Not seeing any other reports of this or of hardware issues on preview shard. For me once I get in I can play for usually a few minutes then my NVidia driver will crash. I have reported through the bug tool and provided details in the reporting tool but I am wondering if others are seeing this? Also wondering if they made significant changes to their graphics pipeline that could account for this?
For the longest time I had issues with "Manage 3D Settings->Power Management Mode"
If it was set to "Adaptive" I had problems -- setting it to "Prefer maximum performance" ALWAYS seemed to fix it. Every driver update they reset it back to Adaptive on me and every driver update I make sure it's "Prefer maximum performance"
I've got an older 570 though, but it's something you might try.
They also just released a new driver v331.82 on 11/19/13 as well if you haven't tried that one yet.
ok replaced the driver with the latest update. Did a full clean install using driversweeper. Turned off adaptive mode and still crashing on preview. Again I do not see this on live server.
I had similar problems with another Cryptic game STO, the test shard would crash while live was ok. In that instance, there was two problems, one causing a crash and one causing major glitches. I'm currently using Direct3d 11 on both without issue, but I've had to drop down to Direct3d 9 to get test shards stable before. The other one that caused greif was Screen-space ambient occulusion under the advanced tab.
Possibly related; on the test server some of graphics settings are "Unknown" as such Bloom quality, you may want to check that everything is set right. I even tried copying across the config from live and everything matches but some features like the above Bloom still resets to "Unknown", as its not crashing for me I'm just leaving it...
If you go to the cryptic studios\neverwinter\live\localdata folder you will find a gameprefs.pref file, its in plain text so viewable with notepad. I just copied that across into the neverwinter\playtest\localdata folder after renaming the original one for backup.
It contains all the settings for video, sample of the file is;
If it was set to "Adaptive" I had problems -- setting it to "Prefer maximum performance" ALWAYS seemed to fix it. Every driver update they reset it back to Adaptive on me and every driver update I make sure it's "Prefer maximum performance"
I've got an older 570 though, but it's something you might try.
They also just released a new driver v331.82 on 11/19/13 as well if you haven't tried that one yet.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Have you tried turning all your graphics settings to low and then bumping up one at a time?
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Possibly related; on the test server some of graphics settings are "Unknown" as such Bloom quality, you may want to check that everything is set right. I even tried copying across the config from live and everything matches but some features like the above Bloom still resets to "Unknown", as its not crashing for me I'm just leaving it...
It contains all the settings for video, sample of the file is;
PrefEntry GfxSettings.Antialiasing 4
PrefEntry GfxSettings.AntialiasingMode MSAA
PrefEntry GfxSettings.AspectRatio 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.AutoEnableFrameRateStabilizer 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.BloomIntensity 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.BloomQuality 2
PrefEntry GfxSettings.CharacterDetailLevel 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.CharacterTexLODLevel 1
and so on.