After I made a bad change I wanted to cancel, I tried to exit without saving but it wouldn't do anything even if I tried multiple times. So I Alt-F4. Now I can't reopen my quest, it tries to load but eventually says "Timeout during login" and send me back to login screen. Trying to duplicate says "Invalid foundry project request" and sends me back to login screen. I was able to create a new quest.
This is certainly not encouraging me to use the Foundry...
Anyone encounter this? What do I do?
The "Invalid foundry project request" usually means the title of your quest is too long. When it duplicates, it adds "Copy of" to the beginning of the title, so if it's too long it causes an error. To bypass that, just temporarily change the name of your quest to something short, save it (don't publish!), duplicate, then change it back and save it again. I]Note also that when you switch projects sometimes the dialog, maps, and items tabs look empty. You need to log out of the client and back in to switch projects, then everything should show up fine.[/I
As for the problems you had with exiting without saving, there has been quite a bit of server lag lately, so hopefully that's all that was wrong. It may have just been trying to auto-save and got caught in server lag. Hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
More answers welcome!
Getting the same myself.