After making this foundry quest for the last few weeks I think I have become blind to things that are wrong.
If anyone could give my quest a run through and look for floating object, dialog errors and bugs it would greatly help.
I have a list of things that I know need fixing but before I do those I would like to make sure there are not a lot more I missed.
Thanks in advance.
If anyone needs a test I would be willing to help also.
I can run it later for you. I also just released my second quest (Fleshrend's Big Adventure, info is in my sig) if you wouldn't mind giving that a run through for the same reason
Felling the Forgemaster: NW-DOHCJ5VE3(Elligible for Foundry Daily) Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK (Elligible for Foundry Daily)
Everyone needs editors, even the bestselling authors in the world. I've found this community really helpful and gives detailed feedback. I'm off to run yours now and I'll send you what I find! If you find anything I should know about in mine (code's in my sig) please let me know.
Find me in game with @DoctorBadger (Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
Felling the Forgemaster: NW-DOHCJ5VE3 (Elligible for Foundry Daily)
Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK
(Elligible for Foundry Daily)
Felling the Forgemaster: NW-DOHCJ5VE3 (Elligible for Foundry Daily)
Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK
(Elligible for Foundry Daily)
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ