this quest you're charged with cleaning up the sewers underneath Protector's Enclave. There is a growing stench and people aren't very happy about it. You're sure this will be an easy, and typical sewer clean-up job, but something else strange is going on.
Author tips/hints:
This is my first foundry quest. I like heavy combat, and I usually play with two friends in a group of 3. So this dungeon is fairly challenging for a group of 3 if you aggro too many monsters at once. In the big sewer room I added a bunch of objects you can climb onto to get a tactical advantage on some of the mobs.
The map is fairly simplistic, but I think still fun to have a look. I haven't really gotten good at side quests yet so the quest line is fairly linear as well.
I think it's a little funny, and entertaining while having some fun combat. I hope you all enjoy!
Be sure to review! Thanks!
Also, check out the Scribe's Enclave link in my signature, you may find group reviewers there.
I'm not opposed to solo difficulty.
I'm working on another foundry which should in theory be better with what I've learned from this. But since I've only had 13 play-throughs I'd like more miles on this one. Please give it a whirl and give me some feedback!