I noticed that:
1. Armor looks like those of ninja's. Where is the fur, green items and such? ...all I see is leather like those of TR.
2. if this is HUNTER-RANGER where are his traps?? Never seen hunter, and ranger without at least one trap.
Devs should name this one Ninja and give him shurikens instead of bow, or just Archer.
2. Trap: Noun, "a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body."
Hindering Shot/Hindering Strike, Constricting Arrow, and Binding Arrow.
I dont think he looks like a ninja. At least i am glad that my elven ranger does not have some primitive fur clothes like a barbarian.
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
"Hindering Shot/Hindering Strike, Constricting Arrow, and Binding Arrow" > not traps, they are arrows/shots. traps are meant to be layed on ground..Only thorn ward is kind of a trap..
Like i sad, name him Archer, not hunter...hunters wear what they catch.. Archers have fancy clothes
No, this is a GAME with AVATARS to represent your chosen race and class with pretty pixels to approximate what your creative imagination can fill-out in your immersive minds.
Really, threads like this make me laugh.
As for costumes, here's my beef with the HR: too much green. Needs more browns and blacks for good camouflage. Needs a white outfit for Icespire region and a good gray/red-ish outfit for Hotenow and so on and so forth. I mean, really? It's that important to you, OP? LOL
As soon as I get my final gear on all my characters I change their dyes so they look different from all the Neverwinter Adventurer clones anyway. I suggest you consider the same.
Drizzt is in fact a Ranger ( or do they have him labeld skirmisher?) in pencil n paper D&D and he does in fact wear a chain mail shirt and is very quiet while moving.
Just saying.
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Cross-class means you don't have the armor limits of your class. Fighter means he can wear chain without penalty. He's also not your typical 'woods' ranger. An underdark ranger would wear the dark items to blend in.
As for traps - just because it's a magically created trap, does not make it less of a trap.
1) The armor is leather because Ranger have always worn leather in DnD. The only notable exception being Drizzt, who where's Mithril chain, which is as light as leather, and he's a Ranger/Fighter so it fits anyway. Fur is not a prerequisite, and green is what dye packs are for.
2) Traps have never been a notable aspect of Rangers in DnD. Tracking, affinity with animals, minor natural magic and dual wielding/archery are the classic conditions of being a Ranger in DnD. Also having good stealth.
Rangers are a somewhat fair middle ground between fighters, rogues and druids.
Perhaps know something about the subject matter before running your mouth about such things?
Not in 4E, he's pure Ranger in 4E (I forget his Paragon Path and Epic Destiny). 4E has no multiclassing like prior editions (and likely future ones).
Also traps are used sometimes by hunters, usually for small game and pest animals, large game is about bows etc. Now if you want to spend your time running around placing traps for small game... ah just imagine it. Actually that's pretty much the 4E thing; class mechanics for killing monsters, RP for other stuff with you making the details up.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
1.Who told you that hunters/rangers did use raw fur for clothes? Fur goes through different processes before it is used for clothes. And no, I do not talk of today, I talk of the past. You can see that even on , let's say, native Americans' clothes. And good processed leather does not squeak ... Good processed leather is soft and fits great and has good durability.
2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ranger should mean, they live in the forest/take care for the forest, right? So why the hell they should wear raw fur again too? I see no point of a hunter/archer/ranger to wear fur ... except if we play an Ice Age HR where they did not process fur at all ...
3. The look of the char represents the vision of it's creator(s). That means, that's the way they feel it ... We can like it, or not ...
4. Green ranger? In a forest? - not really invisible ... not to mention the color changes many people do ... some are pretty good for the Love Parade in Berlin ....
Anyway ... you can still make changes to the look of a char, though that ain't the most important thing ingame for most people
Judging by the amount of complaint threads regarding the cost of changing the look of equipment it is something of interest to a fair number of people. Sadly it doesn't matter much for Elven HRs, as every outfit I've seen for mine is a cliptastic display of glitch, so I don't think there will be much of a chance to make him look decent.