I've been debating with myself over whether i should go for a perfect soulforged or a p. negation..
I figure i should ask the opinion of those who have more knowledge than i do :P
I'm feeling quite squishy atm but at the same time.. my lesser soulforged has saved my butt so many times during boss fights.. =/
Any help here in making my choice?
Thanks guys
Negation doesn't increase your Defense; it increases your Damage Resistance. It's equally effective for all characters in that regard (e.g. a Perfect Negation adds a flat 25%, so a character with 22% DR will have 47% DR when it procs).
However, even a Perfect Negation depends on RNG to activate. If you're taking a series of small hits, it's almost certain to go off. However, you can also suffer 3-4 huge smackdowns in a short period of time and have it not activate at all or activate right as you are about to die anyway.
I prefer Soulforged most of the time, but that enchantment has its own issues. The nice thing about Negation is that it works fairly predictably and doesn't require you to be nearly dead already to benefit you. I have both, so I waffle a bit between them.
As for Barkshield, I don't like that it's so awfully easy to defeat. As soon as I see a Barkshield aura, I beam it down immediately with Ray of Frost and proceed to enjoy my snack. Many attacks and feated powers also inflict DoT, which conveniently eats Bark charges as well.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
You sure about that? The wording would seem to indicate it increases by the percentage of your current score.
Barkshield absorbs the bulk of the initial burst allowing you to combat TR's much better too.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Oh, I would say a normal SF at most, PvE certainly doesn't warrant a Perfect (IMO)
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I wouldn't bother with anything above normal SF. In time you'll know exactly which mobs hurt - not all red zones are created equal
Yeaa, ive been learning with time which mobs will hurt the most, but sometimes theres that awful lag where i think i move and then suddenly im dead xD I guess no enchant can really help me avoid all of it, but something to take the heat off even a little bit i figure helps :P I actually just fully got my HV set last night, after farming the boots for a week (**** frozen heart >_>) so hopefully the defense that gives will help me out a bit. I guess for now i'll just buy a normal soulforged and a normal negation, try them both out and see which i like the best.
Ty for the help guys ^-^
You should use the test shard for this type of stuff, no point using your AD just to test stuff. It might be down, so just have a bit of patience.
The wording is definitely ambiguous, but I'm reasonably certain that the increase is an additive 25% (to DR, not Defense). When I load up the game next, I'll go check my system log and make absolutely sure that I'm providing correct info.
EDIT: Confirmed. Negation adds a flat bonus on top of your existing DR %.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin