The Defiled Abbey
Description: A call for help comes from a small congregation of monks nestled deep in the Sword Mountains.
Something is amiss. Even visitors get a strange feeling when around the abbey. Several monks have gone missing and assistance is being requested to find out what is happening.
The Enclave has ignored the pleas for long enough. It's up to you to find out and save the abbey.
This is my first Foundry and I've spent many hours tweaking dialogue, details and general QA to eliminate as many mistakes/bugs as possible. I have not played the published version yet as I just spent ~6 hours finishing the final portions of the quest and would like to get some rest. I'd like to get any feedback in the meantime so I can clean up it up with a fresh mind.
I will review/test your quest/campaign if you'd like me too. I may not get to it immediately today but I will by the end of this weekend.
Thanks for the feedback, please be honest!
The Defiled Abbey - Feedback/tests needed will trade. NW-DD6DYPET2
You could also try over at Scribe's Enclave (details in my Sig).
We review with the sole intention of getting Authors out of the "beta stage" (need 5 in-game reviews) and, hopefully, up to Daily Eligible (need 20 plays). We don't ask for traded reviews in return. The more people we get interested over there the more chance of being able to help players in the initial stages of publishing their quests.
You could also try over at Scribe's Enclave (details in my Sig).
We review with the sole intention of getting Authors out of the "beta stage" (need 5 in-game reviews) and, hopefully, up to Daily Eligible (need 20 plays). We don't ask for traded reviews in return. The more people we get interested over there the more chance of being able to help players in the initial stages of publishing their quests.
All The Best
I signed up but it says members only to post. Also I don't want reviews just to get out of "beta stage" I want reviews for honest and legitimate feedback so I can tweak my quest. The numbers will come with time.
The Defiled Abbey - Feedback/tests needed will trade. NW-DD6DYPET2
I signed up but it says members only to post. Also I don't want reviews just to get out of "beta stage" I want reviews for honest and legitimate feedback so I can tweak my quest. The numbers will come with time.
Yeah, you'll have to wait for the Board Manager to grant posting rights.
We'll help you get out of Beta, but we will be totally honest as well. If for whatever reason we wouldn't rate it at least three stars then we'll PM you our feedback, maybe even some recommendations, and then re-review it once you tell us you think its ready to go again.
We'll be totally honest, but we won't "damage" the quest's reputation/rating to do it.
Edit: played it. Quite a good quest. There is some tweaking to be done though. some of the things (like the portals) still have the default names. quite a lot of the enemies have the wrong costumes. the minion wolf in the first boss was the shocktroop type for example.
My Quests:
Anomalous readings NW-DT25L46HY
The Banished Realm NW-DBPX6X9JV
I've been waiting for someone to let me create topics for a day o so, already...
At Scribes?
I know for a fact at least one new member got posting rights yesterday. So I am wondering if there is a problem somewhere with things not showing up to be approved.
Will send another PM.
It would help if you let me know the name you have registered with, then we can at least start looking in the right area.
Hi guys! I'm happy to see your interest in Scribes' Enclave, and very sorry you're having trouble. I check for new applications frequently through-out the day, and have accepted every application i've received.
First, you need a GuildLaunch user account. If you don't already have a GuildLaunch account, you need to register with them to set that up. GuildLaunch hosts user sites for tons of guilds from any game. Start your registration with them here:
Then, after you have your GuildLaunch account, you come back to the Scribes' Enclave site and apply for membership using the link at the top-left of the page. (It's only three questions. ) I'm in U.S. Central time, and check in frequently all day for new members. We got three new members yesterday. The only time you may have to wait a bit longer is when i'm in bed, but i do check again first thing in the morning.
redneckronin, are you still doing trades? Cause if so, I'm game.
You can choose either from my signature but you shouldn't play war in the 12 temples if you're not a Saint Seiya fan.
War in the twelve temples - NW-DMXDG5KED (Parody of the anime Saint Seiya!)
The Mysterious Woman - NW-DP6MVIC26 (Venture in the fey wild)
We review with the sole intention of getting Authors out of the "beta stage" (need 5 in-game reviews) and, hopefully, up to Daily Eligible (need 20 plays). We don't ask for traded reviews in return. The more people we get interested over there the more chance of being able to help players in the initial stages of publishing their quests.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
I signed up but it says members only to post. Also I don't want reviews just to get out of "beta stage" I want reviews for honest and legitimate feedback so I can tweak my quest. The numbers will come with time.
Yeah, you'll have to wait for the Board Manager to grant posting rights.
We'll help you get out of Beta, but we will be totally honest as well. If for whatever reason we wouldn't rate it at least three stars then we'll PM you our feedback, maybe even some recommendations, and then re-review it once you tell us you think its ready to go again.
We'll be totally honest, but we won't "damage" the quest's reputation/rating to do it.
The purpose is to help and encourage new Authors.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
How long does this take exactly? I still can't post.
Mmmm, normally only an hour or so.
What name have you registered with? I'll send Zier a PM to get things moved on.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
Edit: played it. Quite a good quest. There is some tweaking to be done though. some of the things (like the portals) still have the default names. quite a lot of the enemies have the wrong costumes. the minion wolf in the first boss was the shocktroop type for example.
Anomalous readings NW-DT25L46HY
The Banished Realm NW-DBPX6X9JV
The Mysterious Woman - NW-DP6MVIC26 (Venture in the fey wild)
Those are high elves, also known as eladrins. The closest beings to the feywild.
They are a core race from D&D 4e. You can find them in "The Mysterious Woman" quest.
At Scribes?
I know for a fact at least one new member got posting rights yesterday. So I am wondering if there is a problem somewhere with things not showing up to be approved.
Will send another PM.
It would help if you let me know the name you have registered with, then we can at least start looking in the right area.
Sorry for any issues, will see what I can do.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
First, you need a GuildLaunch user account. If you don't already have a GuildLaunch account, you need to register with them to set that up. GuildLaunch hosts user sites for tons of guilds from any game. Start your registration with them here:
Then, after you have your GuildLaunch account, you come back to the Scribes' Enclave site and apply for membership using the link at the top-left of the page. (It's only three questions.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
You need to register with GuildLaunch, and then apply to join Scribes Enclave.
Scribe's Enclave manager informs me all current applications to Scribe's Enclave have been approved, and posting rights assigned.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
Liked the story itself.
Felt the environments could do with perhaps a bit more detail to really make them stand out.
Am send a PM with more detailed feedback to avoid dropping an spoilers for those who haven't played it yet.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
You can choose either from my signature but you shouldn't play war in the 12 temples if you're not a Saint Seiya fan.
The Mysterious Woman - NW-DP6MVIC26 (Venture in the fey wild)
Those are high elves, also known as eladrins. The closest beings to the feywild.
They are a core race from D&D 4e. You can find them in "The Mysterious Woman" quest.