I just started playing neverwinter after finding out about it and have contemplated buying the HoTN pack, but as I look at what I'm actually buying, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Why isn't the founder title in the pack anymore? The game is what a few weeks out of beta, and if I go and blow $200 on a new game that may or may not last more than 6 months, I cant even be considered a founder?
Beta is over so it makes sense why the beta is not included in the pack. but its still the same $200 price.
The way it looks, the drow race will be playable for FREE 60 days after launch? So what purpose would the drow race serve me if its free in the not too distant future?
Basically it's $200 for a spider mount, a race that's free in a few months, some small little extra goodies and 2mil astral diamonds which theoretically makes the game buy to win?
All I want is a founder title
I don't think there is anyway to get the title anymore.
Just something to consider.
Thanks, i'll keep that in mind. But I do really wish the pack came with the founder title since the game is still new.
The servers aren't even merged yet, and I feel that'd be a better signature point to remove the founder title rather than a small 2 week beta timeframe.
I think of it more like an investment. Me saying, "I like this game, so here is some money to get the game rolling". As I've said, the game is still fairly new, which is why I'm disappointed the title isn't offered anymore. As of right now, there is nothing to distinguish me buying the pack now from me buying the pack 6 months down the road.
Yea, I get what your saying. As it stands things are a bit of a mess. On one hand you have the folks who got the pack expecting it to be some limited time special thing. And they are peeved that not enough was changed to the pack still being sold. And while I might not agree with it, it is fair to say they have a point.
On the other hand, if the new pack was drastically different from the old one. You would have folks like you upset for missing out. As well as founders upset that there is a new pack of special goodies dangled in front of them.
How do you please both camps? What do you do to make everyone happy? I have no idea myself. But it seems Cryptic took the path that made no one happy. Its a shame.
If that is the only reason. You can do it for much cheaper. 2 million AD can be had for about $60 in zen, at present exchange rate.
A person who establishes an institution or settlement.
A person who manufactures articles of cast metal.
Yea, so the game has already been established, officially - June 20th.
If you were not already paid up to help the game launch at the game, you're not able to help establish it, thus you can no longer be a founder.
Imo the should of removed the packs entirely and just sold some new versions with less diamonds amounts, to benefit veterans and mod down the economy a bit (atm top items still sell at 1.5mi+)
But yea instead they simply kept them, but removed the founder title.
Also im upset because the way I read it (which may not of been accurate, but how i see it shoudl be) was that I would get a founder title in the game and forums.. The fact I dont get a forums one upsets me.
I dont want a title indicating how much ive paid for the game, thats unimportant imo for such a game. I want one showing that I was here from the start though.
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That is actually not at all what was said. Menzo skin, panther companion, & armored spider mount were promised as exclusives. What they said was that similar items, eg. a non-armored spider mount, different cat, etc. would be sold. They said other "packages" would become available, but those particular things would be exclusive to founders. That is why people are upset.