for the past 3 days i have been unable to buy anything from the auction house. continue to get the message "unable to make purchase at this time" sometimes it tells me "auction house closed" why is the auction house not allowing me to purchase anything.?? bought all my gear just fine 3 days ago for all 3 characters. yes, i restarted the game and even restarted my computer. and yes, i have plenty of AD to spend. is this a game bug?? anyone else having this problem?? anyone know how i can fix this.?? thanks
from already thank everyone's attention.
I believe this is addressed already on Preview - I've seen some auction house transactions go through. If you're still running into issues with this on Preview, though, please respond!
AtrelegisValgard: When reporting issues on NeverwinterPreview, please make sure that the thread you're responding to is about the same issue as the one you're reporting. That'll help us out a lot.
* As for your characters: Are they still missing? Were they all on NeverwinterPreview before?