Nice to have a new content to play. Love the new pressions, hate that TR's PWE and PVP builds are now tottaly messed up but wel will be fun i quess -.-And oehh, prices will go up in AH
What will we do with the glory we gain after we have completed our sets if everything is bound from the shop? Pots are nice, but who needs that many.
Happy to see that companions can be upgraded... I also think I'm going to cringe at the number of AD needed to upgrade our companions. But I'm a cockeyed optimist and maybe it will be affordable for those of us who don't have magic AD producing skills
I think it's time for me to move back to GW2 and leave this sinking ship.
Each patch nerfs TRs more and more, due to the cries of 2 classes (clerics and CWs), while on the other hand GFs and GWFs run around with no nerfs. Currently GFs and GWFs are the top of the food chain when it comes to PvP. CW vs TR was an even fight if the CW knew his class. Clerics need a buff, GFs and GWFs need a slight nerf, either in damage, surv or control. CW and TR are in a good state as it is.
They also arent going about nerfing things in a subtle way, it's too much too often, instead of in small steps to get a balance going.
I kill people easier as a GF or GWF than I do as a rogue, while retaining much much higher survivability at the same time.
asraeilMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited July 2013
so bad that they nerf Rogue Lurkan DPS (so making final bosses much longer to kill) without granting some more control on the loot reward.
There are PLENTY of nice suggestions here in the forum on how to fix the reward after Dungeons, someone are really nice and simple (not going to say them again)... the VEY BAD loot system was nice until farming dungeons was nice and fast. Ok, i need to run it 10 times... but I can. Now after all the "fixes" and "balances" going DD is much much harder... for no better reward. BAH.
dirtyhookMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Companions will probably cost as much as mounts.
So your white cleric will most likely cost 2m+ AD to get to purple.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
"Items purchased via Seals and Glory are now bound to the character when purchased."
Yay! Now I can buy all sorts of equipment I don't need with the 500+ seals I have. Thanks, Cryptic!
I still can't understand why these class nerfs are made.
- Nerf Tenebrous
- Give a 25% HP buff and 25% damage reduction in dominion maps (tweak these numbers if needed not to make heal and/or regen too op).
Aaaaaand ur done. PvP is gib- and CC-train-free and PvE is untouched.
Tell me why this can't be done. They have the technology, GG has it implemented.
and all similiar are from TR i suppose and ero, completly zero objectivity, only qq because they dont 1-shot in pvp, lol, to be honest the class that can one shot must gwf with his BIG sword not so cowardy stealthed trash with tiny daggers. Now TR will act adequately to the weapone they wear.
Lol that is plain wrong. On d&d rogues always do tons of dmg.
With sneak attack dmg, a rogue will always out dmg a fighter of similar lvl/gear. Sure your fighters war hammer does 1d12, but my rogue does 1d4+3d6 dmg with his dagger.
Make a rogue/swashbuckler next time you play pen and paper. Gasp in awe as you 1 shot npcs lvls above you. Prestige into duelist and watch as your char wipes out whole armies of vampires
My point is rogues doing stupid amounts of dmg is the one of the few things pwe got right in this game.
so most of the broken, not working as intended or just plain not working at all, feats are finally going to be fixed ?? amazing news, but only a month or two too late.
Does this mean we will be receiving a free respec token ? as many many players were forced into feat choices based on what actually worked and not what they actually wanted to use, this a game fault and your fault, NOT the players.
Or are we the players going to be actually expected to pay for re-specs our selves ?
You can not go and change feats that did'nt work or heavly nerf feats that do and then expect the players them selves to fund out of there own pockets to to compensate for the changes you make on the fly, this is a con...
major changes to in game mechanics are way out of the players control and in no way shape or form should the players be expected to pay out to adjust to these changes.
If this happens it would be majorly unfair, it would be ok for new players obviously but the main core player base, who most have been here since pre launch etc and already have multiple lvl 60 characters are going to be hit realy hard, These are the loyal players many been involved in testing etc these are the players also that most have already invested alot of real money into this game, these are the players that have been paying YOUR wages for the past few months. and you going to do this to them ???
TR nerf is good. They got too much single target dmg. Even in CN until endboss I only have 1-2 mil more dmg than good TR's with my GWF because there are loads of aoe dmg. But TR's got 3x more single target dmg. They are good balanced now imo.
You know who this change will punish the most? The normal, non-permastealthing rogues who like PVE. Permastealthing rogues are a small minority and, if someone got oneshotted by any class in PVP, the opponent was very likely far better geared than them and that person wasn't really paying attention.
Here's an idea: What if instead of constantly nerfing rogues (and whoever is next), you gave other classes some boosts where needed? And/or decreased the amount of HP and defense that endgame mobs have?
~a devoted cleric
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
TR nerf is good. They got too much single target dmg. Even in CN until endboss I only have 1-2 mil more dmg than good TR's with my GWF because there are loads of aoe dmg. But TR's got 3x more single target dmg. They are good balanced now imo.
A bit short-sighted, are we ? You realize that with less dps your CN boss fights will take even longer and that your lack of damage might come from you being bad at your class ?
You said that glorry and seal items will bound on pick up Now tell me why should i care to play more then 4 pvp a day (which i need for a daily) and why should i play Gauntelgrim anymore I mean what i do with 2 pcs of the same equipment ? Colect them in inventory or bank? This is wrong totally wrong. You killing this game with things like this.
A bit short-sighted, are we ? You realize that with less dps your CN boss fights will take even longer and that your lack of damage might come from you being bad at your class ?
I dont lack dmg I'm always above rogues in CN until endboss. But no GWF has more single target dmg than rogues right now.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
I dont lack dmg I'm always above rogues in CN until endboss. But no GWF has more single target dmg than rogues right now.
Just so that I get this right ?! You, as a GWF, a class which is the king of aoe damage, are jealous about the TR, which is the king of single target damage ? So you want your GWF to top single and aoe damage charts ?
ha no more ways to earn AD from seals lol, so the new DPS class will be GF and CW lol XD, OMG i can have a cat lv 30 XD and a healer lv 30 XD i hope the AD cost is based on lv as well so is cheap for lv 15 to 20 but more expensive for lv 25 to 30
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
Well if this goes live I am done with PW and Cryptic. This was my last F2P/Greed model game I was going to play anyway, I don't even have a perma-stealth rogue and I didn't spend hours on end playing and refining my rogue to get nerfed in to the ground yet again. SO now our two highest daily powers are HAMSTER now. Stealth and ranged both got nerfed in the ground too.
Its not just one nerf, its 4 major nerfs, on the 3 massive nerfs they received previously.
I WAS planning on buying the expansion pack, but if this goes live, I am not giving them another god **** red cent. No people cant have my stuff either, that means supporting a HAMSTER game with HAMSTER support and stupid *** devs. They buffed the biggest whining class in game, don't even bother touching the other 2 classes that have too much power with nerfs, seriously?
Yuppers and they know I have given them money so they can just keep their whiners who probably don't even give them money.
char0n42Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited July 2013
When I first read the Trickster changes, I thought it was a bad April fools joke. They are punishing all TR's for one pvp build that people are complaining about. What about the rest of us normal rogues? I will definitely not be spending anymore money on this game if this goes into effect.
katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
Well I am tired of wasting my time on my characters and my money, this will be the 4th time major nerfs hitting my class causing me to waste my time and having to relearn everything. A very loud minority with incessant posting and gripes about the TR class won a major victory by getting 7 major nerfs and gutting the class at its core.
300,000 AD to take a White pet to Green is insane. No one is going to do that. This is a bad joke. Maybe 50k for white to green ... 150 to 200 from green to blue and 500k for blue to purple. Not sure exactly what you guys are smoking when you came up with those prices.
Let's recap. You ganked every way to get AD by doing anything other than farming dungeons.
You didn't bother putting in the salvager (Which I doubt will give more than 500 AD per item)
And you price things at the stupid outrageous high level and wonder why no one buys items.
The bad joke is what's being done to the Trickster Rogue class. I play a cleric and even I feel these nerfs are uncalled for and plain wrong. The balance issue in PVP does not have anything to do with classes. The issue is gear, enchants and the matchmaking system (or rather the lack of matchmaking). Everyone is clumped together regardless of gear/enchant quality that's where most of the imbalance comes from. Nerfing a class into the ground will not fix the problems with PVP, just create big problems for rogues who enjoy PVE.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
A king of something that is not needed. Yeah, that's a really coveted position.
Well it's not his fault that the devs - in their infinite wisdom - made CN a one man show for CWs. "Hey man, we don't need aoe damage, since the mechanic to this instance is to knock everything into the chasms".
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
300,000 AD to take a White pet to Green is insane. No one is going to do that. This is a bad joke. Maybe 50k for white to green ... 150 to 200 from green to blue and 500k for blue to purple. Not sure exactly what you guys are smoking when you came up with those prices.
The most I would pay per Rank would be 20,000 although I'd be more comfortable with 10k.. So for example to go from 15 to 30 I'd find 300k reasonable. Anything outside that and it's not worth it to me personally. Even at Rank 30 the companions are not all that great. Maybe if they scaled up better it would be worth it but from my experience they don't.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
edited July 2013
Well I completed the first daily area and I think they need to add some night shifts if they want to launch this on the 22nd.
Feywild so far seems like 3 small areas with quests which reward a new type of seals and seeds. The seeds are used to unlock the other zones (which then takes 19 hrs to unlock). There is a separate campaign window where you can spend those seeds on zone unlocks and probably also on passive buffs (they seem kinda crappy with stuff like +1% damage, not sure if you can buy them several times and stack them). There are new loot vendors and I saw 3 pieces of a new Rogue set (+5k poison dot over 15 seconds as bonus), bought with another type of seals which will probably drop in the new instance. And the key to the new instance costs 50k AD on top of the tokens, squeeze us for every penny Cryptic.
The quests are very uninspired - kill 6 trolls, collect 5 flowers and so on. Once you finish all dailies in a zone a single player dungeon opens, filled with trash mobs and a mini boss plus a chest at the end, no dialogue or anything. The chest requires a special key bought with seals and drops blues as well as a new enchantment shard (+6% damage and -5% defense to foes on the minor variant...sounds like a cheap version of Plaguefire). Music or ambient sounds are not in yet either and some of the elves have really bad walking animations, like robots.
Oh, also the new Lurker's Assault had it's duration reduced from 10 seconds to something like 5. It lasts long enough for one Flurry. It's not mentioned in the patch notes, well now you know it.
tl;dr Your Module 1 needs a ton of work, but hey at least you found the time to kill a build, a complete feat tree and another daily.
Sig by me
Happy to see that companions can be upgraded... I also think I'm going to cringe at the number of AD needed to upgrade our companions. But I'm a cockeyed optimist and maybe it will be affordable for those of us who don't have magic AD producing skills
Each patch nerfs TRs more and more, due to the cries of 2 classes (clerics and CWs), while on the other hand GFs and GWFs run around with no nerfs. Currently GFs and GWFs are the top of the food chain when it comes to PvP. CW vs TR was an even fight if the CW knew his class. Clerics need a buff, GFs and GWFs need a slight nerf, either in damage, surv or control. CW and TR are in a good state as it is.
They also arent going about nerfing things in a subtle way, it's too much too often, instead of in small steps to get a balance going.
I kill people easier as a GF or GWF than I do as a rogue, while retaining much much higher survivability at the same time.
There are PLENTY of nice suggestions here in the forum on how to fix the reward after Dungeons, someone are really nice and simple (not going to say them again)... the VEY BAD loot system was nice until farming dungeons was nice and fast. Ok, i need to run it 10 times... but I can. Now after all the "fixes" and "balances" going DD is much much harder... for no better reward. BAH.
So your white cleric will most likely cost 2m+ AD to get to purple.
Yay! Now I can buy all sorts of equipment I don't need with the 500+ seals I have. Thanks, Cryptic!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
- Nerf Tenebrous
- Give a 25% HP buff and 25% damage reduction in dominion maps (tweak these numbers if needed not to make heal and/or regen too op).
Aaaaaand ur done. PvP is gib- and CC-train-free and PvE is untouched.
Tell me why this can't be done. They have the technology, GG has it implemented.
Lol that is plain wrong. On d&d rogues always do tons of dmg.
With sneak attack dmg, a rogue will always out dmg a fighter of similar lvl/gear. Sure your fighters war hammer does 1d12, but my rogue does 1d4+3d6 dmg with his dagger.
Make a rogue/swashbuckler next time you play pen and paper. Gasp in awe as you 1 shot npcs lvls above you. Prestige into duelist and watch as your char wipes out whole armies of vampires
My point is rogues doing stupid amounts of dmg is the one of the few things pwe got right in this game.
Does this mean we will be receiving a free respec token ? as many many players were forced into feat choices based on what actually worked and not what they actually wanted to use, this a game fault and your fault, NOT the players.
Or are we the players going to be actually expected to pay for re-specs our selves ?
You can not go and change feats that did'nt work or heavly nerf feats that do and then expect the players them selves to fund out of there own pockets to to compensate for the changes you make on the fly, this is a con...
major changes to in game mechanics are way out of the players control and in no way shape or form should the players be expected to pay out to adjust to these changes.
If this happens it would be majorly unfair, it would be ok for new players obviously but the main core player base, who most have been here since pre launch etc and already have multiple lvl 60 characters are going to be hit realy hard, These are the loyal players many been involved in testing etc these are the players also that most have already invested alot of real money into this game, these are the players that have been paying YOUR wages for the past few months. and you going to do this to them ???
Here's an idea: What if instead of constantly nerfing rogues (and whoever is next), you gave other classes some boosts where needed? And/or decreased the amount of HP and defense that endgame mobs have?
~a devoted cleric
A bit short-sighted, are we ? You realize that with less dps your CN boss fights will take even longer and that your lack of damage might come from you being bad at your class ?
Just so that I get this right ?! You, as a GWF, a class which is the king of aoe damage, are jealous about the TR, which is the king of single target damage ? So you want your GWF to top single and aoe damage charts ?
Its not just one nerf, its 4 major nerfs, on the 3 massive nerfs they received previously.
I WAS planning on buying the expansion pack, but if this goes live, I am not giving them another god **** red cent. No people cant have my stuff either, that means supporting a HAMSTER game with HAMSTER support and stupid *** devs. They buffed the biggest whining class in game, don't even bother touching the other 2 classes that have too much power with nerfs, seriously?
Yuppers and they know I have given them money so they can just keep their whiners who probably don't even give them money.
Let's recap. You ganked every way to get AD by doing anything other than farming dungeons.
You didn't bother putting in the salvager (Which I doubt will give more than 500 AD per item)
And you price things at the stupid outrageous high level and wonder why no one buys items.
Well it's not his fault that the devs - in their infinite wisdom
The most I would pay per Rank would be 20,000 although I'd be more comfortable with 10k.. So for example to go from 15 to 30 I'd find 300k reasonable. Anything outside that and it's not worth it to me personally. Even at Rank 30 the companions are not all that great. Maybe if they scaled up better it would be worth it but from my experience they don't.
Feywild so far seems like 3 small areas with quests which reward a new type of seals and seeds. The seeds are used to unlock the other zones (which then takes 19 hrs to unlock). There is a separate campaign window where you can spend those seeds on zone unlocks and probably also on passive buffs (they seem kinda crappy with stuff like +1% damage, not sure if you can buy them several times and stack them). There are new loot vendors and I saw 3 pieces of a new Rogue set (+5k poison dot over 15 seconds as bonus), bought with another type of seals which will probably drop in the new instance. And the key to the new instance costs 50k AD on top of the tokens, squeeze us for every penny Cryptic.
The quests are very uninspired - kill 6 trolls, collect 5 flowers and so on. Once you finish all dailies in a zone a single player dungeon opens, filled with trash mobs and a mini boss plus a chest at the end, no dialogue or anything. The chest requires a special key bought with seals and drops blues as well as a new enchantment shard (+6% damage and -5% defense to foes on the minor variant...sounds like a cheap version of Plaguefire). Music or ambient sounds are not in yet either and some of the elves have really bad walking animations, like robots.
Oh, also the new Lurker's Assault had it's duration reduced from 10 seconds to something like 5. It lasts long enough for one Flurry. It's not mentioned in the patch notes, well now you know it.
tl;dr Your Module 1 needs a ton of work, but hey at least you found the time to kill a build, a complete feat tree and another daily.