It will be good...i even wonder if there will be something like "owning a keep" like we have in Baldur's Gate 2 or in Neverwinter Nights 2 where we can do some important decisions in developing it

Like in Baldur's Gate 2 ofter owning a Keep while we questing we meet runner from the keep who tell us that we must go to keep because there are some bussines to be solved (for example there will be problem with the peasant who have problems with the crops after flood and something to rebiuld and we must choose for what we spend money, or defending against the bandits if i remember right).
As we got Leadership already, owning the Keep/some land will be nice addition and fulfill to it, we can use our mercenary or guard for guarding, footman for defending, Adventurer for seeking treauseres (gold, AD, pots or nothing

). Our own daily questing hub with dailys which will be different each day depending our previous decissions/random situations (bandits attacking, Giant on the fields xD, "Collecting some stuff for something"). There can be too place for Our Tailor, Blacksmith, Alchemists, Barracks for stuff from Leaderships etc.
Guys what you think about it??
Maybe add it as a Guild feature? That would make more sense.
I dont thinks so that "in AD&D a heroes has something like that" is weird, in AD&D was always tons of heroes, rich heroes
It is not weird to you that every hero has his own band of crafts men, refugees, mercerys...even own heroes...preatty big happy brigade, i ask where are all of those persons are?? In my bag??
For guilds there are something that fits better......Castle
We will can have only fortified tower/small fort with few peasants huts around, only
I do not think the basic idea is weird, but as with all MMOs, the costs would need to be much much higher than the AD&D, D&D 3.5 solo games that people are thinking of.
I see no reason why several areas should not be available for players or guilds to build houses/keeps/full blown fortresses.
I think I might be able to raise the coin for a hovel in Blacklake Tatters
What Class Are You?
ESPECIALLY Leomund's Magnificent Mansion and Leomund's Secure Shelter.
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Ty for that
Now i know that player housing are comming to us and you answer the question when
But this will be like cosmetic + storage housing or something more, like stuff i described what i see in previous AD&D titles??
Hope it will be 2 options together, hope for the revealing day when we see specific details.....i must pray, can someone put an altar??
This is good, and i think we can buy weapon rack in new section of the zen store called something like furniture.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
You do realized he is a forum moderator (a NW player like any one of us) and not the game developer, right?
Cough Wild* cough
guild housing sounds more better as a new add on into the game...
Maybe, but guild housing can't would be bigger than player housing because simply of "not forcing players into a guld"....
To be clear i'm in a guild and i'm happy with this
Let's talk about "not forcing into a guild", so we have players who want to use some part of content that is for guild (gaulgthrym, guild housing and god know what else in the future), some of that players are guild members and there is no problem with them, the rest of players that want to try that specific part of the content are not in any guild and here is a problem, now let's talk about "guys without a boyz".
Now we have guys without a guild and here we have, some try to seek a guild and find it, they simply dont have time or there are be no occasion for joining any or simble guys are neutral to the guild case and do nothing with this, oh well, at the end they find guild and go enjoy gaulgthrym or guild housing and are happy, this was the one part of the "guys without guild", the secon part are guys who consciously simply dont want to join a guild....
Ppl's from that last part of players never join any guild and dont see that part of content (believe me there are that kind of players
That last part of players who are forced to join are simply no benefit for a guild....i see few of them (in which i recognize that they join a guild only for gaulgthrym) and never see or hear about that players playing along with the guildmates, never answer on "help call" on guild chat, on gaulgthrym event i dont play with any till now, and not because i dont want i do GG with my guild everytime when i log in and GG is up.
So cause of "guild only content" we have some players who dont experience that content (dev's working on content for playerbase) at all, and some players who are forced to join, finally join and do nothing with it except the reason of joining (guild only content) and even now do this alone or with group which find throu the LFG tool (for instances)...
Cryptic simply can implement for solo players option to join GG as a mercenary for one of two factions, payment will be documents in share the loot in instances.......and there will be no "forcing in joining guild" anymore
"Forcing into joining a guild" is bad for some part of the playerbase, even if they are small but always a part of entire playerbase.......Game that have something bad for playerbase is not a good game.
Could end up seeing elite guild related gear/items been made available to guild members at various costs. Also I wouldn't be surprised if we see mass migrations of players from one guild to another, depending on who has unlocked the top tiers and offer the best gear/items.
Hopefully it's merely cosmetic and a nice gathering place for your guild mates to meet up.
I agree that forcing players into a guild is a terrible thing, but something of such a large nature as the de'Arnise keep is just not feasible to give to a solo player. Not to mention completely and utterly lorebreaking, since there's not nearly enough keeps in the wilderness around Neverwinter to give to all players. Maybe if a player wanted to build a small house in the wilderness, sure. A keep? Heavens no. The dwarves I doubt would be willing to give up all their stores of stone and steel to build thousands of keeps clustered around the city.
Oh, and this is coming from a solo player.
Hey how about a little house somewhere? Let my burly dwarf raise a family who go off on their own adventures!
Sorry, I've been playing Rogue Legacy lately.
Must confes that this is kind of problem, to be honest at the beggining i think from the pespective of redular ad&d hero who choose what they want...not from the pespective of MMO player who choose all they possibly can gain.
At the other hand we have big world (Faerun is really BIIIIIIG) and having such place must be not limit to one region which it was Neverwinter...we already have origin places se we can have portals in Neverwinter to our own property's no matter where
Another case is numer of keeps/property's, let's Neverwinter Online bring 1 milion heroes (that is huge number but in some time maybe it will be true), active heroes which want a keep so i think there is enough space for that ammount of own places in entire world of Toril (biggest world of any fantasy system and it is reallly big).
As a dwarf, you are obligated to put your house into the side of a mountain somewhere to raise your clan until it is attacked by bugbears.
Problem with this though is like how Neverwinter has changed so dramatically over time, so has the rest of Faerun. So in the process of opening additional housing zones for the keeps, they have to on the spot determine whether that region hasn't been demolished by some kind of plague, attack, war, and other such things, and that's not particularly a call they make on their own.
I'd rather not join a "guild". There's nothing weird with individuals having something small like this, even if it's just a tavern and some shops. That's how RL works anyways. Guilds can have something bigger with more features.
Cryptic is famous for giving the users what they ask for, but in ways they never wanted.
Congrats, here is your new castle. The down side is, you have to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of it.
Your men-at-arms need new weapons, just open this Castle pack for a shot to give them one.
Oh no, your moat monster is hungry again, just hope the castle pack gives you a bag of kibble or a halfling for it to chew on.
The upstairs privies are clogged again? You only need to open 10 castle packs for a purple quality plunger to fix it right up!