I was pretty stoked for the upcoming module. I had been taking a couple months off, since I got to the endgame and realized that as a GWF I basically had to beg to be included in PVE content (including in my guild runs; why would they take me instead of another CW or TR?) When Gauntlgrym came out I was hoping for some changes, but instead we got no new class, no GWF buffs, and some extra PVP loot that was sub-current PVE loot.
But I was stoked on this upcoming patch. Things had to change, right? So I opened my client today, went to the scheduled patch changes, and saw:
-No new class
-GWF's getting one of their main sources of damage nerfed by 60%
-More useless professions that will take months to level up
Well... guess it's time to go back to The Secret World. Or maybe I'll just wait for Elder Scrolls Online to come out, it shouldn't be too long now.
It's been said many, many times now that the new class won't be available for some time yet. The GWF changes aren't final yet. You could always put some effort into persuading them to change their mind, like the TRs did with stealth leech. The professions don't take "months" to level up, and if you think they are useless you wouldn't level them anyway.
So, your complaints are coming off as pretty empty.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited August 2013
I am sorry to hear the new module isn't bringing you back but please try to give feedback in a means which will improve the game. This type of post is really no different than an 'I Quit' post which is against the Rules of Conduct.
I encourage you to give feedback but it's always better for the thread and for the feedback to get heard if you keep whether you will or will not play due to these changes separate as it simply ends up derailing threads into flame wars.
Rule 3.02 - No "I Quit" Threads or Posts
. . . . We're sorry to see you go, but please keep your goodbyes to PMs or in game messages. These threads do not contribute to the community discussion and generally end in hate or flames. Threads and Posts that purvey one quitting or the threat of quitting are considered "I Quit" threads and posts.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited August 2013
A lot of enjoyment or disappointment stems from how much being "the best" matters to you. If you had or were working toward some optimal build, and now see that being taken away from you, then you will certainly feel wronged. If, OTOH, you play as a distraction from real life and to kill monsters, and the shinies are just icing on the cake, then it probably won't affect you as much.
Don't get me wrong - it's important to feel rewarded for playing, and having a goal you can work toward is a hug motivator to play, but to get so worked up on a game that, by its very nature, changes over time, (for better or worse), just seems like the wrong venue to channel such discontent.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
It's been said many, many times now that the new class won't be available for some time yet. The GWF changes aren't final yet. You could always put some effort into persuading them to change their mind, like the TRs did with stealth leech. The professions don't take "months" to level up, and if you think they are useless you wouldn't level them anyway.
So, your complaints are coming off as pretty empty.
Yeah, I haven't followed the forums for a couple months either, so I haven't seen devs coming out and saying that there won't be a new class within the timeframe that it takes for the game to become irrelevant. I played from 3 days before the open beta started up until Gauntlgrym, so I know firsthand how much of an effect trying to persuade Cryptic to change their minds about making GWF's a worthless class have had. Ever read the Barracks forums? There's been at least one post a day since the closed beta complaining about GWF's being underwhelming and useless. Nothing has changed; it's only getting worse.
And yes, the professions *do* take months to level up if you are doing them passively (I.E., not playing 16 hours a day and stopping in the middle of a T2 run to reset your professions.) I kept pretty close track of professions over 3 months and finally got Mailsmithing up to 20, with Leadership still at 15. This may not be the experience that absolutely everyone had, but it's the experience of almost everyone I've played with and talked with.
I am sorry to hear the new module isn't bringing you back but please try to give feedback in a means which will improve the game. This type of post is really no different than an 'I Quit' post which is against the Rules of Conduct.
I encourage you to give feedback but it's always better for the thread and for the feedback to get heard if you keep whether you will or will not play due to these changes separate as it simply ends up derailing threads into flame wars.
Sorry, mod. I'll let this thread die, like my interest.
A lot of enjoyment or disappointment stems from how much being "the best" matters to you. If you had or were working toward some optimal build, and now see that being taken away from you, then you will certainly feel wronged. If, OTOH, you play as a distraction from real life and to kill monsters, and the shinies are just icing on the cake, then it probably won't affect you as much.
Don't get me wrong - it's important to feel rewarded for playing, and having a goal you can work toward is a hug motivator to play, but to get so worked up on a game that, by its very nature, changes over time, (for better or worse), just seems like the wrong venue to channel such discontent.
The problem is less about being "the best", and more about not getting to actually experience the endgame content because of a class being too weak to be included in an optimal group. I didn't like the other available classes or how they played, so I wasn't interested in rolling another character until an additional class was available. Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen.
I was pretty stoked for the upcoming module. I had been taking a couple months off, since I got to the endgame and realized that as a GWF I basically had to beg to be included in PVE content (including in my guild runs; why would they take me instead of another CW or TR?) When Gauntlgrym came out I was hoping for some changes, but instead we got no new class, no GWF buffs, and some extra PVP loot that was sub-current PVE loot.
But I was stoked on this upcoming patch. Things had to change, right? So I opened my client today, went to the scheduled patch changes, and saw:
-No new class
-GWF's getting one of their main sources of damage nerfed by 60%
-More useless professions that will take months to level up
Well... guess it's time to go back to The Secret World. Or maybe I'll just wait for Elder Scrolls Online to come out, it shouldn't be too long now.
What did you expect? Gauntle **** was praised as something great. But not only was it incomplete due bugs, it was horrible and boring.
People really expect anything from Module 1? Same boring dungeon bosses, same loot, just different zen items and enhancments.
1 more things. Next week Final Fantasy 14 is being released. So i don't think this Module will help the game. It only makes the current player base happy and that is a good thing i guess.
Yeah, I haven't followed the forums for a couple months either...
Then you should look into things before you start complaining about them, so your complaints will at least be based on knowledge.
As I said, the TRs got a major revision to their class abandoned. That set a precedent that shows they are open to discussion regarding revisions. Of course, the request for change has to be presented with reason and some evidence. I don't know that GWFs have done that quite as well as TRs did.
You're right. Your profession leveling experience is not the same as everyone else had. In any case, it doesn't matter, as you think professions are useless. As such, why would you spend any time leveling the new ones?
I've played all classes so far,(only 2 that are currently endgame, all the other classes are above 30. So not completely new player)
But the uppcoming "balance" will revert the changes to Gwf that boosted it a little bit last time ...
(And to ceirtan *enchant builds* players, having only 1 choice of gwf build is just sad *hp / regen hig tene dmg build.*)
why not just delete the gwf class? because one Tank class is more than enaugh. Because that build is the only thing left.
*ps. I don't care if players want to play the tene build, nor if they keep it, or delete it. (but because of these things, my build get's .... yeh.. anyone want a detailed descriptive wording???) I'll prolly get banned*) and no, my build isnt op I don't play to be op, I try to play to have fun.
Nerfing the wrong things, (because some players got single minded attention span, that spam the forums enough? doesn't change the fact, that it breaks more or less all other builds, except the one that needs the nerf the most.. *sighs*).
-anyhow, it doesn't matter really, I've got other classes, I hardly play my gwf anymore, sadly(It has allot of fun game-play in it). and nope, I'll not do a hp/regen tene build. it's beyond reasoning in any balanced way to have this type of build.
Allot of games have a /godmode command in the console why not just have ppl buy the access for it.
*To be honest, there are allot of people who will buy it.* quick money. Though I must admitt, I would not want to be on the same server as they ... Id actually pay to not be on a server like that lol. or not play.. depends..
Endgame content, well, it's pretty horrid, but luckily there are allot of fun people that counter this a bit, but it will only last so long..
I'm not all done yet with the game, but the high interest has gone down quite a bit, and as I've finished more of the leveling content quite a few times, aswell as the endgame content.... I feel there is not much holding me in the game...
So I kinda understand what the Topic owner is stating.
I wouldn't count this as a *I quit rage post* from him..
It's more a (okey, something I belived, and even still belive to have what it takes to do it right, ... isn't doing it...a quick poke in your direction... keep people like me in mind please. )
One of the best/(most promising) part of the game (Foundry) I's ruled by AD runs(Ad == Zen). (as most endgame content)
Dungeons... (so many feelings there from so many people)..... *should I mention the Queue system?
Gauntlgrym ...... (no comment)
etc.. endgame content is ruled my Ad / Zen, (why buy Zen?, then you don't have much more endgame content lol) buy the new /godmode command instead hehe...
ok. sorry, bad twist there, but I bet allot of people share similar thoughts.
He didnt say he didnt have interest. He said his interest is dieing. meaning its waning.
Something can't die like something else unless that something else is dead, meaning it's dead. It could, though, have been simply been poor phrasing, and he meant to say what you think he said.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited August 2013
>GWF main source of damage
lulz, you're terrible
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2013
Locking this as it was meant to be, see Ambi's reply above. Thanks!
Well, thanks for the bump, to ensure that more people do.
So, your complaints are coming off as pretty empty.
I encourage you to give feedback but it's always better for the thread and for the feedback to get heard if you keep whether you will or will not play due to these changes separate as it simply ends up derailing threads into flame wars.
Don't get me wrong - it's important to feel rewarded for playing, and having a goal you can work toward is a hug motivator to play, but to get so worked up on a game that, by its very nature, changes over time, (for better or worse), just seems like the wrong venue to channel such discontent.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Yeah, I haven't followed the forums for a couple months either, so I haven't seen devs coming out and saying that there won't be a new class within the timeframe that it takes for the game to become irrelevant. I played from 3 days before the open beta started up until Gauntlgrym, so I know firsthand how much of an effect trying to persuade Cryptic to change their minds about making GWF's a worthless class have had. Ever read the Barracks forums? There's been at least one post a day since the closed beta complaining about GWF's being underwhelming and useless. Nothing has changed; it's only getting worse.
And yes, the professions *do* take months to level up if you are doing them passively (I.E., not playing 16 hours a day and stopping in the middle of a T2 run to reset your professions.) I kept pretty close track of professions over 3 months and finally got Mailsmithing up to 20, with Leadership still at 15. This may not be the experience that absolutely everyone had, but it's the experience of almost everyone I've played with and talked with.
Sorry, mod. I'll let this thread die, like my interest.
The problem is less about being "the best", and more about not getting to actually experience the endgame content because of a class being too weak to be included in an optimal group. I didn't like the other available classes or how they played, so I wasn't interested in rolling another character until an additional class was available. Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen.
What did you expect? Gauntle **** was praised as something great. But not only was it incomplete due bugs, it was horrible and boring.
People really expect anything from Module 1? Same boring dungeon bosses, same loot, just different zen items and enhancments.
1 more things. Next week Final Fantasy 14 is being released. So i don't think this Module will help the game. It only makes the current player base happy and that is a good thing i guess.
Then you should look into things before you start complaining about them, so your complaints will at least be based on knowledge.
As I said, the TRs got a major revision to their class abandoned. That set a precedent that shows they are open to discussion regarding revisions. Of course, the request for change has to be presented with reason and some evidence. I don't know that GWFs have done that quite as well as TRs did.
You're right. Your profession leveling experience is not the same as everyone else had. In any case, it doesn't matter, as you think professions are useless. As such, why would you spend any time leveling the new ones?
If you really had no interest, you wouldn't be posting here.
But the uppcoming "balance" will revert the changes to Gwf that boosted it a little bit last time ...
(And to ceirtan *enchant builds* players, having only 1 choice of gwf build is just sad *hp / regen hig tene dmg build.*)
why not just delete the gwf class? because one Tank class is more than enaugh. Because that build is the only thing left.
*ps. I don't care if players want to play the tene build, nor if they keep it, or delete it. (but because of these things, my build get's .... yeh.. anyone want a detailed descriptive wording???) I'll prolly get banned*) and no, my build isnt op
Nerfing the wrong things, (because some players got single minded attention span, that spam the forums enough? doesn't change the fact, that it breaks more or less all other builds, except the one that needs the nerf the most.. *sighs*).
-anyhow, it doesn't matter really, I've got other classes, I hardly play my gwf anymore, sadly(It has allot of fun game-play in it). and nope, I'll not do a hp/regen tene build. it's beyond reasoning in any balanced way to have this type of build.
Allot of games have a /godmode command in the console
*To be honest, there are allot of people who will buy it.* quick money. Though I must admitt, I would not want to be on the same server as they ... Id actually pay to not be on a server like that lol. or not play.. depends..
Endgame content, well, it's pretty horrid, but luckily there are allot of fun people that counter this a bit, but it will only last so long..
I'm not all done yet with the game, but the high interest has gone down quite a bit, and as I've finished more of the leveling content quite a few times, aswell as the endgame content.... I feel there is not much holding me in the game...
So I kinda understand what the Topic owner is stating.
I wouldn't count this as a *I quit rage post* from him..
It's more a (okey, something I belived, and even still belive to have what it takes to do it right, ... isn't doing it...a quick poke in your direction... keep people like me in mind please. )
One of the best/(most promising) part of the game (Foundry) I's ruled by AD runs(Ad == Zen). (as most endgame content)
Dungeons... (so many feelings there from so many people)..... *should I mention the Queue system?
Gauntlgrym ...... (no comment)
etc.. endgame content is ruled my Ad / Zen, (why buy Zen?, then you don't have much more endgame content lol) buy the new /godmode command instead hehe...
ok. sorry, bad twist there, but I bet allot of people share similar thoughts.
Something can't die like something else unless that something else is dead, meaning it's dead. It could, though, have been simply been poor phrasing, and he meant to say what you think he said.
lulz, you're terrible
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