I freshly hit 60 on my halfling control wizard, and I'm looking for advice and the answer to some questions. Upon hitting 60, I promptly picked up what I assume is a full set of T1 gear and placed rank 5 enchants in every piece (9.4k GS). I'm renegade spec, but I'm thinking of respecing, if only to tweak my current build. I use MM/CC for at-wills, SotEA on tab, with repel, chill strike and entangling force rounding out the encounters, ice knife and oppressive force on dailies and the two storm class features. I also want to respec my powers, if only to try out the remaining lightning abilities, and possibly to replace storm fury with eye of the storm. I'm really interested in the remaining lightning encounter (storm surge, IIRC), for its burst DPS (something the class seems to lack tremendously).
First question; is there a good character planner out there? My searches on google only turned up a very primitive one which was totally inadequate for the task. Seeking advice would be much easier with such a tool.
In my queue window, I have access to one skirmish, two non-elite dungeons, and two elite dungeons. As far as I know, I can skip all this content as far as gear is concerned. However, I don't know how to access the T2 dungeons (conveniently, my group last night fell apart before we even reached the point of picking a dungeon, so my noobness remained unrevealed). Do I need to complete the solo quests, the available dungeons or something else to access T2?
Are there any good guides on endgame dungeon encounters? My understanding is that CW are brought mainly to push mobs off ledges, which generally requires experience and/or coordination, something I lack at the moment. What dungeons should I be looking for in particular, and whats the general vernacular associated with forming a group and clearing a dungeon (ie dungeon acronyms, etc)?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
Sorry I can't be of help, but as much as I wish it wasn't true, a lightning spec is not a viable build for endgame.
Pumping out dailies is a big part of your life at 60. Shield, Tabbed EF, Ray of Frost, and Pillar will help you do that. In order to maximize you need arcane stacks before you activate your shield.
Storm Surge is a great leveling up power for killing minions in PVE prior to 60. In T2 the minions have insane levels of HPs and can hit very hard. It is a less than viable alternative. Its cone is also very small making it difficult to use.
Unfortunately once 60, you only have access to 1 skirmish and it sucks. I think you need to run the T1 dungeons before the T2s open up, or at least the regular dungeon version of it. I could be wrong.
Plenty of YouTube videos on dungeon encounters. A few in the guides. Problem is they don't often show the shortcuts people like to take getting to the boss fights, and for some reason your expected to know them. Since there really only 5 and many people have done them many many times, they have no desire to run them regular and it creates a big problem for newbies that don't know all the tricks and areas.
Storm Surge is a great leveling up power for killing minions in PVE prior to 60. In T2 the minions have insane levels of HPs and can hit very hard. It is a less than viable alternative. Its cone is also very small making it difficult to use.
I was thinking of it in terms of pvp.
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
You can't expect to be viable in PvP with those encounters. You might be able to make a weird controlish support harasser thing work for you - maybe. But I'd be surprised. CW has some of the best burst dps out there, but you have a very tiny pool of spells that are viable for that. Namely CoI or RoE for debuff, chill strike and icy rays (tabbed usually). Add in force choke for CC and damage while you're going through your rotation.
I wish I could tell you there were lots of viable builds. But I've never seen anyone make an alternative line-up work. And very few even try.
You can't expect to be viable in PvP with those encounters. You might be able to make a weird controlish support harasser thing work for you - maybe. But I'd be surprised. CW has some of the best burst dps out there, but you have a very tiny pool of spells that are viable for that. Namely CoI or RoE for debuff, chill strike and icy rays (tabbed usually). Add in force choke for CC and damage while you're going through your rotation.
After posting this thread, I checked some of the guides on this forum and tried a build like that.
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
Pumping out dailies is a big part of your life at 60. Shield, Tabbed EF, Ray of Frost, and Pillar will help you do that. In order to maximize you need arcane stacks before you activate your shield.
Storm Surge is a great leveling up power for killing minions in PVE prior to 60. In T2 the minions have insane levels of HPs and can hit very hard. It is a less than viable alternative. Its cone is also very small making it difficult to use.
Unfortunately once 60, you only have access to 1 skirmish and it sucks. I think you need to run the T1 dungeons before the T2s open up, or at least the regular dungeon version of it. I could be wrong.
Plenty of YouTube videos on dungeon encounters. A few in the guides. Problem is they don't often show the shortcuts people like to take getting to the boss fights, and for some reason your expected to know them. Since there really only 5 and many people have done them many many times, they have no desire to run them regular and it creates a big problem for newbies that don't know all the tricks and areas.
I wish I could tell you there were lots of viable builds. But I've never seen anyone make an alternative line-up work. And very few even try.
After posting this thread, I checked some of the guides on this forum and tried a build like that.