Old Lenn Mission, Where you have to sabotage the boats, now you can no longer do anything to the boats. The Nav leads to to each boat, but when you try to hover, nothing happens. Because of this, new players reach an impasse in the quests.
Not sure if this is the right place, but one of my characters is not able to get to New Sharadar. I can get to the Ruins. Every time I log out of leave for a queue, I end up back in Protectors Enclave, and I lose the quests I gained in the ruins. I went through the find lost scouts, and find artifacts quests. I either get stopped by stone wall, next to where the sword artifact is, or the waterfalls. The NPC at the falls does not speak to me. I can get no farther. I've reported this as a bug more than once, in game, but to no avail. It says I have no ticket, and it's not listed as a known issue.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Are you kidding me?!? Profession ASSETS are disappearing?! As in Adventurers, Master Alchemists, Mithril tools - that sort of thing?! Holy hell - how do you know about that and not put some sort of immediate halt to whatever would cause that to happen!? That's just inexcusable. Give away nightmares all day long, but let people lose their profession assets and it's no big deal?
It shouldn't be possible for anyone to lose any purple assets, since the losses appear to stem from upgrades consuming all assets rather than 4, or the 4 expected assets but also any others currently in-use to run other tasks.
I suspect it's an unexpected effect from quick-fixing the bug where assets could become locked as though they were in-use even though they weren't.
Please fix TR.
Lashing blade has an insanely long cooldown
Stealth isn't regenerating after using the daily Lurkers assault, and remains that way until you either change instances or die.
Please fix TR.
Lashing blade has an insanely long cooldown
Stealth isn't regenerating after using the daily Lurkers assault, and remains that way until you either change instances or die.
This happened to me as well. Two minutes. My post about it is a bit before yours. When I logged out and back in, it was at 20 seconds. But, I logged back out again because dying requires kits to heal and I'll just wait and see if it's fixed.
mactalemactaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited August 2013
I know I don't have any of the epic stuff or anything but I've lost a few assets and that's a LOT of time and money...
artasithMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Old Lenn Mission, Where you have to sabotage the boats, now you can no longer do anything to the boats. The Nav leads to to each boat, but when you try to hover, nothing happens. Because of this, new players reach an impasse in the quests.
yes i have this same issue and so do others who are in the blackdagger zone, just hop in and ask. also i have an issue of advancing quest line e.g. gnalclaw would not give me the kill jareth grim mission yesterday, but he did today, but now that i've done that knox won't give me the mission to the graveyard. i cannot progress and neither can a friend who we is playing a character together with mine.
also the disappearing/color walls and invisible enemies and characters. indoor type areas.
never had any of the above problems before fury & patch(s). i like this game please fix so we can continue playing.
someone who has invested some money in this game as a sort of hobby~
alystericaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
edited August 2013
I bought the Heroic Duelist full armor set to give like a birthday gift to my friend and I couldnt give it to her because it was bounded to me... I am a Control Wizard!!
She needs her armor and she dont have too much glory to buy it... I want to give it to her!!!
I bought the Heroic Duelist full armor set to give like a birthday gift to my friend and I couldnt give it to her because it was bounded to me... I am a Control Wizard!!
Sadly, they announced that after August 22, all Glory and Seal items would become bound-on-purchase.
People are saying gateway don't give rough ad when you complete crafts again. Anybody tested this and can confirm?
I completed a rough-AD reward task via Gateway, and when I logged into the game a bit later, they were there on my chr as should be. But I still don't trust that function completely. eg, I won't let 1000's of AD pile up and trust to the auto-refining function, which occasionally fails to function ... for me at least.
alystericaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
Known issue: Profession Assets may be deleted after Profession tasks are completed
So how are they going to fix this without a rollback? We spent real money to get some of the rare assets and now this failed module 1 update deleted them! How can we trust PWE now? I wouldn't want to spend anymore real money to find out later it got deleted because of a bad patch.
The salvager is a new NPC/spot in the main market area of the Enclave. Has to be lvl60 purple items, I think. I didn't pursue it closely yet.
Thanks a lot! Ill be there then to check...
Im so sorry for my friend... I wanted to give her a nice surprise with her armor... Now I have to do something better than that :rolleyes:
tssordMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 4Arc User
The GWF bug has not been fixed. Determination diminishes a lot faster when Unstoppable mode is on, and a lot slower when it isn't. Unstoppable also ends randomly before Determination runs out.
It shouldn't be possible for anyone to lose any purple assets, since the losses appear to stem from upgrades consuming all assets rather than 4, or the 4 expected assets but also any others currently in-use to run other tasks.
I suspect it's an unexpected effect from quick-fixing the bug where assets could become locked as though they were in-use even though they weren't.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Lashing blade has an insanely long cooldown
Stealth isn't regenerating after using the daily Lurkers assault, and remains that way until you either change instances or die.
Or what, Cryptic/PWE, are we to believe you think it is convenient for you that we lose assets so we purchase more Profession Packs?
This happened to me as well. Two minutes. My post about it is a bit before yours. When I logged out and back in, it was at 20 seconds. But, I logged back out again because dying requires kits to heal and I'll just wait and see if it's fixed.
yes i have this same issue and so do others who are in the blackdagger zone, just hop in and ask. also i have an issue of advancing quest line e.g. gnalclaw would not give me the kill jareth grim mission yesterday, but he did today, but now that i've done that knox won't give me the mission to the graveyard. i cannot progress and neither can a friend who we is playing a character together with mine.
also the disappearing/color walls and invisible enemies and characters. indoor type areas.
never had any of the above problems before fury & patch(s). i like this game please fix so we can continue playing.
someone who has invested some money in this game as a sort of hobby~
She needs her armor and she dont have too much glory to buy it... I want to give it to her!!!
So... What can I do now??
Sadly, they announced that after August 22, all Glory and Seal items would become bound-on-purchase.
Reminds me of the tons of complaints about rogues in pvp and here we have a ROGUE saying it which made me laugh.;)
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
Now.. what can I do with the set? I cant sell it... and its a waste of glory to discart it...
You know I asked this a long time ago and somebody told me "Make a wind chime?"
Can it be salvaged? If so, then at least you'd get some AD from it. If not...
Oh well...
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
I wish to know where...
I completed a rough-AD reward task via Gateway, and when I logged into the game a bit later, they were there on my chr as should be. But I still don't trust that function completely. eg, I won't let 1000's of AD pile up and trust to the auto-refining function, which occasionally fails to function ... for me at least.
I can.. Gateway is working well.. or at least for me
So how are they going to fix this without a rollback? We spent real money to get some of the rare assets and now this failed module 1 update deleted them! How can we trust PWE now? I wouldn't want to spend anymore real money to find out later it got deleted because of a bad patch.
Thanks a lot! Ill be there then to check...
Im so sorry for my friend... I wanted to give her a nice surprise with her armor... Now I have to do something better than that
nuff said ...
Known Issue: FFIV is around the corner.
All of my characters look different now.