I apologize if this is a violation of the forum rules, since the original thread was closed.
I have a question/suggestion
In this post
a mechanism similiar to captcha was cleverly submitted by a poster to try to reduce bots in domination, several posters attempt to dismiss this as a potential solution and even claimed that this would eventually be overcome by bot programmers.
I can see the logic of their arguments however, I think with some creativity all of those counter arguments could be dismissed.
For example, if a system was implemented that asked the player something like this:
Solve the following equation: some random generated number + r
andom generated picture of a number of dots =
I've seen something like this used in place of captcha
Is this still easily defeatable and predictable?
One popup box could ask 'which is a circle' and the options to select are a square, circle, triangle, etc. Something that changes each time so botters can't easily get around it.
By the way ... can anyone tell me how bots leave the PvP Map immediatly when it ends? I can't leave in a 1/100 of a second like they do as you have to wait a few seconds before the Results pops up and then click exit. But by the time I click exit they have already zoned out and sometimes left the party by then?? Is there a /leave command somewhere that I just cannot find .. i even searched the command list the other day.
I feel ya :cool:
What I'm getting at is I think some combination of a numbers and a picture randomly generate would help to complicate the process of authenticating a player controlled character vs a computer controlled one. I know, there are sophisticated programs that can do both and do the math, but come on really, are these bot programs that advanced?
Susanmii@Susanmii is a common bot you will see in matches all day
there is a few others... I will name them when i run into them each time on this forum
That is the craziest idea ever.
"Foolish mortals! You dare awaken me from my eternal slumber! I shall destroy thee.....unless you can type the following: flange interofiip. I will also say the words out loud for the visually impaired."