They're all commoners under effect of Ghost Sound spell. U're a Hero, u just got lucky in ur saving throw roll. O_-
ah but Ghost Sound isn't a spell anymore, or at least not one commonly known, if you play a wizard during a quest a ghost even teaches you it as an example of the "old lost weave magic" that can't be used save for in very rare areas where remnants of Mystra's weave linger (that is to say the older editions' magic systems).
I also could be reading too much into a joke though lol
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
edited November 2013
I always have Spotify on when I play, so to me, it looks like they are dancing to heavy metal.
ah but Ghost Sound isn't a spell anymore, or at least not one commonly known, if you play a wizard during a quest a ghost even teaches you it as an example of the "old lost weave magic" that can't be used save for in very rare areas where remnants of Mystra's weave linger (that is to say the older editions' magic systems).
I also could be reading too much into a joke though lol