Yes I know I am ****, I play CW. No you DO NOT have to remind it to me everytime I get 1-2 shotted by rogues. I can't help you when I am dead so we will lose and IT IS my fault since there is nothing YOU can do to stop those rogues. Blame cryptic for coding **** class.
This **** game is going to worse direction day by day, now teammates are blaming ME for lack of defences against stealth.
Post edited by dgfdsdgsgh3 on
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
edited July 2013
So what's your excuse when you have rogues on YOUR team? Or do you always win then?
And honestly when someone in a pickup group gives me **** I usually just ignore them and move on. Don't take it personally it's just a game.
But they were NOT WRONG. Instantly dying CW is waste of partyslot, useless weight for team. CWs need some serious defencebuff or rogues need some serious nerf.
CWs getting defencebuff would screw other classes too though, so nerf those stabby rogues already.
They already did. Or haven't you noticed that almost nobody uses Shocking Execution anymore.
Like shocking execution was their only 1shot ability. Like they cannot kill us from stealth never even giving ability to try and fight back. Like their ranged damage isn't better than magic missile.
Like shocking execution was their only 1shot ability. Like they cannot kill us from stealth never even giving ability to try and fight back. Like their ranged damage isn't better than magic missile.
I have level 60's (CW, GF, GWF, and TR). By far my most challenging to play is a CW. Clerics and CW are immediately targeted and tanks bounce us all over the place while TRs stealth + Lashing Blade. It isn't fun.
So, that being said...
1. I mainly play with guildies.
2. We tend only to take one CW
3. I stick with my teammates
4. Kite and take enemies to my mates when I get attacked.
You do understand that some classes are designed to destroy others don't you?
GWF>TR (however i saw good CWs destroying TRs , but whining is always easier than dodging the TR's lashing blades)
That's how the PvP stays balanced.(balanced from the classes perspective , not from the bugs and glitches perspective) .
and yes, i'm aware that DCs cant really " destroy" anyone because they are healer /support class (However some of them can and already saw them doing it, but again, whining is easier).
You do understand that some classes are designed to destroy others don't you?
GWF>TR (however i saw good CWs destroying TRs , but whining is always easier than dodging the TR's lashing blades)
That's how the PvP stays balanced.(balanced from the classes perspective , not from the bugs and glitches perspective) .
and yes, i'm aware that DCs cant really " destroy" anyone because they are healer /support class (However some of them can and already saw them doing it, but again, whining is easier).
Id love to see a GF beat my GWF...
I think part of the problem comes from the fact that its all situational and people put themselves in bad situations... If your a CW dont rush a point by yourself if you know there is a TR there... Ofcourse hes going to beat you... But if you get the jump on him... it can be game over very quickly...
I think part of the problem comes from the fact that its all situational and people put themselves in bad situations... If your a CW dont rush a point by yourself if you know there is a TR there... Ofcourse hes going to beat you... But if you get the jump on him... it can be game over very quickly...
^ This.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You do understand that some classes are designed to destroy others don't you?
Swap the GF and GWF around for the L60 games. A top tier GWF>top tier GF.
That said, I still see people doing too many silly things in PvP. At level 60, you think people would fight on points and support your teammates to some extent.
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
inexgravMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
beast combat : TR-GWF-GF
CW & DC watching the battle from away if u go in battle area. insta dead
actually CW or dc doesnt need buff, just need nerf another class. Melee's have to much dps (g.vorpal tr 30+k crit) too much survivability (geared GWF can fight 3v1) too much stun lock (GF)
but you are right CW have 3 times shift ability its OP lol
and finally, TR can hit dagger with invisible. it is necessary totaly remove.
Wow, listen to all the CW's *****. I'm a CW and I've beaten plenty of TR's in PVP. Just cuz you ****in suck doesn't mean the class designed to beat you should get nerfed... Learn to ****in play a CC character or stfu and stop playing PVP.
Wow, listen to all the CW's *****. I'm a CW and I've beaten plenty of TR's in PVP. Just cuz you ****in suck doesn't mean the class designed to beat you should get nerfed... Learn to ****in play a CC character or stfu and stop playing PVP.
Yeah right. Every encounter I slot for PvP is CC ability, I don't use any damage only abilities. The problem is when I play like this my damage is TOO LOW and I won't be able to kill even clerics not to even mention keeping rogues out of stealth.
CW CC in PvP is total HAMSTER, low/nonexistant damage and extremely short effect, only exception are dailies.
Yes I know I am ****, I play CW. No you DO NOT have to remind it to me everytime I get 1-2 shotted by rogues. I can't help you when I am dead so we will lose and IT IS my fault since there is nothing YOU can do to stop those rogues. Blame cryptic for coding **** class.
This **** game is going to worse direction day by day, now teammates are blaming ME for lack of defences against stealth.
My hard counter vs Perma stealth is /leave it works every time all the time. Then they are left to get no glory and you are off to fight a real opponent. Try it!! I did it serveral times yesterday I mean left in the first 30 secs my whole team did. The other team was owned.
Yeah right. Every encounter I slot for PvP is CC ability, I don't use any damage only abilities. The problem is when I play like this my damage is TOO LOW and I won't be able to kill even clerics not to even mention keeping rogues out of stealth.
CW CC in PvP is total HAMSTER, low/nonexistant damage and extremely short effect, only exception are dailies.
That's simply not true. I, as GF, fought a lot of losers CW's who tried DPS me with all their awesome powers. Love killing them. On the otherside, if i ever encounter a competently played wizard - it's veeery hard to get even close to him.
Aaaaand as far as i remember, PVP is team based. So while you CC *anyone*, your teammates can freely destroy him. That's how it works. If you always try to go 1on1, then well, does not work this way. I am really glad having wizards on my team. Good ones end up top players among the rogues.
You do understand that some classes are designed to destroy others don't you?
GWF>TR (however i saw good CWs destroying TRs , but whining is always easier than dodging the TR's lashing blades)
That's how the PvP stays balanced.(balanced from the classes perspective , not from the bugs and glitches perspective) .
and yes, i'm aware that DCs cant really " destroy" anyone because they are healer /support class (However some of them can and already saw them doing it, but again, whining is easier).
In all games its supposed to be a circle of power i.e. TR->DC->GF->GWF->CW->TR or something along those lines as from your little diagram above there is no CW-> or DC-> the paper, scissor, stone is not working in this game in pvp at least.
In a PUG a CW/DC is a free kill, in a guild group who understands their group as long as the CW is cc'ing kiting whoever is chasing the cw/dc is a free kill for the other team members, unfortunately you can't always play with your guild.
That's simply not true. I, as GF, fought a lot of losers CW's who tried DPS me with all their awesome powers. Love killing them. On the otherside, if i ever encounter a competently played wizard - it's veeery hard to get even close to him.
Aaaaand as far as i remember, PVP is team based. So while you CC *anyone*, your teammates can freely destroy him. That's how it works. If you always try to go 1on1, then well, does not work this way. I am really glad having wizards on my team. Good ones end up top players among the rogues.
Yeah right, rogues ALWAYS go 1v1. CWs are so so so squishy unless the whole team is guarding them all the time they are free kills.
borgued3Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 150Bounty Hunter
Yeah right. Every encounter I slot for PvP is CC ability, I don't use any damage only abilities. The problem is when I play like this my damage is TOO LOW and I won't be able to kill even clerics not to even mention keeping rogues out of stealth.
CW CC in PvP is total HAMSTER, low/nonexistant damage and extremely short effect, only exception are dailies.
thats why you are called CONTROL wizzard, not DAMAGE wizard. If you cant kill a TR, make sure your CCs throw him out of balance. As a perma stealth i know that a repel spell, or shield, or anything that send me flying and leave sme prone on the ground can be devastating to my stealth meter and 100% of the times force me to come out in to open to embrace the never ending nuke from GWFs and GFs passing by.
This poor fanboi rogue at 6:35 has obviously been reading too much HAMSTER on this forum and also thought CW's were "free kills" I have lots of videos of smashing every single class, geared, not geared, skilled and not skilled.
When played right. Every single class in this game "can" be very good in PvP. Just because its not the flavor of the month class in no way means any other class is under-powered, in the hands of a good player.
Ask any good PvP'r, on any server, if they know the names of atleast 1 very good PvP'r of every class. I guarantee you will they will have names immediately. If not, they are exactly like you, and obviously do not PvP very much, as to make such an ignorant comment like this.
Rock on with your bad self and your "free kills".......until you meet a CW that actually knows what they are doing
This whole thread is quite funny.
>I use GF
>Only people that stand up are 1 in 12 TR and 1 in 3 GWF
>Everyone else just annoy's me
>I just lost a 1v1 with DC
So try and learn to play your damned classes before you whine like a foolish child for a nerf, learn to move as well.
Fallow farrow, Ash and Oak, bide and borrow, chimney smoke.
Barrel barley, stone and stave, wind and water, misbehave.
This poor fanboi rogue at 6:35 has obviously been reading too much HAMSTER on this forum and also thought CW's were "free kills" I have lots of videos of smashing every single class, geared, not geared, skilled and not skilled.
When played right. Every single class in this game "can" be very good in PvP. Just because its not the flavor of the month class in no way means any other class is under-powered, in the hands of a good player.
Ask any good PvP'r, on any server, if they know the names of atleast 1 very good PvP'r of every class. I guarantee you will they will have names immediately. If not, they are exactly like you, and obviously do not PvP very much, as to make such an ignorant comment like this.
Rock on with your bad self and your "free kills".......until you meet a CW that actually knows what they are doing
thats why you are called CONTROL wizzard, not DAMAGE wizard. If you cant kill a TR, make sure your CCs throw him out of balance. As a perma stealth i know that a repel spell, or shield, or anything that send me flying and leave sme prone on the ground can be devastating to my stealth meter and 100% of the times force me to come out in to open to embrace the never ending nuke from GWFs and GFs passing by.
You quoted me but obviously didn't read at all what you quoted.
Everything that I use in PvP has CC ability in it. I won't slot pure damage encounters. This actually makes me MORE USELESS. I would do better to slot that RoE to tab and nuke someone down with Ice Knife before getting killed. If you would remove Ice Knife then there really is only total HAMSTER left damagewise, how awesome, needing daily to work. Wonderful class.
And the only way I can make you prone dear permastealth is to get you out of stealth first, quess thats not happening? Getting hit by shield would be very foolish of you since you can see miles away that I have shield. Repel needs target, permastealth can't be targetted. Now if by some miracle I can make you prone with shard of endless avalance you deserve to die, seriously.
Only thing CW has that can even semireliably bring those permastealth from hiding are daily AoEs, seriously, it's THAT HARD. And we all know how slow they are to cast so...
Only thing CW has that can even semireliably bring those permastealth from hiding are daily AoEs, seriously, it's THAT HARD. And we all know how slow they are to cast so...
Please, save yourself the incoming flames to your ignorance..and stop talking about CW's.
Its apparent you skipped past my very easy to see video posting so lemme sum it up for you very quickly in the most simplest of terms I believe you can understand.
1. See a rogue capping point.
2. Dont run in the middle of nothing to LoS like a tool, and wait to be slaughtered by a stealthed rogue waiting for that "free kill"
3. Be sneaky just like a rogue, do your best to use objects, terrain to your advantage, dodge...alot
4. Rogues "do" come out of stealth, and the ones in the 100%perma stealthed build do HAMSTER for damage, any pvp pot "should" be able
to heal through the damage of a half ways decently geared rogue, long enough for them to have to come out of stealth.
5. Do better. Get some hints and tips, from other players, watch some PvP videos of every class, learn to understand other class's builds and rotations. I highly recommend downloading a free(or purchased), game recording software, and recording yourself, if nothing more then to watch yourself, and see the dumb HAMSTER you are doing in PvP. I say "you" as in general, not directing to you personally. Its like watching game footage. It will only make you better....if you are competent enough to understand the mistakes you've made.
6. Do #5, and dont complain on the forums when **** doesnt go your way. There is "always" someone better then you.
That's comedy gold. Rouge's are sneaky ? That really funny. If they really needed to sneak, I would have whole new level of respect for TR players. It's not sneaking when the game just hides you ... no skill on your part, game doing all the work.
And honestly when someone in a pickup group gives me **** I usually just ignore them and move on. Don't take it personally it's just a game.
CWs getting defencebuff would screw other classes too though, so nerf those stabby rogues already.
They already did. Or haven't you noticed that almost nobody uses Shocking Execution anymore.
Like shocking execution was their only 1shot ability. Like they cannot kill us from stealth never even giving ability to try and fight back. Like their ranged damage isn't better than magic missile.
Ice knife.
I have level 60's (CW, GF, GWF, and TR). By far my most challenging to play is a CW. Clerics and CW are immediately targeted and tanks bounce us all over the place while TRs stealth + Lashing Blade. It isn't fun.
So, that being said...
1. I mainly play with guildies.
2. We tend only to take one CW
3. I stick with my teammates
4. Kite and take enemies to my mates when I get attacked.
But yes, we die quickly.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
(however i saw good CWs destroying TRs , but whining is always easier than dodging the TR's lashing blades)
That's how the PvP stays balanced.(balanced from the classes perspective , not from the bugs and glitches perspective) .
and yes, i'm aware that DCs cant really " destroy" anyone because they are healer /support class (However some of them can and already saw them doing it, but again, whining is easier).
Id love to see a GF beat my GWF...
I think part of the problem comes from the fact that its all situational and people put themselves in bad situations... If your a CW dont rush a point by yourself if you know there is a TR there... Ofcourse hes going to beat you... But if you get the jump on him... it can be game over very quickly...
^ This.
That said, I still see people doing too many silly things in PvP. At level 60, you think people would fight on points and support your teammates to some extent.
CW & DC watching the battle from away
actually CW or dc doesnt need buff, just need nerf another class. Melee's have to much dps (g.vorpal tr 30+k crit) too much survivability (geared GWF can fight 3v1) too much stun lock (GF)
but you are right CW have 3 times shift ability its OP lol
and finally, TR can hit dagger with invisible. it is necessary totaly remove.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Yeah right. Every encounter I slot for PvP is CC ability, I don't use any damage only abilities. The problem is when I play like this my damage is TOO LOW and I won't be able to kill even clerics not to even mention keeping rogues out of stealth.
CW CC in PvP is total HAMSTER, low/nonexistant damage and extremely short effect, only exception are dailies.
My hard counter vs Perma stealth is /leave it works every time all the time. Then they are left to get no glory and you are off to fight a real opponent. Try it!! I did it serveral times yesterday I mean left in the first 30 secs my whole team did. The other team was owned.
That's simply not true. I, as GF, fought a lot of losers CW's who tried DPS me with all their awesome powers. Love killing them. On the otherside, if i ever encounter a competently played wizard - it's veeery hard to get even close to him.
Aaaaand as far as i remember, PVP is team based. So while you CC *anyone*, your teammates can freely destroy him. That's how it works. If you always try to go 1on1, then well, does not work this way. I am really glad having wizards on my team. Good ones end up top players among the rogues.
In all games its supposed to be a circle of power i.e. TR->DC->GF->GWF->CW->TR or something along those lines as from your little diagram above there is no CW-> or DC-> the paper, scissor, stone is not working in this game in pvp at least.
In a PUG a CW/DC is a free kill, in a guild group who understands their group as long as the CW is cc'ing kiting whoever is chasing the cw/dc is a free kill for the other team members, unfortunately you can't always play with your guild.
Yeah right, rogues ALWAYS go 1v1. CWs are so so so squishy unless the whole team is guarding them all the time they are free kills.
thats why you are called CONTROL wizzard, not DAMAGE wizard. If you cant kill a TR, make sure your CCs throw him out of balance. As a perma stealth i know that a repel spell, or shield, or anything that send me flying and leave sme prone on the ground can be devastating to my stealth meter and 100% of the times force me to come out in to open to embrace the never ending nuke from GWFs and GFs passing by.
This poor fanboi rogue at 6:35 has obviously been reading too much HAMSTER on this forum and also thought CW's were "free kills" I have lots of videos of smashing every single class, geared, not geared, skilled and not skilled.
When played right. Every single class in this game "can" be very good in PvP. Just because its not the flavor of the month class in no way means any other class is under-powered, in the hands of a good player.
Ask any good PvP'r, on any server, if they know the names of atleast 1 very good PvP'r of every class. I guarantee you will they will have names immediately. If not, they are exactly like you, and obviously do not PvP very much, as to make such an ignorant comment like this.
Rock on with your bad self and your "free kills".......until you meet a CW that actually knows what they are doing
>I use GF
>Only people that stand up are 1 in 12 TR and 1 in 3 GWF
>Everyone else just annoy's me
>I just lost a 1v1 with DC
So try and learn to play your damned classes before you whine like a foolish child for a nerf, learn to move as well.
Fallow farrow, Ash and Oak, bide and borrow, chimney smoke.
Barrel barley, stone and stave, wind and water, misbehave.
This sums it up.
You quoted me but obviously didn't read at all what you quoted.
Everything that I use in PvP has CC ability in it. I won't slot pure damage encounters. This actually makes me MORE USELESS. I would do better to slot that RoE to tab and nuke someone down with Ice Knife before getting killed. If you would remove Ice Knife then there really is only total HAMSTER left damagewise, how awesome, needing daily to work. Wonderful class.
And the only way I can make you prone dear permastealth is to get you out of stealth first, quess thats not happening? Getting hit by shield would be very foolish of you since you can see miles away that I have shield. Repel needs target, permastealth can't be targetted. Now if by some miracle I can make you prone with shard of endless avalance you deserve to die, seriously.
Only thing CW has that can even semireliably bring those permastealth from hiding are daily AoEs, seriously, it's THAT HARD. And we all know how slow they are to cast so...
Please, save yourself the incoming flames to your ignorance..and stop talking about CW's.
Its apparent you skipped past my very easy to see video posting so lemme sum it up for you very quickly in the most simplest of terms I believe you can understand.
1. See a rogue capping point.
2. Dont run in the middle of nothing to LoS like a tool, and wait to be slaughtered by a stealthed rogue waiting for that "free kill"
3. Be sneaky just like a rogue, do your best to use objects, terrain to your advantage, dodge...alot
4. Rogues "do" come out of stealth, and the ones in the 100%perma stealthed build do HAMSTER for damage, any pvp pot "should" be able
to heal through the damage of a half ways decently geared rogue, long enough for them to have to come out of stealth.
5. Do better. Get some hints and tips, from other players, watch some PvP videos of every class, learn to understand other class's builds and rotations. I highly recommend downloading a free(or purchased), game recording software, and recording yourself, if nothing more then to watch yourself, and see the dumb HAMSTER you are doing in PvP. I say "you" as in general, not directing to you personally. Its like watching game footage. It will only make you better....if you are competent enough to understand the mistakes you've made.
6. Do #5, and dont complain on the forums when **** doesnt go your way. There is "always" someone better then you.
That's comedy gold. Rouge's are sneaky ? That really funny. If they really needed to sneak, I would have whole new level of respect for TR players. It's not sneaking when the game just hides you ... no skill on your part, game doing all the work.
Now it is a whining on stealth... why not delete rogue class better? so all these scrubs who aren't able to use their shift button can play in peace?.
But no, it wont stop at that. They will complain about them dying so quick to other classes and the cycle of whining continues.
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