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What I do like about this game

krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Most of my posts are dreary and bashing in tone. I make no attempt to hide my disgust for how this game's evolution and development was/is handled. That being said, there are some great things about this game. I felt like being positive for a change and thought I'd share what I like.

1) Gorgeous game, graphics are awesome.

2) Map areas are well planned, some false walls (which I hate) some buggy terrain issues, but all in all well done. After running six characters almost through all the areas of the game I am still finding little artistic artifacts I overlooked. The modeling team should be promoted IMO...great job...Texture mappers should be given new BMWs as a bonus

3) Movement and animations is pretty decent, sometimes clunky looking but believable and not bad to stare at for hours on end

4) Gear modeling is beautiful, if you have good graphics card and really look at the gear it's got some nice detail. Again props to the modelers and texture mappers..and of course the graphic artists

5) Protectors Enclave is righteous, but it's getting old, give me another city to hang out in or expand the zones of the city. Bring the city to life...oops I'm critiquing again..sorry

6) Crafting is unique, well at least to me, albeit slow and clunky the concept is cool

7) What classes exists have cool abilities (details of damage and healing aside) and animations look phenomenal (GWFs slow predictable animations aside)

8) The idea of Dungeon Delves, Skirmishes, and Arena is tubular, albeit poorly implemented as far as timing and rewards

9) Quests are engaging, well written, voice overs are a nice touch, well done

10) Dungeons are Gnarly, when I can get in one and actually take it slow enough to enjoy it (most PUGs are running it 90 miles an hour)

Anyways, I tried to be positive, anyone else gotz some nice things to say about the game?
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
Post edited by krahct on


  • krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    *crickets chirping*
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
  • creedgamingcreedgaming Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    I'll give u the positive with the negative...

    The negative is the game is just clique-esk theres nothing to keep me in this game for years , i'll probably play a few more months and be done.... I do enjoy the game , theres no housing though , theres no sense of community , nothing like the old MMOs have in them...

    This is how I feel I'm level 60 , now I have to go from level grinding to gear grinding to try to achieve this 15000 gs so I can do some T2 dungeons & PvP for what? I don't know , because thats where the game ends , nothing left to do..

    I'm almost at the point where I hate Arena pvp , actually I think this will be the last game I play with Arena pvp , if its not open world I'm not interested , the que systems are always broken .

    Things I like are the graphics , the fact the developers tried to give some opportunity to acquire the pay to win items , without having to pay , the problem is of course its becoming harder & harder to obtain the high-end gear cause of bots , the PvP gear value is nothing , the enchant prices are crashing cause of bot farmers .... I agree the graphics are appealing , the gear looks good , but the Dyes needed more thought before implementation as they dont really dye the gear they dye the trim of the gear , and some of the colors are ugly as hell.....
  • krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well that was positively negative feedback, thank you. Appreciate you keeping true to the tone of my post. I'm not the only way struggling to find something nice to say, my mother would be upset with me.
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
  • dioz13dioz13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I love the PVP
  • krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dioz13 wrote: »
    I love the PVP

    But but, this isn't a PVP game! :cool:
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
  • leshil40leshil40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Game has a lot left to do.
  • krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    leshil40 wrote: »
    Game has a lot left to do.

    What is the game gonna do? Make PWE/Cryptic a couple million more before it coughs it's last gasping breath?
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
  • ipumipum Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the game has been official for 20 days... hahaha, people's logic for wanting more and things to be fixed/implemented/changed in an unrealistic amount of time is baffling.
  • ergophobianergophobian Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    ipum wrote: »
    the game has been official for 20 days... hahaha, people's logic for wanting more and things to be fixed/implemented/changed in an unrealistic amount of time is baffling.

    But for a few months prior to the game being official, people had already finished everything the game offered. That's what's missing. You could start playing WoW right now, and not see everything that game has to offer over the course of a year (if you actually tried to do everything). I just leveled my 5th 60 in NW, and have nothing to do but level another one to see how fast I can do it (about 22 hours right now).

    The only thing that could have saved NW was a complete wipe at launch, so all those people in their exploit gear had to start fresh, and actually work through end game, instead of just buying end game.

    I am really surprised they haven't launched a fresh server or two to make it feel like a new game, with a working economy.
  • avidlurkeravidlurker Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2013
    I liked the solo quest dungeons a great deal. It's a shame they are single use only (per character, but still).
    I was actually amazed by some of them. The Plague Tower at the end of the Linkletter chain for instance. The sewers were really neat too.
    There are some real gems hidden away. For instance only on my third character did I come across that wererat merchant in one of the sewer quests. His opening line on interaction is brilliant too xD

    I'd like to know how many chests there are in Pirate King's Lair too. Only recently when running back out of the dungeon I saw one I didn't know about (on a ledge above the path you take, hidden from view if you only look forward, plainly visible if only you look back. Also not directly obvious how to get to it)

    There are also some great details. I love how in PE there are odd bits of backdrop like the bunch of guards on a murder investigation with the sobbing now widow I assume. There is that last rites scene in the cellar of the Broken Crown Inn in Blackdagger. Stuff like that. If only you look.

    Edit: The foundry is also a great tool. While player made quests do vary in quality, there are some really neat ones. I loved being invited to a round of "quill and parchment" role playing where I had to imagine being a human character (I was a dwarf). That was deliciously ironic meta right there.
  • nikitaoznikitaoz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Foundry is a nice touch. If you haven't done Foundry quests do them.
    Many of them are blossoming in their splendor.
    Gorgeous scenery, interesting lore, intense battles (four aoe spamming elites and tons of smaller adds on one TR - my latest tackle)
    Some quests have neat and original ideas.

    Worth playing to see content but I would like some sense of progression gear or just gimmick/perk-wise
  • lyfebanelyfebane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 312 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    But for a few months prior to the game being official, people had already finished everything the game offered. That's what's missing. You could start playing WoW right now, and not see everything that game has to offer over the course of a year (if you actually tried to do everything). I just leveled my 5th 60 in NW, and have nothing to do but level another one to see how fast I can do it (about 22 hours right now).

    The only thing that could have saved NW was a complete wipe at launch, so all those people in their exploit gear had to start fresh, and actually work through end game, instead of just buying end game.

    I am really surprised they haven't launched a fresh server or two to make it feel like a new game, with a working economy.

    WoW has been going now for what 7 or 8 years? Of course if you start it now you will have alot of content. However what you forget is when WOW started it had no raids, it had only 3 end dungeons (which you could 10 man, but no raid interface), poeple complained how it lacked the content of Everquest and there was nothing to do once you got to 60 (think it was) and would suffer because of it...see a similarity there?
    Admittly WoW had more classes and races when it started though. Open beta was really a soft launch hence no wipe, though maybe they could have limited open areas for open beta?
    Neverwinter is adding more, the new bits are announced Fury of the Feywild. It wil as any mmo add more as it goes along.

    It reminds me of when Everquest started, poeple liked it, poeple played it, but there where alot of things that where not enjoyable, like losing levels on death, corpse runs when you could not get your corpse back/lost equipement and so on. Alot improved when SOE took over, though it did eventually go downhill.

    In this game the way the classes are is alittle un d&d feeling, the rolling thing feels wierd, you make the end class immediately rather than over time. I would prefer either a set array, choosing where to put points or a completely random roll. The classes should start more basic, fighter, rogue, cleric or wizard. Then, taking fighter as example, start of as a general fighter, then add paragon paths Guardian fighter, Great Weapon fighter, with paragon feats adding the skill sets for those different fighters. that would feel more d&d like. Possible make paragon levels slightly slower, but not too much. And I think it could be implemented with what they have now.
    They do need to put in afew more races and classes though.
    If they could allow good foundry creators to create equipemnt for the dungeons or make delves that would help alot for content too.

    Sorry went alittle negative, but hopefully constructive?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not evil, I am just cursed.
  • zoiks100zoiks100 Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    <snip, emphasis added by me>
    krahct wrote: »
    graphics are awesome.
    Protectors Enclave is righteous
    Arena is tubular
    Dungeons are Gnarly

    Where is your 80's time travel machine? And will you take me back with you?
    Don't Panic.
    Okay, Panic.
  • deadushka0deadushka0 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally I REALLY enjoyed those little secrets in each dungeon, all those levers to pull, small chests behind the walls, and some treasures in secrets pathways. I was happy as a kid when I discovered my first one.
    The combat system is AMAZING. Neverwinter is second large enough game with target combat system (after Tera) I know about, and they nailed it! I can’t even explain it, this is just too **** comfortable and fun to play mmo’s this way.
    The stats and character progression – let’s be honest, everybody just loves to play around with stats, trying out some new bilds, changing it to full CON or full STR character and finding what works best for just you, as an example.
    As a last part I loved that there’s only 5-6 active skills (hello GW2) instead of two-three panel with 24 skills on each, and you just don’t have enough fingers to reach them all. Get again its really comfortable.

    The backbone is that the game is yet really RAW. Development guys prematurely released the game to the live stage. But then again, as far as I know they only follow deadlines, it’s some other fat dude in the chair above them who decides if the game shall or not be released… and that dude is an *** =/

    I haven’t played for a few weeks now, and I constantly follow the forums in expectation of some major changes... yet they are not happening which is really a pity =(
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    they haven't launched a fresh server or two to make it feel like a new game, with a working economy.[/B]

    Because that would mean Cryptic admitting that (as pretty much everyone else realised at the time) that by trying to prevent themselves looking somewhat incompetent they proved themselves to be utterly incompetent.....
  • ergophobianergophobian Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    lyfebane wrote: »
    WoW has been going now for what 7 or 8 years? Of course if you start it now you will have alot of content. However what you forget is when WOW started it had no raids, it had only 3 end dungeons (which you could 10 man, but no raid interface), poeple complained how it lacked the content of Everquest and there was nothing to do once you got to 60 (think it was) and would suffer because of it...see a similarity there?

    Molten Core was available at launch. It also didn't take 20 hours to level to 60. It also didn't allow 80% of subscribers to exploit all content and be fully geared before it left beta. WoW actually had a good grinding curve to gear up to Molten Core, not overly long, but you also couldn't bypass it.
  • ergophobianergophobian Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    A game saver for NW would be random dungeons that dropped decent loot, and it's already available in game via the Foundry.
    If level 60 Foundry quests could drop decent blues, and the occasional purple, it would add hours of things to do at 60 for the 20 hours a day when Dungeon Delves isn't up.

    But... all my characters are already decked out in purples, so it's pointless.
    Cryptic killed progression simply by not wiping the servers after beta.
  • krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    zoiks100 wrote: »
    <snip, emphasis added by me>




    Where is your 80's time travel machine? And will you take me back with you?

    Someone caught my buried humor....I ran out of 80s slang to use. ;)
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
  • lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Its sad when what i like about the game doesnt get alot of people saying the same things.

    I for one like the graphics.

    Yea sure the weapons look nice we only get one type of freaken weapon to use each character

    I hate the trickster rogue hat it looks HAMSTER. Tiny cowboy hats dont look cool. They are meant to be in rainbow parades
  • krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    I hate the trickster rogue hat it looks HAMSTER. Tiny cowboy hats dont look cool. They are meant to be in rainbow parades

    You don't like the leprechaun hat? Would you prefer a jester hat, wink wink. I have my TR outfitted in the jester garb and she looks evil seductive and deadly
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
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