Link to the news:
Link from the home page news section about Campaign System brought me to the main forum page so...i start the thread.
For me this is interresting and in my personal opinion Neverwinter is great game but it lack in "something to do", i dont use foundry because it dont match my personal content preferences, but i understand that game is fresh so i wait for more interrestiong stuff paid off, i'm happy about this "News".
Hmm, it does sound a bit like the reputation system in STO, will be interesting to see how they tune it in NW.
You can literally create any content you want with the foundry, tailored specifically to your personal tastes. For example, I wanted a quest where you fall down a 1000 foot shaft. People said I was crazy for wanting such a thing, but I made it anyway. One thousand feet deep, straight down! It is one of my favorite things to do in-game.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
Sry but i made my opinion about foundry and this is undiscussable for me but thx for sharing the way of describing something i want which will be on place when i dont know what i want from foundry....
The thread is about upcoming Campaign System so it will be nice when you share own opinion about upcoming feature.
What if my taste in Foundry quests includes excellent loot? Can you do that?
Anyways, I read the article, and I still don't know what the Campaign System is. I was hoping from the title that it had something to do with persistent worlds and live DMing......
Yea the news lack specific details but idea presented in general is promising, dont want to see more details about it, simply put this already on test shard and we will se closely.
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However, I do have one objection: It introduces yet another currency into the game. Don't we have enough "specie" to deal with now? Gold, Diamonds, Glory, Coins (celestial and otherwise), Seals, etc? Might it be possible to use something already in game rather than invent yet another media to harvest and store?
I also have a concern regarding " use keys.." that drop or are "...for sale in the market..." in order to unlock specific (solo) instances. I'm not exactly thrilled with the need to buy keys to unlock those darn nightmare chests. And, depending on how they set drop rates/rarity, and the sort of hoops one needs to jump through to trigger the chance for a key to drop, I see a potential that certain play styles (players who prefer soloing to teaming) or content areas could become defacto pay-real-money-to-play events.
However, I'll withhold judgement on the latter since the potential to lock content behind a payment process is all in the details of the "drops" implementation.
We grow not old so long as we continue to chase our dreams.
Well it's a way of keeping us in the game longer, STO has multiple currencies and different type of marks for each reputation faction that you need to grind to complete reputation projects.
I don't remember reading anywhere saying these one-time keys would be on sale on the Zen market (unless I missed it). It did say that you could get keys from doing repeatable quests in the zone or buying keys with the currency you earn in the zone. But I agree hopefully the drop rate and the price for a key isn't too steep and is reasonably attainable.
I think that "solo instances" will be simply end-part daily quest chains, you end let's say 10 quest in daily chain and got one key to "kill villain/do something that ends something in solo instances, something like we see in some quest chains while lvl-ing which are ended in solo instance.
Dev often like to beutify some elements they are working on speaking about it in News section, and players start to think about that elements in letters, for example "SOLO INSTANCES" that we can do many times and got load of shine loot...for real i think this will be "solo instances" where we can go at the end of daily quest chains and got daily loot from ending q, bosses etc. and let's what we can drop tommorow...
Enthusiast of questing in ad&d approves that.
Not happy with another currency.
Wish someone would make a pvp arena where it's one on one. No pvp in foundry correct?
Now, if there only was a way for me to go back and do some of the earlier skirmishes I skipped (and as a result I seem to be permanently missing some achievement points), I would be really happy.
The keys will be obtainable as drops, through zen or bought for the new currency you get for doing repeatable quests. I guess this is there to stop people from doing only the 1 or 5 man dungeons over and over and instead do parts of the new zone on a regular basis. Otherwise you'll have the 24/7 people grinding the 1 man or 5 man over and over and taking over the market, flooding it with items (unless they are BoP), rendering the zone useless since people can buy all the new gear for monies. This leading to "lack of content" whining on forums and kids threatening to leave since the game is "zomg bad and lacking".
Thats my hidden wish bout making all skirmishes scaling to max lvl or in epic versions so i can play it on 60lvl cause doing Skirmish Event on only one skirmish is preatty boring....personally i dont do this anymore
The Reputation system had the opposite effect on me. You log in, grind out your rep marks, spend them on projects, and wait 20 hours for your 2800 rep points. Nothing you do will allow you to advance any faster. And if you skip a day of logging in and setting up your projects, you're a day behind. I prefer to be engaged in meaningful content that rewards me based on performance/time invested. I don't want to have to schedule an appointment with STO everyday. I want to tend to my worldly obligations during the week and then grind out some levels/loot over the weekend. All the reputation system does is lock top-tier loot behind a month-long timer and distract you from the lack of quality end-game content. No one wants to play any of the missions with no mark rewards. They'd rather do the easiest missions (ISE) over and over to get their easy marks and then go back to doffing while they're on CD. I love STO, don't get me wrong, but it's been reduced to earning marks and dilithium, which makes it feel more like a job than a game.
I don't really see it as a job, sure it's pretty boring and I agree on the lack of end-game content. Thing is though you can't expect the game to run around your schedule. The old system of running ISE/CSE/KASE space and ground maps multiple times and not getting a drop for weeks/months wasn't something I looked forward to.
I'm pretty skeptical Cryptic will give us anything that different over here. When it says "project", you know there's gonna be some grind/time and some costs attached to them.
I know the game cant compete with WoW or the other top 10 MMO's BUt ****ing test the **** first PLEASE. Test it all this time, like actaully play test it at least.
Just don't call your content gates a 'feature'.
To what this "content gate" slow me down??
there was a reason I purposely ignored the Foundry all the way up to 60.