With the recent clarification that Power isn't as important as we thought, compared to Armor Pen, does that effect what the best companion is for out class?
Cat has two stats: Recovery/Crit Strike and can go to level 30, w/3 offensive slots.
Ioun Stone: Power/Recovery/Crit, and can go to level 25, w/2 Offensive Slots
Trick - Exactly. When I leveled up my TR at level 5 when I hit the city. I bought my CAT and filled it with my stocked gear/enchants and was OP all the way to 60. :P
Nothing like starting with tons of CRT & LS being a god.
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ioun stone is better.
It's cheaper, and you can get better stats from its Icon slot vs the cat's Waist slot, making up for having power instead of more crit/recovery.
Also, Power starts to get good once you have Crit, Arpen, and Recovery geared up to point of diminishing returns. Arpen in particular you don't need more than 2200 for PvE (and you can't have a companion in PvP anyway).
rama07Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
Yep the Ioun also passes it's status but I've heard it's not passing one of it's base states. I don't remember which but everyone I play with uses CAT vs. Ioun because of the bug.
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yep the Ioun also passes it's status but I've heard it's not passing one of it's base states. I don't remember which but everyone I play with uses CAT vs. Ioun because of the bug.
I tested it out, and everything is working as expected with mine.
The CAT gives more base CRT/Recovery around 100 points more. So if you don't need power the CAT is better choice for Min/Max.
Thing is if you're min maxing and have a stat companion you're most likely already at the point where power starts to become better to stack than crit/recovery.
Show the math that power will ever be better to stack out side of ArP for PvE?
Unless you are using your CAT as a GREEN/Blue Power Stack to get as much power as possible. Are you reaching your optimal stats for ArP/Crt? around 30% CRT & 22%+ ArP, etc...?
Show the math that power will ever be better to stack out side of ArP for PvE?
Unless you are using your CAT as a GREEN/Blue Power Stack to get as much power as possible. Are you reaching your optimal stats for ArP/Crt? around 30% CRT & 22%+ ArP, etc...?
Because once you get to those DR caps not only does it become less effective to stack those stats anymore, but those dmg modifiers are big enough for power to start to shine.
The only reason power sucks to begin with is because you have a head start with your weapon having a bunch of weapon dmg, so dmg modifiers like arpen/crit/recovery are king, then they get high enough that getting power is good.
So mostly votes for the cat, but also votes for the Ioun Stone? lol Interesting, I mean you do gain 75ish Crit/Recovery with the Cat at the expense of 165ish power I believe... So it's a balance of what you want, as you can also pump power on the cat via enchantments also. So depends if the extra 75 Crit/Recov (total 160ish), is worth more then the 165ish power, right?
Also what Runestones would you put in? The one that gives x% of stats, or the one that can give X armor pen? I'm leaning toward Arm Pen honestly...
There's no choosing between those two. The % stats comes from a Defensive slot. The Armor Penetration comes from an Offensive slot.
As a TR, I put Recovery in my Stone's slots, because I care less about Recovery in PvP. Since the companion doesn't work in PvP, that means I keep most of my other stats high.
stone is better flat out because it does not die in combat. the cat dies constantly to red aoe on the ground.
I can't understand why people say something without knowing else. I know it is an old discussione, but fact is that the cat does not die in combat, too, and I think it is better to write it down here orelse someone could read something wrong. Augment pets (stones, cat, and so on) don't die. don't attack, and can't be attacked.
Sorry if my english is not so good.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
But the cat is not getting the bonus from Charisma and if they fix that then cat will be even more OP.
But at 25 has all 6 slots unlocked and 100% of the ITEMS/Enchants stats pass to the owner.
This means your CAT gives you ~260 CRT & 260 Recovery + (3) Level 60 Epics & their enchants + (3) More Enchants.
You can put level 60 gear in the Cat regardless of your actual level.
It's "your" not "you're"... I'm a dork.
Nothing like starting with tons of CRT & LS being a god.
Becareful... we might *both* get banned.
It's cheaper, and you can get better stats from its Icon slot vs the cat's Waist slot, making up for having power instead of more crit/recovery.
Also, Power starts to get good once you have Crit, Arpen, and Recovery geared up to point of diminishing returns. Arpen in particular you don't need more than 2200 for PvE (and you can't have a companion in PvP anyway).
Does this work only with the Cat companion?
All companions can use any gear but they do not pass their stats to their owner.
Also works with the Ioun stone (and all other companions). Also ignores any class restrictions.
The Ioun stone also passes stats 100%, and costs around 750K AD or less at reasonable Zen exchange rates.
I tested it out, and everything is working as expected with mine.
Before Ioun Stone:
Power: 2658
Crit: 2400
Recovery: 1625
Total stats on stone (base plus gear/runestones):
Power: 164 + 161 = 326
Crit: 165 + 469 = 634
Recovery: 166 + 1120 = 1286
I also have a Rank 6 Eldritch stone in the Defense slot (+8% stats)
This gives a predicted stats of:
Power: 2658 + 326 * 1.08 = 3011
Crit: 2400 + 634 * 1.08 = 3085
Recovery: 1625 + 1286 * 1.08 = 3014
Actual stats with the Stone:
Power: 3008
Crit: 3083
Recovery: 3012
So slight differences, but just rounding errors really.
Thing is if you're min maxing and have a stat companion you're most likely already at the point where power starts to become better to stack than crit/recovery.
Unless you are using your CAT as a GREEN/Blue Power Stack to get as much power as possible. Are you reaching your optimal stats for ArP/Crt? around 30% CRT & 22%+ ArP, etc...?
Because once you get to those DR caps not only does it become less effective to stack those stats anymore, but those dmg modifiers are big enough for power to start to shine.
The only reason power sucks to begin with is because you have a head start with your weapon having a bunch of weapon dmg, so dmg modifiers like arpen/crit/recovery are king, then they get high enough that getting power is good.
There's no choosing between those two. The % stats comes from a Defensive slot. The Armor Penetration comes from an Offensive slot.
As a TR, I put Recovery in my Stone's slots, because I care less about Recovery in PvP. Since the companion doesn't work in PvP, that means I keep most of my other stats high.
I can't understand why people say something without knowing else. I know it is an old discussione, but fact is that the cat does not die in combat, too, and I think it is better to write it down here orelse someone could read something wrong. Augment pets (stones, cat, and so on) don't die. don't attack, and can't be attacked.
Sorry if my english is not so good.
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