Hello folks of the Foundry! I'm here trying to get some input on my first contribution to the UGC library.
It's called Kobold Crusher.
I hear the folks here are not particularly fond of non-story quests, but I will be frank. This one was designed to be a straight up Genocide quest, the story is covered in the one npc interaction. However there is a point to this. As an achievement hunter, I am currently hunting monsters for the Monster Manual achievements. To date the only place to find Kobolds has been the lvl10 quest in NW, and the odd kobold in Neverdeath. So in the interest of helping my fellow completionist, I offer the first quest with a (to my knowledge) harder to find monster. I'm looking to make more in the future, but wow the foundry takes some time and dedication to turn out even the simple quests. You all have my props for making some absolutely outstanding story based quests. Thank you all.
TL;DR I wanna be awesome like ya'll, but some of us (me) require babysteps. Also try my quest plz. Thx.
NW-DKH3UKB4Q - Kobold Crusher. A sewer crawl with adjustable difficulty aimed at assisting with one of the Slayer achievements.
Post edited by jmdestere on
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
I'll trade a review with you check my signature (Brethren campaign) The Brethren Song (You can just search the name in the best tab)
I just finished your Foundry. (I got the slayer achievement about half-way in.) It's one of the better "kill-em-all" quests--keeps the action coming. Here are a few suggestions:
--in Frinko's dialogue, "deterred" is misspelled.
--Consider moving the respawn fire a bit--I spawned part-way inside of a nearby wall, and couldn't move.
--Maybe change the map transition from "Go to next area" to something that shows progression like "Enter the lair of the Kobold leadership".
--Along with the above, I'd change the objective name from "Kill the Kobold Leadership" to "Fight Your Way to the Kobold Leadership and Kill Them", so players will know that there's still some trash in the way.
--I know you're not going for story, but a final dialogue after all enemies are dead would help bring closure to things.
I'd appreciate it if you could give the second quest in my signature a run-through. Thanks. @Sintered
The Green Zone (NW-DP66H66F6): Train at a top-secret Goblin military installation. Hive Mind (NW-DN9YKEVUS): Get inside a crashed alien ship to discover its purpose. Absolute Zero (NW-DOVUXHT8P): Activate a massive teleportation machine to pursue an evil mastermind.
I just finished your Foundry. (I got the slayer achievement about half-way in.) It's one of the better "kill-em-all" quests--keeps the action coming. Here are a few suggestions:
--in Frinko's dialogue, "deterred" is misspelled.
--Consider moving the respawn fire a bit--I spawned part-way inside of a nearby wall, and couldn't move.
--Maybe change the map transition from "Go to next area" to something that shows progression like "Enter the lair of the Kobold leadership".
--Along with the above, I'd change the objective name from "Kill the Kobold Leadership" to "Fight Your Way to the Kobold Leadership and Kill Them", so players will know that there's still some trash in the way.
--I know you're not going for story, but a final dialogue after all enemies are dead would help bring closure to things.
I'd appreciate it if you could give the second quest in my signature a run-through. Thanks. @Sintered
I'll add it to the To-Do List. I'm having some slight issue staying connected for the moment, but...
I accepted the campaign. I figure since I hit 60 I can get over the achievement hunts and Dungeon solo attempts and do some hard foundry stuff.
First one on the list (The one that has me looking for a letter), is pretty fricken cool. I will tell you though that I am not a fan of being constantly reminded that your story has more to the story. Having finally done this myself I know from what I have played (which is absolutely lovely so far, the chase was gettin the adrenaline going. Friggen masterful), I can readily tell you that people are gonna do what they're gonna do. Some folks always think they got stuff to do, then theres others like me that are gonna see what the whole thing is all about (I played one the other day about some dragon cave and immortal people. I spent an hour crawling that thing over, I'm a fiend for interesting).
Anyways yeah, Winterswitch this beats the HAMSTER out of watching the queues never pop. Whatever you got, Its up after lolsorhands.
NW-DKH3UKB4Q - Kobold Crusher. A sewer crawl with adjustable difficulty aimed at assisting with one of the Slayer achievements.
Bah! I am all Kobold-out. The only ones I have left to do are dragons and ghosts. I assume the latter at least is bugged as it shows 0/50 for Ghost Slayer I.
Nice idea for a quest objective though, so I shall give it a play as a show of support.
Lolsorhand, your storyline was hard for a simple country boy to keep up with, but it was freakin epic! Sweet baby jesus you have skills with that dungeon design son! The intensity of the action scenes were also not to be overlooked. I took hardcore mode cause I got that GWF swag...and yeah you gave me a run for the money. Seriously man, that was dope.
winterswitch, I now feel like an idiot. I wrote down the first quest on your sig I now realize, I will go and give The Greenzone a shot after I take your advice on some edits for my quest. However I will say that The Final Examination was also brilliant. The way that quest unfolded was, a little mind blowing. Also lol @ the sign for the Registrar. For reals you got skills with setting mood. The situation at the end of the quest and the resolution speaks to me.
Karitr my first choices would have been ghost or dragon lol, I'm not looking forward to all the Mad Dragon runs I'll be doing in the near future lol. Anyways I appreciate the support! You got something that needs reviewed?
NW-DKH3UKB4Q - Kobold Crusher. A sewer crawl with adjustable difficulty aimed at assisting with one of the Slayer achievements.
No, I don't have the patience you guys have. I am happy just to play Foundrys
PS: I didn't say - I thoroughly enjoyed that. Your final encounters were awesome with great musical accompaniment. I also appreciated the fact that there were more than enough groups for me to finish the objective without having to back track.
Ah yeah, I put set it up so that only unavoidable encounters were set up to count towards the quest path to advance. As a GWF (and person) I like to always be moving forward. The extras are there because half the reason I made the thing was to give you a fighting chance at getting that kobold count down. The other half is because as an add tank, I could use some practice in dealing with lots of mobs in tandem.
Also you gotta work the music. Everything in life is more interesting with the proper soundtrack.
NW-DKH3UKB4Q - Kobold Crusher. A sewer crawl with adjustable difficulty aimed at assisting with one of the Slayer achievements.
Just finished your quest. I'm not sure how I could give it anything other than 5 stars since it worked as advertised: I got Kobold Slayer while playing it!
As I said in that review, you have a solid dungeon crawl. Mine's the opposite end of the spectrum, lots of story and the fighting is secondary. I'd love to hear what you think of it.
Find me in game with @DoctorBadger (Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Going to run yours today - I just did some final polish to Part 4 last night.
I'll give your quest a go as well!
If you'd like to play any quest of mine you're welcome to as well, just if you pick the arena be aware of that it can be hard solo!
I'll PM you with my thoughts when I've completed the quest.
Rescue in Rainwall, ID: NW-DRQK3HKVV Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3 The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC(3 Quests) Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63 Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Played and reviewed, was a fun romp! Also, you could add an interactable or invisible wall over the corpse to interact with. (They currently come alive when you speak with them, then fall down dead again after.)
Also the end chest is floating - Other than that I found nothing out of place.
You could add difficulty sliders for those who wish to have an easier time playing it, but that's totally up to you
Also played and reviewed!
Apart from what I wrote in the PM I also noticed the floating chest and the kobolds that spawn after a certain fight could use some patrolling, forgot to write that!
Still, well done!
Rescue in Rainwall, ID: NW-DRQK3HKVV Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3 The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC(3 Quests) Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63 Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
Thank you lolsorhand and groshie! More fixes to figure out and more reviews to be given! Why did I not get into the foundry sooner? Ya'll are awesome compared to the zone chat folks and this is hella fun. Screw the queues (GWFs don't get invites anyways). Chieori I'll be happy to take a look at Devils in the Sewer.
NW-DKH3UKB4Q - Kobold Crusher. A sewer crawl with adjustable difficulty aimed at assisting with one of the Slayer achievements.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
No problem man. I'm on it.
I just finished your Foundry. (I got the slayer achievement about half-way in.) It's one of the better "kill-em-all" quests--keeps the action coming. Here are a few suggestions:
--in Frinko's dialogue, "deterred" is misspelled.
--Consider moving the respawn fire a bit--I spawned part-way inside of a nearby wall, and couldn't move.
--Maybe change the map transition from "Go to next area" to something that shows progression like "Enter the lair of the Kobold leadership".
--Along with the above, I'd change the objective name from "Kill the Kobold Leadership" to "Fight Your Way to the Kobold Leadership and Kill Them", so players will know that there's still some trash in the way.
--I know you're not going for story, but a final dialogue after all enemies are dead would help bring closure to things.
I'd appreciate it if you could give the second quest in my signature a run-through. Thanks. @Sintered
Hive Mind (NW-DN9YKEVUS): Get inside a crashed alien ship to discover its purpose.
Absolute Zero (NW-DOVUXHT8P): Activate a massive teleportation machine to pursue an evil mastermind.
I'll add it to the To-Do List. I'm having some slight issue staying connected for the moment, but...
I accepted the campaign. I figure since I hit 60 I can get over the achievement hunts and Dungeon solo attempts and do some hard foundry stuff.
First one on the list (The one that has me looking for a letter), is pretty fricken cool. I will tell you though that I am not a fan of being constantly reminded that your story has more to the story. Having finally done this myself I know from what I have played (which is absolutely lovely so far, the chase was gettin the adrenaline going. Friggen masterful), I can readily tell you that people are gonna do what they're gonna do. Some folks always think they got stuff to do, then theres others like me that are gonna see what the whole thing is all about (I played one the other day about some dragon cave and immortal people. I spent an hour crawling that thing over, I'm a fiend for interesting).
Anyways yeah, Winterswitch this beats the HAMSTER out of watching the queues never pop. Whatever you got, Its up after lolsorhands.
Nice idea for a quest objective though, so I shall give it a play as a show of support.
Lolsorhand and winterswitch, I applaude you both.
Lolsorhand, your storyline was hard for a simple country boy to keep up with, but it was freakin epic! Sweet baby jesus you have skills with that dungeon design son! The intensity of the action scenes were also not to be overlooked. I took hardcore mode cause I got that GWF swag...and yeah you gave me a run for the money. Seriously man, that was dope.
winterswitch, I now feel like an idiot. I wrote down the first quest on your sig I now realize, I will go and give The Greenzone a shot after I take your advice on some edits for my quest. However I will say that The Final Examination was also brilliant. The way that quest unfolded was, a little mind blowing. Also lol @ the sign for the Registrar. For reals you got skills with setting mood. The situation at the end of the quest and the resolution speaks to me.
Karitr my first choices would have been ghost or dragon lol, I'm not looking forward to all the Mad Dragon runs I'll be doing in the near future lol. Anyways I appreciate the support! You got something that needs reviewed?
PS: I didn't say - I thoroughly enjoyed that. Your final encounters were awesome with great musical accompaniment. I also appreciated the fact that there were more than enough groups for me to finish the objective without having to back track.
Also you gotta work the music. Everything in life is more interesting with the proper soundtrack.
Just finished your quest. I'm not sure how I could give it anything other than 5 stars since it worked as advertised: I got Kobold Slayer while playing it!
As I said in that review, you have a solid dungeon crawl. Mine's the opposite end of the spectrum, lots of story and the fighting is secondary. I'd love to hear what you think of it.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
If you'd like to play any quest of mine you're welcome to as well, just if you pick the arena be aware of that it can be hard solo!
I'll PM you with my thoughts when I've completed the quest.
Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3
The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC (3 Quests)
Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63
Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
Also the end chest is floating
You could add difficulty sliders for those who wish to have an easier time playing it, but that's totally up to you
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
Apart from what I wrote in the PM I also noticed the floating chest and the kobolds that spawn after a certain fight could use some patrolling, forgot to write that!
Still, well done!
Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3
The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC (3 Quests)
Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63
Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
[1] Devils in the Sewer
[2] The Summoning
[3] Temple of the Winds
Clan Ravenclaw
Children's Babble
Solstice Academy