Hello all,
I paid attention in dungeons that entanglement on tab is pretty useless now for AP regeneration.
My question is how do you recommend to enhance AP without entanglement?
What abilities/spells/feats/companions/artifacts would you use to gain AP faster?
I was thinking perhaps on controlling action feat, over 3000 recovery and or more wisdom.
I hope someone publishes an updated build guide to cw for module 2.
I may have to respec again
Less AP gain on the spell mastery version?
Well crypt cant make an update without ****ing the CWs lifes.
As long as you do not need to have "Arcane Singularity" constantly up and running, you're doing fine.
Take a look at Grimah's Dread Ring Spellstorm Thaum Spec. (PvE)
But Controlling Action feat is still useless, because it gives you a percentage of *additional* AP that you would get, not a percentage of *total* AP. So if an encounter would give you 2% AP anyway, with Controlling Action maxed out at 5/5, you would get an additional 10% of 2% = 0.2%. That is a lot of feat points for very little AP.
Edit: Instead of Controlling Action, I think Critical Power in the Renegade tree now becomes basically essential.
1. I don't know.
2. Well, you do in advanced dungeons. I can't imagine myself with less singu in CN.
3. My build is very similar to your renegade only with Evocation instead of chilling presence.
I want to be an effective renegade like before
I mentioned putting EF in a regular slot rather than tab so that we could gain me AP to spam more Singularities, hence more control
Is there any way to contact the developers and report this issue?
Report bug will do?
I used Chilling Presence only for Single Target encounters. Besides I ditched the Renegade and am currently using Grimah's Thaumaturge build--which is giving me more AP's, at least to my subjective observations.
Report a bug in game and post it in the thread about known issues.
pitshade, I don't like what they did to entangling, but putting that aside for now, currently there is a bug with entangling on mastery that should be fixed regardless of this decision.
Just to make the situation clear: I feel like I get more APs with magic missilles than I do with entangling on mastery.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".