With the boss leashing now in place, people are forced to deal with the large amount of adds that spawn and in fact..make some dungeons
almost impossible to clear. I understand you want to try and make content last but using a mass spawn of adds is not the way to do it. I wanted to make this thread to post suggestions rather then just hate towards the developer(s) who put together the dungeon scene and give them proper feedback. With that note, anyone is welcomed to add feedback and I will place it with the first post (only if it is a real attempt at feedback and not just hate for the system)
- If you wish to stick with add spawns, lower the amount that spawn and perhaps increase over time to what you got now (much like an enrage timer)
- Set spawns to appear on a timer or on health %. Allowing them to constantly spawn will make it hard on people who pug or will force certain group makeups which pugs through the group finder have no choice in.
- Lower add spawn health more.
- Impose a cap on how many adds can be out at once, impose a longish timer before more adds are spawned. and give boss encounters a total number of adds - like say 50. After you wipe those out, that's it. So, a team could potentially force the boss to expend their entire stockpile of reinforcements.
For bonus point, add a countdown as players kill off the adds.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
The Fire Giant and Flamespiker Bosses in Karrundax are two of them. The entire floor goes red because of the sheer number of adds and there's no way you can even attempt to just clear the adds rather than kill the boss because of the spawn rates.
I agree with removing the leash effects but now it may be time to rebalance the overwhelming amount of difficulty of the adds which encouraged leashing to begin with. I'm a huge fan of playing things as intended but even I leashed all of the bosses because even with organised groups I had a true horror of a time with certain mini-bosses.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
I'm so happy my Timeless gauntlets finally dropped from Karrun just before the patch. I certainly won't be running Karrun for a while with the bosses leashed to their endless AOE spamming adds.
The fact is, the exploiters are the only ones getting items this way because they will always find a way to exploit the system, and the rest of us just can’t get a team of friends and do some dungeons, it’s almost impossible even if you are geared with some T1 gear and know how to play.
I want to play with my friends, not to grind with exploiters, this game is doing really badly to keep people with money interested in playing the game, sometimes I think the design choice here is:
“Let’s make everything so hard that people will have to spend lots of AD in enchants and t2 gear and stone/cat BEFORE starting to play t1” ... and that’s not enjoyable, to say the least...
I know that with a team with experienced people we can clear dungeons on this state (I have been clearing most of them with one or another team) but I don’t have 4 hardcore players to play with me and I am not this kind of player, I like to clear content, not to skip/exploit trough it...
And if you queue for random group, God help your poor soul...
Please cryptic , make dungeons at least doable to your more casual players (holy HAMSTER at least t1) or it’s really hard to keep playing since all the zones are bellow level 60 and offer no replay value AND foundries don’t even drop potions or identify scrolls anymore, much less some interesting incentive to spend more than 1 hour on them.
Still love the game and will still buy things that seems nice like companions and mounts and services like character slots and respec tokens but please make the game worth my little gaming time.
(sorry about my English not my first language)
in any case, those people who design stuff today are not in charge when they are under a developer, and i dont think the designers has anything to say in it. they have probably been forced to fix the loop holes so that people end up spending more money on the game thinking things will get easier, we who play it knows different, probably the designers too.
I suggest you start thinking to another build if you play a support class, or learn to dodge red when you're a dps.
And yes, the first bosses in karrundax are doable. There are strats and tricks to make them easier. Complaining that it's too hard after one run to try is a bit pointless. Everyone will need time to adapt. Found a very efficient strat for the first boss, and you can zerg the second one too, if you don't have any other idea.
Just give it time. Not finding the optimal way to kill a boss after one run isn't that dramatic.
But the difficulty in killing them...and as my post specified the red AoE hell some of the adds generate.
Plus while I love Arcane Singularity it's a problem to simply make dungeon rely on Arcane Singularity. It should help but not be a requirement.
Well adds are really not an issue for the first boss. I suggest you take some time to study the arena before your next try. You may find something interesting.
For bonus point, add a countdown as players kill off the adds.
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Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
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Did it with a 9k GS team with my 10k CW without even a full T2 set. No stones. No scrolls. But i guess you're just trolling... It was a guild run and TBH the healer was really incompetent. :rolleyes: My plan is still to farm gloves for a week or so, then, i'll spill the beans if no one else gives the strat before..
I believe he is referring to pushing them off the ledge.
Works...but like Arcane Singularity the game shouldn't revolve around it.
Finite Adds would add a bit more hope.
A bit of consistency would be nice too. Some bosses do spawn mobs based on their health and others spawn adds based on how many mobs you had killed.
If players could at least strategies around add triggers it would be nice but right each boss seems to have a different trigger to spawn adds.
I agree, it shouldn't.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
I like this infinite ads is not a fun mechanic and just gets tedious. Also having them spawn at a percentage of boss health like for the mad dragon is a good idea. Also might encourage more strategy rather then burn the boss as fast as possible.
Simply put, players and creatures falling off ledges to their death is intended.
Players luring bosses to not spawn adds is not.
Now whether pushing mobs off ledges is too easy or hard...well that's another matter altogether. You may have noticed certain locations they have worked to make pushing mobs off ledges harder.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.