"We at Cryptic Studios have neglected to mention the greatest feature of the Hunter Ranger class; you now have the ability to have your body suspended in the air, thanks to your sturdy, blade-like cloaks."
dheffernanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 216Arc User
edited December 2013
"Having cunningly distracted the Ranger with the aid of a friendly bear, the stag moves in for the kill...."
@Venture-1@Venture from City of Heroes if you remember that far back. Yes, *that* Venture. Yes, I probably trashed your MA arc. For me it was Tuesday.
efa65Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
"Today on the Adventures of Bucky the Ranger, We deal with the Bear Nessicity and find out what Deer taste like!"
Diplomancy: Sometimes "I hit it with my Axe" is the only Answer.
A Challenge is something interesting and awkward until you beat it... then it's called "Repetative"
Have You Seen Me? MISSING: Name: El-Der-Bear-Y Age: 7 Hair: Brown with a hint of cashew Height: 5'10 when on all fours, 7 ft when standing Weight: 700 lbs during hibernation, 500 during Open Season Last Seen:In Neverwinter with this odd levitating Hunter Ranger; he promised him the best berries of the Wild along with the deer(who may have been his mount). *Picture provided by an online player who was here at the time of the scene and screenshot the picture. He says he would've warned the bear but that would have alerted the HR of his presence, and after inspecting the HR's gear, found that he was no match for the 400+ gear ranking the HR had*
puresurplusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited December 2013
You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
"And please ask him to help me defeat Valindra to cleanse this now-wretched land"
A Challenge is something interesting and awkward until you beat it... then it's called "Repetative"
Neverwinter on TVTropes(Needs some loving)
Neverwinter Nights on TVTropes
The wanna-be Ranger finally completes his animatronic friends.
- JailBreak (in development)
Name: El-Der-Bear-Y
Age: 7
Hair: Brown with a hint of cashew
Height: 5'10 when on all fours, 7 ft when standing
Weight: 700 lbs during hibernation, 500 during Open Season
Last Seen:In Neverwinter with this odd levitating Hunter Ranger; he promised him the best berries of the Wild along with the deer(who may have been his mount).
*Picture provided by an online player who was here at the time of the scene and screenshot the picture. He says he would've warned the bear but that would have alerted the HR of his presence, and after inspecting the HR's gear, found that he was no match for the 400+ gear ranking the HR had*
Viconia VrinnGemma Steelheart [GF]
Drelle Demonsong [SW]
Lorakahn Forgedawn
Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
*Chewbaccaesque sound emits from the bear over the sound of three waterfalls*
against my bow there will be no defense"