I've finally gotten around and doing a bit of testing on the issue that appears to have been happening only to me. I've managed to reproduce it and determine the scope of the effect. Now, I haven't been following the forums too actively for the past week, so I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet, so bear with me.
When you select certain objects in the 3D editing mode, they will create a copy and modify it's location and orientation. Now, there some caveats to this bug...
First of all, it
only affects the objects that were
unselectable prior to the Fury of the Feywild patch. That is, the objects like houses that you could always place, but then never tweak. Any object that you could select and move is not affected. You can see that demonstrated in the video.
Secondly, the objects will revert to their original location and orientation if they are not manipulated. However, if you tweak the location or orientation, it will stay as it is.
Third, the object at the original location is a ghost, it doesn't really exist. The editor always shows two objects but there is only one.
So, some questions of my own. This is 100% reproducable and consistent on my computer. Is this happening to everyone else? Also, is this something that was already known about? I'll feel perty dumb if it was....
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Whenever you manipulate an object near, very close or touching a house, it happens. House duplicates and rotates 90.
I learned that I don't need to delete the copy, because then, you delete the original also, seems that it's only a graphical problem, a very annoying graphical problem...
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
I had this happen to me with houses, I have a row and they touch each other, trying to edit then produced a copy rotated 90 degrees, making it almost impossible to adjust.
Not entirely -- I had it happen with a NPC as well...where I had 2 NPCs I was seeing 3 images. If I recall it was during the same session where my Y value was being bumped by .278 no matter what field I clicked into. Bumped with every click.
Edit: Just happened to me again tonight with NPCs...
There is really only 1 ogre on top of sewer grate with 4 soldiers beneath.
You can see ogre is replicated, and soldiers are shown where ogres patrol points are located.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Awesome! Good to know. If it ain't the math, then check the plugs. Make sure you got good compression, especially on cylinders 1 and 6. If that doesn't work, then there's always blinker fluid and duct tape....
Speaking of duct tape, I totally got suckered into the Midsummer festival. I didn't realize it until today, when I suddenly thought of the Foundry and *BAM* it hit me like a ton of bricks (actually thats more like *RUMMmmmmmmmbbbblllllee, crack*) - the Midsummer Festival is a diversion in the most clever of guises. They had it saved up since pre-beta.... someone asked what to do if a patch breaks things, and the boss said "give 'em pigs!" Thus, providing them the scant time necessary to analyze all the math, plugs, and blinker fluid necessary before we wisened up and came back looking for answers and fixes. But it backfired. Oh yes, your lack of corndogs and curley fries has led me back here, looking for answers and fixes.
...and I'll inquire to the whereabouts of the aforementioned answers and fixes just as soon as I go knock a few Trolls around like I'm playing tackle football with pre-schoolers....
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
However, if I set the house while in 3D mode, and then if I mouse over the box to manipulate the object, it stays in the same spot and does not ghost the object from the original placement
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics