There is your problem right there. the Atom processor coupled with the GPU is not really enough "oomph" for a game like "Neverwinter: OnLine", even on low graphics.
So you get to the dungeon, with lots of particle and atmosphere affects (even on low) and more bad guys than a normal quest for your poor CPU/GPU combo to handle, and even if you do manage to make it to the boss, and kill the boss, the "quest complete" graphic appears with all the other "well done" graphics and the chest particles, and that's when a system like yours would just die. (no offence )
I have finally managed to solve aaaaaaaaaaaall my lag issues(Dungeons and battles were basically still-frames for me)--beyond a bit here and there that doesn't really affect game play, like in the PE that is just normal. I'm in southern California & my ping is 20, download spd 2.83, upload spd .87...running Windows 7 64bit with the option to select a high performance NVidia GeoForce GT 630m graphics processor instead of the integrated one. Simply running the game with this selected did not help.
I did several of these things before, but never all together. That seemed to be the key. Here's what I case it is useful to you guys:
Uninstalled NW. Re-installed NW. In graphics settings, turned off post-processing & the ambient occlusion thing. In options, turned off on-demand patching and set to use a proxy. I edited the GamePrefs file according to specifics my brother emailed me that had fixed 3 other NW players' lag problems (we know them all). These players are all using very outdated computers with limited processors and etc; this fix worked for them just like it did for me with my 4 month old gaming laptop. I kept all my system specs the same, just changed the first section, game specs, to the following:
I've never had an issue again. Good luck, hopes this helps alleviate frustration out there--I know I was about to demolish my computer in a rage..
blacklejaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
But when i solo in runs very smoothly even in high graphics, even in big towns it doesn't lag one bit, and its not always from the beginning the lag that appears mainly on big bosses, so is it really my system problem because that sound bit weird. And besides such game as AION run on this pc just fine, i think in graphic thing they are a like?
I'm not sure if you're addressing my post, but the changes that made the difference for me were basically graphics settings..but not any I could make in the options tab in game..I had to edit in the game prefs instead.
As far as the issue you're describing, I've heard others who also have issues only near other players...? that was never an issue for me. Solo or in groups, the lag never left.
yes i lag real bad in dungeons to the point i can barely move the funny things is majority of my settings are low accept my character detail and even in solo dungeons. its hard when u cant play a game u like because of things like this most of the community is complaining about this lag in dungeons and lag in other area should let u know something is wrong
There is your problem right there. the Atom processor coupled with the GPU is not really enough "oomph" for a game like "Neverwinter: OnLine", even on low graphics.
So you get to the dungeon, with lots of particle and atmosphere affects (even on low) and more bad guys than a normal quest for your poor CPU/GPU combo to handle, and even if you do manage to make it to the boss, and kill the boss, the "quest complete" graphic appears with all the other "well done" graphics and the chest particles, and that's when a system like yours would just die. (no offence )
I did several of these things before, but never all together. That seemed to be the key. Here's what I case it is useful to you guys:
Uninstalled NW. Re-installed NW. In graphics settings, turned off post-processing & the ambient occlusion thing. In options, turned off on-demand patching and set to use a proxy. I edited the GamePrefs file according to specifics my brother emailed me that had fixed 3 other NW players' lag problems (we know them all). These players are all using very outdated computers with limited processors and etc; this fix worked for them just like it did for me with my 4 month old gaming laptop. I kept all my system specs the same, just changed the first section, game specs, to the following:
PrefEntry CStore.NewProductsHash 246611083
PrefEntry GfxSettings.Antialiasing 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.AspectRatio 1.6
PrefEntry GfxSettings.AutoEnableFrameRateStabilizer 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.BloomIntensity 0.5
PrefEntry GfxSettings.BloomQuality 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.CharacterDetailLevel 0.75
PrefEntry GfxSettings.CharacterTexLODLevel 0.25
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DefaultFov 55
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DesiredMatQuality 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DeviceType Direct3D9
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DisableSplatShadows 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DrawHighDetail 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DrawHighFillDetail 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.DynamicLights 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.FrameRateStabilizer2 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.Fullscreen 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.FullScreenHeight 768
PrefEntry GfxSettings.FullScreenWidth 1024
PrefEntry GfxSettings.FxQuality 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.Gamma 0.742786
PrefEntry GfxSettings.GfxFeaturesDesired 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.GPUAccelParticles 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.GraphicsQuality 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.HasSelectedFullscreenMode 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.HigherSettingsInTailor 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.HighQualityDOF2 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.HWInstancing 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.LastRecordedMSAAPerf 0.949584
PrefEntry GfxSettings.LastRecordedPerf 3058.22
PrefEntry GfxSettings.LenseFlare 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.LightingQuality 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MaxDebris 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MaxFPS 65
PrefEntry GfxSettings.Maximized 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MaxInactiveFPS 5
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MaxLightsPerObject 2
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MaxReflection 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MaxShadowedLights 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MinDepthBiasFix 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.MonitorIndex 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.PerFrameSleep 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.PoissonShadows 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.PreloadMaterials 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.RecommendedMatQuality 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.ReduceFileStreaming 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.RefreshRate 60
PrefEntry GfxSettings.RenderScaleX 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.RenderScaleY 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.RenderThread 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.Scattering 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.ScreenXPos 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.ScreenYPos 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.SettingsDefaultsVersion 4
PrefEntry GfxSettings.SettingsVersion 5
PrefEntry GfxSettings.ShowAdvanced 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.SoftParticles 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.SoftwareCursor2 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.SSAO 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.TerrainDetailLevel 0.8
PrefEntry GfxSettings.TexAnisotropy 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.UseFullSkinning 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.UseVSync2 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.VideoCardDeviceID 294 (leave your original info here)
PrefEntry GfxSettings.VideoCardVendorID 32902 (leave your original info here)
PrefEntry GfxSettings.VideoMemoryMaxHMBs 0
PrefEntry GfxSettings.WindowedHeight 768
PrefEntry GfxSettings.WindowedWidth 1366
PrefEntry GfxSettings.WorldDetailLevel 0.25
PrefEntry GfxSettings.WorldLoadScale 1
PrefEntry GfxSettings.WorldTexLODLevel 0.4
PrefEntry HasSetGamma 1
PrefEntry InitialVirtualShard 0
PrefEntry Locale 0
I've never had an issue again. Good luck, hopes this helps alleviate frustration out there--I know I was about to demolish my computer in a rage..
As far as the issue you're describing, I've heard others who also have issues only near other players...? that was never an issue for me. Solo or in groups, the lag never left.