I created a couple of Foundry quests. The status moved from "publishing" to "published". Two days ago, I published one quest. I cannot locate the quest that I published, in game.
I've searched for it:
<quest name>
with (#)- codes that I added in the description box.
NT-DT6IOMSEZ (This code is a little confusing b/c "IO" after "6" looks like it could be either a number or letter so i searched all combos, lower case would be more obvious)
I hear that if you subscribe to yourself you can find the quests immediately after publishing them. Not sure that is true but I've been unable to figure out how to subscribe to myself.
If anybody has any suggestions or info that can help me be able to play my own foundry quests, that would be great.
Thanks, in advance.
I believe after you are able to find one of your own quests, you are able to subscribe to yourself at that point. The problem is that I can't find my quest to subscribe to my quests.
It's a little daunting, dealing with these issues.
There was a bug with The Foundry not allowing them to publish less than a week ago. I tried to publish this quest maybe a dozen times before it finally published and have published it twice since then b/c i can't find it no matter how i search for it.
I'll just wait a few more days and see if it shows later in the week. I expect that other players have had similar issues to Zero and I and maybe someone reading has some info to pass along. Two weeks is a long time, lol. The game hasn't been in open beta for two weeks yet. Bugs are to be expected.
I wonder if maybe there is just something I'm missing... probably just a big backlog on published quests becoming playable? "Published" kinda infers "playable" but maybe that's not the case? I was/am hoping it's an issue with how I search...
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
I have 3 created and only one published. The two that I haven't published say "Not Published". The one I have published says published with a date next to when it was "last published".
I'm not sure what else to check?
I've tried to publish it multiple times already. Twice after the 1st publish.
There must be an answer to this issue. There are other people creating threads about the same issue under different titles but when you read what they posted it's the same issue.
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
Go to Protectors Enclave, find the Bulletin Board there. Search for your Unique Foundry ID. The NW-ZXZCXZC one.
somebody search for it, please. You don't have to try it if you don't want to but I'd appreciate if someone could find it, lol.
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
I'm going to wait a few hrs before looking for it again to allow it to queue, if such a thing happens. It's all new to all of us. If/when i get it to work, i'll post any info I get from the process. Also, i will keep checking this thread to see if anyone that has any insight makes a reply. At least four of us are having this issue today, it seems. i'm sure more just aren't making forum posts.
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
Shortcode: NW-DM417VRJK
Combat orientated Mission, with a little bit of story to move you along.
I also was looking like crazy for mine. So many to search though on to be rated.
I noticed also that it you put in a header of a quest that is under to be "rated" that it does not come up. So maybe searches for new ones will be hard to do unless they fix it.
Is too many to trawl though as it is - should be a better system.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I have seen that also. It says it's for new "spotlight" foundry quests.
That event is now showing to have ended at 1:30PM. it's 10:30Pm and I am still unable to find either of the two quests I have now published. I do not believe that calendar event is related to publishing or locating published quests.
There have been several Dev discussions about the Foundry this week. I've read them but I still haven't seen any comments about this issue of not being able to find your foundry quest after publishing it. I watched a youtube video series about making foundry quests and the guy making the video said "you should subscribe to yourself b/c it's pretty difficult to locate your quests after publishing them". I agree, it is difficult indeed.
Maybe a dev will discuss this issue soon. I'll try to locate the quests I've published, again tomorrow. I started work on a 3rd quest but I'm not sure I want to waste any time on it if I can't play it, lol. I feel like my quests are good solid quests that someone other than myself will enjoy but whats the use if I can't do them? Maybe the calendar event is related to it, I'll check tomorrow after the patch and see if it's searchable then. Something from the devs on the subject would be real nice though.
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
I hopped in Protector's Enclave tavern and clicked the job board. My quest was the only one listed available and was on the default Best tab. I subscribed to myself so i never have to go through this again
Good luck mates! Hope they work out this issue soon. Would appreciate some plays on my new foundry quest listed here, and remember, search Best tab by Short Code for now... :rolleyes: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?248412-Spellplague-Test-Subjects
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
Hell Gate NW-DT6I0MSEZ Great for a small group of 2-3 friends
Hell Gate: Return NW-DERICH2GY Quick and Simple Hack & Slash
not A Night With Terrible Terrance
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Tried republishing and such but doesn't seem to work. If I delete the campaign the quest starts showing up again in sub. Not sure if a bug or if it just takes a ton of time before working properly.
Check out my second Foundry Quest - Dreaming of a Sea Adventure (Short Code): nw-debgs4mnr
Does anyone know of any known issues with this right now?
I'm having the same issue: I subscribed to myself, but can't see my quest listed in the Subscribed tab.
Foundry - Valindra Dispersal - Blackdagger: NW-DEPMC17EW
Foundry - Valindra Dispersal - Rothe Valley: NW-DD3FM9CHY
Foundry - Valindra Dispersal - Helm's Hold: NW-DG17WKDTC (NEW)
Author: @kingdutka
Quest Name: Hack'n'Slash
Is it Investigate The Mal'One Mansion? I could find it under your author name in the For Review tab.
I can see it now also--strange a few hours ago and I could not:) Thanks