People tell me that my build is a tank. They then complain that I am not playing like a tank.
I get asked to do things regularly which are not part of my build.
Then I get complaints that I am not doing what my build is supposed to do.
It is annoying. All GFs are tanks....
This assumes that people all want you to have a build and certain spells that have been preapproved...
It shows lack of imagination.
It shows assumptions about how the game is played.
I get complaints on areas and dungeons which I have finished.
I don't assume that a character has a certain build then tell them to do a certain thing. It is bad playing.
It is often a clear indicator that I should find another group because they expect things to go in a very certain way and if it doesn't they won't be able to finish.
Post edited by mytgroo on
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
How exactly have you built your GF?
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
This is one thing that annoys me a lot as well. Back in LotRO, was kicked out of parties on several occasions simply because I was a Guardian with a two-handed axe. The Guardians there were the tank class, so I 'had' to play as a tank with a shield. The fact I was doing a lot more damage with a two-handed sword and that there were another tank in the group didn't matter. Once a tank, always a tank, apprently.
This is one reason why Everquest Next intrigues me. Over there, we still have the usual core classes, but we also have tons of other classe to find, and we can quite literally make the class we want. Will players still expect us to have a trinity with the tank, healer and DPS? Will people learn to think for themselves, or do they still go with the cookie-cutter builds built entirely for efficiency, and not for fun?
On one hand, without clearly defined classes, a role in the group gets lost and eventually everyone turns into GW2 HAMSTER DPS God-mode. Every class, no matter the name, turns into the same zergfest.
With Neverwinter, if you don't play your role properly, you're not maximizing your daily potential and hindering yourself. Some people might see that as a good or bad thing. It's almost too true, if you don't have predefined roles in a group in this game, chances are you won't finish the dungeon (i.e. all DPS builds).
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Playing the game properly? A game like this should be about experimenting with builds to try to find one you really enjoy. It shouldn't be a guessing-game to try to find the one and only viable build. If it was, we wouldn't even have different skills. Why would we, when everyone was using the exact same build? It is a lot more about player-level than character-level. I'd rather have three people with a 'bad' build who knows what they are doing, than one person with a 'perfect' build who doesn't know how to play.
What Mythos said. I play a DC for my main whose build really only maximizes divinity gain and divinity usage. I'm not maximized for group healing like a lot of DCs because I mostly play solo and that would be stupid for how I play. I also don't use a lot of spells that people expect because I use the ones that work for my play style, but my balance between offense and healing helps me carry dungeons and I have yet to get anything but compliments for it. Yeah, there are more effective ways of building a DC or any other class for whatever game mode you're doing, but it seems to me that the only build that matters is the one that makes sense for how you play.
borgued3Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 150Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013
Well, from all the 5 classes GF is the only class that actually can take the tank role, not just because of his resistance but because he has plenty ways to hold aggro and buff his team. No other class can do that role to its full potential like GFs can.
That doesnt mean you MUST be a tank, you can build dps, but then you better let your group know you are not gonna tank rather than let them find it out the hard way. If you want to avoid this sort of problem, then always go with premades on dungeons with people who know what is your build and what role you will perform, because on pugs when we see a GF, we will assume he is gonna tank untill we notice he isnt pulling any aggro and we are getting beaten, or untill he kindly let us know he isnt gonna tank.
I have 30,792 HP
48.8% Damage Resistance
25.3% Deflect Rate with 50% Deflection
2605 Offense
7417 Defense
The Following are in my tray--
Threatening Rush 3
Crushing Surge 3
Frontline Rush 3
Into the Fray 3
Bull Rush 3
Supremacy of Steel 3
Indomitable Strength 3
Enduring Warrior 3
Ferocious Reaction 3
Was thinking of replacing into the fray with anvil of doom or trample the fallen.
This is more of a hit point sink, focused on knocking down and away enemies.
My focus is on Protector not conqueror.
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This is one thing that annoys me a lot as well. Back in LotRO, was kicked out of parties on several occasions simply because I was a Guardian with a two-handed axe. The Guardians there were the tank class, so I 'had' to play as a tank with a shield. The fact I was doing a lot more damage with a two-handed sword and that there were another tank in the group didn't matter. Once a tank, always a tank, apprently.
This is one reason why Everquest Next intrigues me. Over there, we still have the usual core classes, but we also have tons of other classe to find, and we can quite literally make the class we want. Will players still expect us to have a trinity with the tank, healer and DPS? Will people learn to think for themselves, or do they still go with the cookie-cutter builds built entirely for efficiency, and not for fun?
Wow, between these comments and your appearance thread... lol.. Some people like to make their character the best it can be via stats/builds and like in most games there is usually one that is the most efficient build. Some of these same people value their time thus this efficiency is also valued. Min maxing time spent towards reward. You take issue with people not "thinking for themselves", yet you expect them to conform to your wishes in regards to character attire.
Playing the game properly? A game like this should be about experimenting with builds to try to find one you really enjoy. It shouldn't be a guessing-game to try to find the one and only viable build. If it was, we wouldn't even have different skills. Why would we, when everyone was using the exact same build? It is a lot more about player-level than character-level. I'd rather have three people with a 'bad' build who knows what they are doing, than one person with a 'perfect' build who doesn't know how to play.
The players intelligent enough to maximize their characters potential with a "perfect" build would undoubtedly know what they are doing. Whereas any person that uses a "bad" build either doesn't know, or is well...special. Your car has two gas mileage options for you to choose from 35 MPG or 25 MPG. You say you're gonna choose 25mpg cause everyone else is choosing 35 and its unoriginal! Smart! :rolleyes:
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
Wow, between these comments and your appearance thread... lol..
If you have a problem with me, please have the guts to take it up with me in a PM, instead of speading it over the forum. Thanks.
Some people like to make their character the best it can be via stats/builds and like in most games there is usually one that is the most efficient build. Some of these same people value their time thus this efficiency is also valued. Min maxing time spent towards reward. You take issue with people not "thinking for themselves", yet you expect them to conform to your wishes in regards to character attire.
The players intelligent enough to maximize their characters potential with a "perfect" build would undoubtedly know what they are doing. Whereas any person that uses a "bad" build either doesn't know, or is well...special. Your car has two gas mileage options for you to choose from 35 MPG or 25 MPG. You say you're gonna choose 25mpg cause everyone else is choosing 35 and its unoriginal! Smart! :rolleyes:
Not sure what your problem with me is, but what I (obviously) mean is the cookie-cutter build isn't the only way to play. That doesn't mean it's wrong to play like that, of course. I just think people should be allowed to play however they want, as long as it's not hurting anyone else. If you want to have the 'best' build possible, go with it. I don't care. But please don't try to make fun of me for picking a build I want. It doesn't any sense at all.
As for the car-example, it doens't make any sense. A better version would be this: When I go to work, I can either take the new rad or the old one. The new one is straight forward, and we can drive at a highs peed, However, it's also a bit longer. The old one is shorter, but it's on a dirt road with curves and over a small hill. Even so, it takes the same amount of time to drive either road. Which one would you pick? You won't save any time by going through the new road, but most people do it anyway. I pick the old one, as I think it's more fun to drive there. But we get at our destination at the same time. I might get my car a bit dirtier, but you use a bit more gas. Either way, it cost us the same to go there, and we get there at the same time. The only difference is you go for efficiency, and I go for fun.
Oh, and that picture is obviously simply because I asked in another thread if you could keep your clothes on. I won't even bother ask you to remove it, as that would just mean a flamewar and you looking more pathetic than you already do. I even said in that thread that I don't mind people taking their clothes off, so your picture means nothing to anyone except yourself.
I think the real problem here is that there is only one paradigm tree available per character class where its obvious that three were intended. If all three paradigm paths were available this sort of elitist thing wouldn't be happening as you couldn't expect most all of any class to build a certain way.
One of the issues with Guardian fighter right now is that if you spec Conq you are more effective. The returns from the Defender tree are not that great. People want to clear dungeons quickly and a Conq offer more DPS at little cost to survivability. It's a flawed mechanic. You're not optimal but I dont think you're a hindrance either. Then next is the tanking the boss mechanics. Nine out of ten times, you'll find the Rogue is who tanks the boss. He offers better single target DPS (and he should) and abilities that allow him to avoid retaliation. It's..just not that great of a design. Now should you be completely neglected from group for speccing the way you like? No, not at all. I had a similar spec from the beta weekends and up to a month into open beta. I liked the spec, but then I finally switched just to the overall effectiveness of the conq spec. I dont even think the conq spec needs to be buffed, they just need to change..most of the protector options to make them more appealing. The same time they changed how blocking worked with big hits, they did nothing to armor of Bahamut, which kind of did the same thing, making that feat more or less useless. Reducing damage reduction on targets if supremacy of steel farther up the tree is interesting, except when you consider the damage from that power comes mostly from power and you can double your power with a conq spec....this sort of thing.
One of the issues with Guardian fighter right now is that if you spec Conq you are more effective. The returns from the Defender tree are not that great. People want to clear dungeons quickly and a Conq offer more DPS at little cost to survivability. It's a flawed mechanic. You're not optimal but I dont think you're a hindrance either. Then next is the tanking the boss mechanics. Nine out of ten times, you'll find the Rogue is who tanks the boss. He offers better single target DPS (and he should) and abilities that allow him to avoid retaliation. It's..just not that great of a design. Now should you be completely neglected from group for speccing the way you like? No, not at all. I had a similar spec from the beta weekends and up to a month into open beta. I liked the spec, but then I finally switched just to the overall effectiveness of the conq spec. I dont even think the conq spec needs to be buffed, they just need to change..most of the protector options to make them more appealing. The same time they changed how blocking worked with big hits, they did nothing to armor of Bahamut, which kind of did the same thing, making that feat more or less useless. Reducing damage reduction on targets if supremacy of steel farther up the tree is interesting, except when you consider the damage from that power comes mostly from power and you can double your power with a conq spec....this sort of thing.
This is my first major adjustment to my specifications. I would probably change a few things. It is a matter of spending zen. The other issue that goes with the build is the Lair of the Mad Dragon did not give me the Helm of the Stalwart Bulwark as a bonus when I finished it. I can't buy it because Cryptic removed it from the the gear you could buy on the auction house. One day it was there, the next it was gone. I keep going back there hoping to get it, but the teams are not up to it for the most part. I get up the dragon, the team knocks it down to 1/2 then dies. It is a repetitive thing. I should probably aim for another armor set in another dungeon. Have the PVP armor set. Gear seriously affects this game. I thnk it would give a 1500 power bonus if I had it. Have all three pieces except the helm --actually have the unicorn helm of the stalwart bulwark which is a kind of joke. This is imbalanced.
I am able finish almost all the foundries. PVP is mixed not great and not bad.
I like the style of the Defender. The conqueror style is not that appealing to me. I think there are a few tweaks which could make it stronger. I could probably change a few of the attack options.
I understand what you mean, I got kicked out of a group for using Storm Pillar on my Crit build Control Wizard. Funny thing was my CW kept hitting for 5k plus crit with 600+ damage from ticks on groups of adds. However, since everyone knows how to play my build better than I do and unlike me don't spend time with a calculator doing the math; I was doing it wrong therefore didn't know how to play. Even funnier there was two TRs in group 11k+, my alt CW is 10k+ and I was already at 1.2mil damage and they were only scratching the end of 500k.
So yes, there does seem to expected builds and play style when grouping for dungeons.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This is my first major adjustment to my specifications. I would probably change a few things. It is a matter of spending zen. The other issue that goes with the build is the Lair of the Mad Dragon did not give me the Helm of the Stalwart Bulwark as a bonus when I finished it. I can't buy it because Cryptic removed it from the the gear you could buy on the auction house. One day it was there, the next it was gone. I keep going back there hoping to get it, but the teams are not up to it for the most part. I get up the dragon, the team knocks it down to 1/2 then dies. It is a repetitive thing. I should probably aim for another armor set in another dungeon. Have the PVP armor set. Gear seriously affects this game. I thnk it would give a 1500 power bonus if I had it. Have all three pieces except the helm --actually have the unicorn helm of the stalwart bulwark which is a kind of joke. This is imbalanced.
I am able finish almost all the foundries. PVP is mixed not great and not bad.
I like the style of the Defender. The conqueror style is not that appealing to me. I think there are a few tweaks which could make it stronger. I could probably change a few of the attack options.
Use the Grand Regent set while you farm the Stalwart helm. Great set for a defensive spec GF.
Experimentation is fine and dandy, in fact it is the foundation that gave us everything awesome in life! But if you cannot do the job for which you are best suited for naturally, then you may wanna reconsider your position. After all whats the point of being super-legit...if you are the only one that recognizes it?
Yes some people are insane about what they demand out of their guild/team members. It's been a proven method of guild success on many MMO's, despite the complaints about it. If people are willing to do what others tell them -in a videogame-, then that's their fault. If you want to play how you want to play...then do so. But be prepared to back yourself up if you wanna do something out of the norm. Acceptance is based on respect, and respect is rarely earned with just talk. If you cannot perform up with the others, then they have the right to not waste their time. Teamwork based gameplay is not just about individual performance, especially in less competitive environments like PVE. You have to be able to support the team (which GF's do, by being good at dying slower).
NW-DKH3UKB4Q - Kobold Crusher. A sewer crawl with adjustable difficulty aimed at assisting with one of the Slayer achievements.
If you have a problem with me, please have the guts to take it up with me in a PM, instead of speading it over the forum. Thanks.
Why would I do that? You feel it necessary to voice your concerns with the entire forum community rather then directly PM'n the people in question. I'm merely doing the same on the same platform.
As for the car-example, it doens't make any sense. A better version would be this: When I go to work, I can either take the new rad or the old one. The new one is straight forward, and we can drive at a highs peed, However, it's also a bit longer. The old one is shorter, but it's on a dirt road with curves and over a small hill. Even so, it takes the same amount of time to drive either road. Which one would you pick? You won't save any time by going through the new road, but most people do it anyway. I pick the old one, as I think it's more fun to drive there. But we get at our destination at the same time. I might get my car a bit dirtier, but you use a bit more gas. Either way, it cost us the same to go there, and we get there at the same time. The only difference is you go for efficiency, and I go for fun.
Perhaps you need the definition of efficiency.
1. the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance. 2. accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry's efficiency.
My car example makes perfect sense when you actually incorporate the meaning of efficiency. You have a class(car) to which people will find the most effective and efficient build that will accomplish a job (dps, CC, etc) with the minimum expenditure of time and effort. This is the vehicle using the 35mpg option (gets more done when same amount of time/effort is allotted aka more efficient 35 miles per 1 gallon). You take your fun build which takes more time and effort to accomplish the same job. This is your vehicle using 25mpg option (takes more time/effort to accomplish the same result only 25 miles per that same 1 gallon).
Your example doesn't fit due in part the dirt road you described (your fun build) is actually the more efficient one since it requires less energy (gas) to achieve the same result (both take the same amount of time).
I even said in that thread that I don't mind people taking their clothes off, so your picture means nothing to anyone except yourself.
So you make a thread voicing your concern how you find scantily clad female characters played by males offensive only to say you don't mind it? lol.. :rolleyes:
Why would I do that? You feel it necessary to voice your concerns with the entire forum community rather then directly PM'n the people in question. I'm merely doing the same on the same platform.
So why would someone make a thread complaining about how people were dressing their toon? How does that hurt them?
Perhaps you need the definition of efficiency.
1. the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance. 2. accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry's efficiency.
My car example makes perfect sense when you actually incorporate the meaning of efficiency. You have a class(car) to which people will find the most effective and efficient build that will accomplish a job (dps, CC, etc) with the minimum expenditure of time and effort. This is the vehicle using the 35mpg option (gets more done when same amount of time/effort is allotted aka more efficient 35 miles per 1 gallon). You take your fun build which takes more time and effort to accomplish the same job. This is your vehicle using 25mpg option (takes more time/effort to accomplish the same result only 25 miles per that same 1 gallon).
Your example doesn't fit due in part the dirt road you described (your fun build) is actually the more efficient one since it requires less energy (gas) to achieve the same result (both take the same amount of time).
So you make a thread voicing your concern how you find scantily clad female characters played by males offensive only to say you don't mind it? lol.. :rolleyes:
I was looking through the different sample builds in the forum one of them is for a protector style guardian with some conqueror thrown in. What I think I will do is when I have enough zen, I will modify some of my attacks and add a little bit more conqueror in.
I think this will make it work. I need to have a bit more damage, and a few better attacks, a little less defense, but not much.
People tell me that my build is a tank. They then complain that I am not playing like a tank.
I get asked to do things regularly which are not part of my build.
Then I get complaints that I am not doing what my build is supposed to do.
It is annoying. All GFs are tanks....
This assumes that people all want you to have a build and certain spells that have been preapproved...
It shows lack of imagination.
It shows assumptions about how the game is played.
I get complaints on areas and dungeons which I have finished.
I don't assume that a character has a certain build then tell them to do a certain thing. It is bad playing.
It is often a clear indicator that I should find another group because they expect things to go in a very certain way and if it doesn't they won't be able to finish.
This is an MMO. There are many children playing. The biggest quest in any MMO is finding other mature players with whom to group. Good luck in your quest. (And wish me luck in mine.)
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
Why would I do that? You feel it necessary to voice your concerns with the entire forum community rather then directly PM'n the people in question. I'm merely doing the same on the same platform.
If you have a problem with me, take it up with me on a PM. This is your last warning.
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If you have a problem with me, take it up with me on a PM. This is your last warning.
Warning before what? You'll click the report button. Do it, if that is going to make you feel better. I've merely been pointing out simple logic and questioning the illogical.
This is a very annoying player habit.
People tell me that my build is a tank. They then complain that I am not playing like a tank.
I get asked to do things regularly which are not part of my build.
Then I get complaints that I am not doing what my build is supposed to do.
It is annoying. All GFs are tanks....
This assumes that people all want you to have a build and certain spells that have been preapproved...
It shows lack of imagination.
It shows assumptions about how the game is played.
I get complaints on areas and dungeons which I have finished.
I don't assume that a character has a certain build then tell them to do a certain thing. It is bad playing.
It is often a clear indicator that I should find another group because they expect things to go in a very certain way and if it doesn't they won't be able to finish.
I personally do not care about the build as long as GF dose its job, keeps mobs on him. Unfortunately with only one paradigm tree available right now people in pugs will expect you to tank. Much like DCs are expected to heal. If healing is provided i do not care if they DPS on top of it. As some people have already posted - you should group with people who know you will not be tanking. Saves a lot of drama in PUGs and wasted time in general. I do hope they will release new trees soon, right now classes are locked in to their roles.
So you make a thread voicing your concern how you find scantily clad female characters played by males offensive only to say you don't mind it? lol.. :rolleyes:
Stop trying to argue with female logic, its unbeatable. I tell you that as a woman. About that scantily clad characters post, i just loled hard when i saw and ignored it. You should do the same probably .
I understand what you mean, I got kicked out of a group for using Storm Pillar on my Crit build Control Wizard. Funny thing was my CW kept hitting for 5k plus crit with 600+ damage from ticks on groups of adds. However, since everyone knows how to play my build better than I do and unlike me don't spend time with a calculator doing the math; I was doing it wrong therefore didn't know how to play. Even funnier there was two TRs in group 11k+, my alt CW is 10k+ and I was already at 1.2mil damage and they were only scratching the end of 500k.
So yes, there does seem to expected builds and play style when grouping for dungeons.
Well it's easy to do a lot of damage as a caster when mobs are messing around with no crowd control. The fact is that it's more efficient if you rely on the TR, GWF and your own control spell to kill things. DPS wizards is the thing i hate most in this game. This is seriously a burden when you have one in the team. Of course, you'll be first on the score board, but only because you don't do your job, which is control. Adds running around and covering the ground with several layers of red? Melees can't hit them! It's really a pain to heal too, since adds start chasing my DC. That's why i can kick a dps wizard's *** not using at least steal, icy ground time or something like that. Such builds are a hindrance and make the run a lot more complex. Plain and simple.
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Stop trying to argue with female logic, its unbeatable. I tell you that as a woman. About that scantily clad characters post, i just loled hard when i saw and ignored it. You should do the same probably .
This is one reason why Everquest Next intrigues me. Over there, we still have the usual core classes, but we also have tons of other classe to find, and we can quite literally make the class we want. Will players still expect us to have a trinity with the tank, healer and DPS? Will people learn to think for themselves, or do they still go with the cookie-cutter builds built entirely for efficiency, and not for fun?
With Neverwinter, if you don't play your role properly, you're not maximizing your daily potential and hindering yourself. Some people might see that as a good or bad thing. It's almost too true, if you don't have predefined roles in a group in this game, chances are you won't finish the dungeon (i.e. all DPS builds).
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
That doesnt mean you MUST be a tank, you can build dps, but then you better let your group know you are not gonna tank rather than let them find it out the hard way. If you want to avoid this sort of problem, then always go with premades on dungeons with people who know what is your build and what role you will perform, because on pugs when we see a GF, we will assume he is gonna tank untill we notice he isnt pulling any aggro and we are getting beaten, or untill he kindly let us know he isnt gonna tank.
I have 30,792 HP
48.8% Damage Resistance
25.3% Deflect Rate with 50% Deflection
2605 Offense
7417 Defense
The Following are in my tray--
Threatening Rush 3
Crushing Surge 3
Frontline Rush 3
Into the Fray 3
Bull Rush 3
Supremacy of Steel 3
Indomitable Strength 3
Enduring Warrior 3
Ferocious Reaction 3
Was thinking of replacing into the fray with anvil of doom or trample the fallen.
This is more of a hit point sink, focused on knocking down and away enemies.
My focus is on Protector not conqueror.
Wow, between these comments and your appearance thread... lol.. Some people like to make their character the best it can be via stats/builds and like in most games there is usually one that is the most efficient build. Some of these same people value their time thus this efficiency is also valued. Min maxing time spent towards reward. You take issue with people not "thinking for themselves", yet you expect them to conform to your wishes in regards to character attire.
The players intelligent enough to maximize their characters potential with a "perfect" build would undoubtedly know what they are doing. Whereas any person that uses a "bad" build either doesn't know, or is well...special. Your car has two gas mileage options for you to choose from 35 MPG or 25 MPG. You say you're gonna choose 25mpg cause everyone else is choosing 35 and its unoriginal! Smart! :rolleyes:
Not sure what your problem with me is, but what I (obviously) mean is the cookie-cutter build isn't the only way to play. That doesn't mean it's wrong to play like that, of course. I just think people should be allowed to play however they want, as long as it's not hurting anyone else. If you want to have the 'best' build possible, go with it. I don't care. But please don't try to make fun of me for picking a build I want. It doesn't any sense at all.
As for the car-example, it doens't make any sense. A better version would be this: When I go to work, I can either take the new rad or the old one. The new one is straight forward, and we can drive at a highs peed, However, it's also a bit longer. The old one is shorter, but it's on a dirt road with curves and over a small hill. Even so, it takes the same amount of time to drive either road. Which one would you pick? You won't save any time by going through the new road, but most people do it anyway. I pick the old one, as I think it's more fun to drive there. But we get at our destination at the same time. I might get my car a bit dirtier, but you use a bit more gas. Either way, it cost us the same to go there, and we get there at the same time. The only difference is you go for efficiency, and I go for fun.
Oh, and that picture is obviously simply because I asked in another thread if you could keep your clothes on. I won't even bother ask you to remove it, as that would just mean a flamewar and you looking more pathetic than you already do. I even said in that thread that I don't mind people taking their clothes off, so your picture means nothing to anyone except yourself.
This is my first major adjustment to my specifications. I would probably change a few things. It is a matter of spending zen. The other issue that goes with the build is the Lair of the Mad Dragon did not give me the Helm of the Stalwart Bulwark as a bonus when I finished it. I can't buy it because Cryptic removed it from the the gear you could buy on the auction house. One day it was there, the next it was gone. I keep going back there hoping to get it, but the teams are not up to it for the most part. I get up the dragon, the team knocks it down to 1/2 then dies. It is a repetitive thing. I should probably aim for another armor set in another dungeon. Have the PVP armor set. Gear seriously affects this game. I thnk it would give a 1500 power bonus if I had it. Have all three pieces except the helm --actually have the unicorn helm of the stalwart bulwark which is a kind of joke. This is imbalanced.
I am able finish almost all the foundries. PVP is mixed not great and not bad.
I like the style of the Defender. The conqueror style is not that appealing to me. I think there are a few tweaks which could make it stronger. I could probably change a few of the attack options.
So yes, there does seem to expected builds and play style when grouping for dungeons.
Yes some people are insane about what they demand out of their guild/team members. It's been a proven method of guild success on many MMO's, despite the complaints about it. If people are willing to do what others tell them -in a videogame-, then that's their fault. If you want to play how you want to play...then do so. But be prepared to back yourself up if you wanna do something out of the norm. Acceptance is based on respect, and respect is rarely earned with just talk. If you cannot perform up with the others, then they have the right to not waste their time. Teamwork based gameplay is not just about individual performance, especially in less competitive environments like PVE. You have to be able to support the team (which GF's do, by being good at dying slower).
Why would I do that? You feel it necessary to voice your concerns with the entire forum community rather then directly PM'n the people in question. I'm merely doing the same on the same platform.
So why would someone make a thread complaining about how people were dressing their toon? How does that hurt them?
Perhaps you need the definition of efficiency.
1. the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance.
2. accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry's efficiency.
My car example makes perfect sense when you actually incorporate the meaning of efficiency. You have a class(car) to which people will find the most effective and efficient build that will accomplish a job (dps, CC, etc) with the minimum expenditure of time and effort. This is the vehicle using the 35mpg option (gets more done when same amount of time/effort is allotted aka more efficient 35 miles per 1 gallon). You take your fun build which takes more time and effort to accomplish the same job. This is your vehicle using 25mpg option (takes more time/effort to accomplish the same result only 25 miles per that same 1 gallon).
Your example doesn't fit due in part the dirt road you described (your fun build) is actually the more efficient one since it requires less energy (gas) to achieve the same result (both take the same amount of time).
So you make a thread voicing your concern how you find scantily clad female characters played by males offensive only to say you don't mind it? lol.. :rolleyes:
I was looking through the different sample builds in the forum one of them is for a protector style guardian with some conqueror thrown in. What I think I will do is when I have enough zen, I will modify some of my attacks and add a little bit more conqueror in.
I think this will make it work. I need to have a bit more damage, and a few better attacks, a little less defense, but not much.
I am pretty close to what will work.
Warning before what? You'll click the report button. Do it, if that is going to make you feel better. I've merely been pointing out simple logic and questioning the illogical.
I personally do not care about the build as long as GF dose its job, keeps mobs on him. Unfortunately with only one paradigm tree available right now people in pugs will expect you to tank. Much like DCs are expected to heal. If healing is provided i do not care if they DPS on top of it. As some people have already posted - you should group with people who know you will not be tanking. Saves a lot of drama in PUGs and wasted time in general. I do hope they will release new trees soon, right now classes are locked in to their roles.
Stop trying to argue with female logic, its unbeatable. I tell you that as a woman. About that scantily clad characters post, i just loled hard when i saw and ignored it. You should do the same probably
Well it's easy to do a lot of damage as a caster when mobs are messing around with no crowd control. The fact is that it's more efficient if you rely on the TR, GWF and your own control spell to kill things. DPS wizards is the thing i hate most in this game. This is seriously a burden when you have one in the team. Of course, you'll be first on the score board, but only because you don't do your job, which is control. Adds running around and covering the ground with several layers of red? Melees can't hit them! It's really a pain to heal too, since adds start chasing my DC. That's why i can kick a dps wizard's *** not using at least steal, icy ground time or something like that. Such builds are a hindrance and make the run a lot more complex. Plain and simple.
Hard to ignore ridiculousness.