Since the last patch something has broken with the gateway, via IE10.
Intermittently while queuing profession tasks there will be very long (5-30 sec.) load times for windows to come up or tasks to successfully queue/collect.
This can result in further synchronization errors when it happens, assets that are used but aren't and vice versa, tasks slots that are available but aren't and vice versa, etc.
Something, that might be related but isn't gateway specific:
I was trying out the gateway and noticed that after I completed a task and collected the result there was a delay in the task showing back up. You can only have three of each task running. Even after I completed all three it took about 30 seconds before the task became available again. Never had that problem before so I thought it was a gateway thing.
Today I went back to managing the professions in game and noticed it was doing the same thing. Not sure what's going on with it. But like I said, I've never had that problem before.
I was trying out the gateway and noticed that after I completed a task and collected the result there was a delay in the task showing back up. You can only have three of each task running. Even after I completed all three it took about 30 seconds before the task became available again. Never had that problem before so I thought it was a gateway thing.
Today I went back to managing the professions in game and noticed it was doing the same thing. Not sure what's going on with it. But like I said, I've never had that problem before.