First and foremost.. no negative posts, I would like to keep this post Open and free of whiners complaining about content or lack thereof....
This post is for people to post what they would like to see ADDED to the game...
Feel free to add on to the list I will start off with.
- Name Mobs in zones that drop loot characters of that level would seek out. Maybe even enchantments or enhancements. 1 % spawn chance from x name in random locations in the zone / dungeon.
- More xp return from mobs and less from quests. Still allow quests to return a decent amount, but give the players a reason to stay in zones and clear content. Including dungeons.
- Classes should be able to place long duration buffs onto other players. As it stands the only buffs we get are from potions. Ranger / Wizard / Cleric should be able to place buffs on party members.
- More Class / Race combinations. Abministerr quoted FotF as a reference. But when you stack Neverwinter up to other MMO's it lacks severly in Races and Classes. There just is not enough variety to keep players interested. Launching with 5 classes and 5/6 races was a bad idea. This is the Forgotten Realms of the Dungeons and Dragons world. Variety is a trademark of TSR / WotC.
- Introduce the evil gods and evil classes. Who says you have to be good to be a Hero ? Since we are speaking Forgotten Realms... there are plenty of evil aligned characters that have achieved great things such as Manshoon, Semmemon, Larloch and Gromph
- Shar & Lolth please.
- Less Instances, more larger and "campable" allow for more player and social interaction.
- Group makeup to be bumped up to 6 slots.
- Boss Mechanics and Triggers and events. Less Adds
- GM events, Dynamic Events and World Changing events. Allow some players to volunteer to be GM's, can probably start with the forum administrators who have shown mature behavior. Eventsm ust be within the storyline of Forgotten Realms. There is enough of us lore nuts around to help with this and we would be extatic to assist in shaping Faerun...
- City of Shade..where are you ?
- If Bind on Pickup is to be introduced, save it for the important slots. Main hand and chest. Make it something players would strive to get and earn... but make sure the dungeon and fight cannot be worked around or bypassed content in the dungeon.
Good luck with that, and congratulations for your presumed recent coronation as King Of The Forum.
2. Delete current pvp camps and hire a team of people to make new maps that actually know wtf they are doing. The current 2 pvp maps in nw are some of the worst pvp maps I've ever seen...
3. Raids with bind on pickup loot
4. The addition of a 750 zen month "sub" that enables nightmare keys to drop at a very low rate as well as a small increase to gold dropped and a modest increase in glory gain.
2: Dynamic Events in zones would be awesome imo.
3: Change the quests to have a remote turnin.
4: AOE Looting.
5: Outfit options instead of a town outfit make it so that we have a wardrobe ui screen on our toon so we can wear whatever we like in or out of combat and have a couple of outfit choices for free before having to buy new outfit slots. That's the best way to do cosmetics.
2- More classes
3- Dungeon rewards outside of DD improved
4- More outfits, and character customization as well as companion customization
5- Guild raid type things
6- Would also like to see how 6 party members would work out
7- Also agree for more exp on mobs and less on quests
2. More pvp maps / modes!
10 race with 5 class is just a shame!
2. More paragon paths for said classes
3. Dual spec. 1 for pve 1 for pvp
Probably not going to happen. If you start a thread with a list of things you'd like to see in Neverwinter and invite the community to add more, you're going to see complaints about certain things people would like fixed. So it depends on what you mean by "negative" posts? Do you mean posts within the ToS? If so, that's already covered. If you mean no posts with any criticism or debate, that's not going to happen.
This is probably a better place to list those items:!. It was started by a community mod and is open for anyone to place a list of things, just like you did here.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
More class paragon paths for existing classes.
Yes, this would be great given how utterly wrong some of the info is at character selection. Personally, I think it is only fair to have this included as part of the respec token.
Build switching that allows us to preconfigure multiple power tray setups and swap them easily. Similar to the builds in Champions Online, so the code hopefully shouldn't be hard to import. I already have multiple builds for different situations but have to stop and drag powers down to my tray when I want to switch.
The ability to transmute armor cross-class. Rogues with CW hoods, Wizards in chainmail, etc.
More Fashion items. Add some to the Seal vendors. Add some recipes for player-made Fashion.
Of course, more classes, races, paragon paths.
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