So i enjoy this game and felt i could invest a bit in it for all the fun i have already had. Once i hit 20 i bought myself the Armoured Worg. Lots of fun!
My girlfriend also plays the game and when she hit 20, i thought i'd buy her a present and give her a horse. Girls love horses!:cool: . At that point my Zen supply was a bit low after my own purchase, so i sold all the astral diamonds i had for Zen and could just scrape together enough to buy her the lvl 2 Medium Palomino Horse.
At that point i had already heard of the phenomenon of items being bound to you. Never encountered it before since i have no prior experience with MMO's and never had tried to give anything away before.
So just to be sure it would be okay, i asked around in Protectors. Serveral people confimed to me that it would not be a problem, as long as i did not use the newly bought horse myself.
However: As soon as i bought the Horse, it was bound to me. The last few days I've been trying to find out if this is a fluke or meant to happen, but i just got a confirmation from support that there is nothing they can do to unbind it and suggested i submitted a Bug Report. So i did. Got a thank you for helping us by using the Bug Report function, but still nothing they can and will do for me.
Bottom line: i now have a mount i will never use cause i already have a better one, lost about 20 euro's on it and cannot even sell the stupid horse. I feel totally ripped off and cheated out of my money.
So from wanting to spend money on a game i enjoyed i am now stuck with a sour feeling everytime i see that stupid horse and notice my girlfriend still has not got a horse. Thanks PWE!:mad:
it always helps to read what is written in the store
does it say "can be traded with other players", then its not bound in pickup
does it not say that, then its bound on pickup
it might sound harsh, but when you dont read the info they provide you, well, tough luck
Even if you are technically correct, that does not mean i am not feeling cheated. Bottom line still is i lost 20 dollars for a heavilly restricted item. That spoils the fun for me, even if it is perfecly legal for them to make it so. Instead of the absence of a line saying 'can be traded' there could have been a line saying 'Cannot be traded/sold/given away' or something along that lines.
You feel cheated and ripped off?
You should feel stupid and embarrassed.
It states in shop that mount can be claimed on all YOUR characters and can't be traded.
Its no one else fault but yours for using service without getting to know how it works.
Yea. Thanks for the sympathy guys . Like i said. Even if i am wrong, which i clearly am, i still feel if i pay 20 euro's for an item i should at least be able to give it away.
But it looks like this practice of locking items is perfectly normal. Such a shame...
1. It makes no sense why you can't trade a mount, of all things. I really can't see the sense in binding anything out of the Zen shop, but a mount especially. People can excuse it all they want, but it's still pretty dumb that a situation like this can even occur.
2. They should add some sort of gifting function to the Zen shop just for situations like this. You hit "gift" or whatever and type in the player you want to have it and boom, it's sent to them in the mail. No muss, no fuss.
I think anything out of the Zen shop should be tradeable/sellable. What difference does it make? It would only serve to make PW/Cryptic even more money and wouldn't harm the playerbase at all (after all, does it really matter if I bought the item directly with Zen or bought from another player who purchased it with Zen? A sale is a sale and I'd have the item and the advantage that comes with it either way).
But since I don't buy Zen, it really doesn't affect me either way. Just throwing in my two cents. I feel for you though, OP.
Even if you are technically correct, that does not mean i am not feeling cheated. Bottom line still is i lost 20 dollars for a heavilly restricted item. That spoils the fun for me, even if it is perfecly legal for them to make it so. Instead of the absence of a line saying 'can be traded' there could have been a line saying 'Cannot be traded/sold/given away' or something along that lines.
I understand being disappointed, but how can you feel "cheated" when the mistake was yours? It says in the description that it is "not tradable" (their spelling). Many things in MMO's are character bound, or account bound. You need to pay attention to the descriptions.
Just pointing out that your phrasing makes it sound like you were deliberately mislead.
Not sure why it is bound automatically, other than it is redeemable by all characters on your account. Maybe that is the only way they can do that, atm. You can still use it on your own characters, for variety.
I understand being disappointed, but how can you feel "cheated" when the mistake was yours? It says in the description that it is "not tradable" (their spelling). Many things in MMO's are character bound, or account bound. You need to pay attention to the descriptions.
You can still use it on your own characters, for variety.
I guess you are right. The mistake was mine, i must have not payed enough attention. Still the post from cinj216 above yours pretty much sums up how i see it. I may not be cheated/mislead or ripped off, but it does leave a sour taste how i cannot give something i already payed for away.
Yea. Thanks for the sympathy guys . Like i said. Even if i am wrong, which i clearly am, i still feel if i pay 20 euro's for an item i should at least be able to give it away.
But it looks like this practice of locking items is perfectly normal. Such a shame...
Its only really the case with the mounts, because when you buy them, your account is flagged to be able to claim one for any character you currently, or will create in the future.
I'm sympathetic, (although I wasn't sure whether you were talking about zen mounts when I replied to you in-game). Feeling annoyed is natural at a mistake like that. But I don't think that you have been cheated or that PWE have been underhanded in this case.
So from wanting to spend money on a game i enjoyed i am now stuck with a sour feeling everytime i see that stupid horse and notice my girlfriend still has not got a horse. Thanks PWE!:mad:
The wrath of a girlfriend being given a "stupid horse" has luckily been avoided. Next time, add the Zen to her account so she can buy something of her own choosing.
Or you could contact Accounts & Billing and complain that the description was not clear enough and you would like a refund of either the Zen or your money.
The wrath of a girlfriend being given a "stupid horse" has luckily been avoided. Next time, add the Zen to her account so she can buy something of her own choosing.
Or you could contact Accounts & Billing and complain that the description was not clear enough and you would like a refund of either the Zen or your money.
Lol thanks for making me laugh.:o Also good suggestion about contacting Billing!
IMHO, you should try to contact their costumer support and explain your situation. They might or might not do something, I don't know but I would at least try it.
It's not uncommon in MMORPG to do these mistakes but, at least in the games that I used to play, after they checked that you actually bought the mount and made this silly mistake, they are able to transfer it to the person that you want.
Even if you are technically correct, that does not mean i am not feeling cheated. Bottom line still is i lost 20 dollars for a heavilly restricted item. That spoils the fun for me, even if it is perfecly legal for them to make it so. Instead of the absence of a line saying 'can be traded' there could have been a line saying 'Cannot be traded/sold/given away' or something along that lines.
But... there is. It says:
Reclaimable for each character, not tradable
(usable only after level 20)
It's right there in the shop. The reason it's that way is because Zen mounts are meant to be an unlock for your entire account. You pay for them only once and all your characters, now and in the future, can use them. So you don't have to buy them again if you want to level another character.
The people in the Enclave who told you otherwise probably misunderstood and thought you were buying a basic mount for Gold or a mount on the auction house. Those are tradable... because those are just items like any other. And if you want one for your rogue and one for your wizard, you have to buy two of them... unlike Zen mounts which just unlock for all of your characters.
Yea, i checked after that first reply and it is indeed. Guess i was so excited about buying something i never noticed.
Ill try customer support to see if they can do anything out of goodwill. If not, i'll have to do as Canishelix said:
just take it as a costly mistake and move on.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
This is an example of where you have to ask the right questions.
First of all you shouldn't feel ripped off. People gave you the wrong information which is available right in the store front. Look at every mount, in the bottom and hardly what could be considered fine print:
"Reclaimable on each character, not tradeable (usable after level 20)"
I really don't think it could be any clearer.
So what is the right question? Instead of asking Support if there is any way you can trade the item (there isn't) ask if you can get a refund because you made the purchase in error. I can't promise anything but if this is the first time I would imagine they would permit it.
Unfortunately there is no actual gifting system so you can either purchase the mount through her account or you can purchase a Zen or equivalent card from a local store and give her the code to redeem the value.
Sadly that's all that can be done, though. Mounts are not tradeable. It's specifically written on all mounts in the Zen Store that they are not tradeable and there's no way to make them tradeable.
Talk to customer service and tell them. Make sure to sob it a little bit and mention that you are sleeping on the sofa. The CS is pretty flexible and they are not losing anything. It don't hurt to try, but in your case, a disgruntled GF is going to be very painful when you can look but not touch.
1. It makes no sense why you can't trade a mount, of all things. I really can't see the sense in binding anything out of the Zen shop, but a mount especially. People can excuse it all they want, but it's still pretty dumb that a situation like this can even occur.
2. They should add some sort of gifting function to the Zen shop just for situations like this. You hit "gift" or whatever and type in the player you want to have it and boom, it's sent to them in the mail. No muss, no fuss.
I think anything out of the Zen shop should be tradeable/sellable. What difference does it make? It would only serve to make PW/Cryptic even more money and wouldn't harm the playerbase at all (after all, does it really matter if I bought the item directly with Zen or bought from another player who purchased it with Zen? A sale is a sale and I'd have the item and the advantage that comes with it either way).
But since I don't buy Zen, it really doesn't affect me either way. Just throwing in my two cents. I feel for you though, OP.
The mounts are account wide aren't they?, so if they were tradable you could just keep creating accounts and selling the horses so making them tradable does not make any sense.
The mounts are account wide aren't they?, so if they were tradable you could just keep creating accounts and selling the horses so making them tradable does not make any sense.
And so what? I fail to see the harm in selling horses. From the sounds of it, I don't think you even read my post or comprehended it at all.
Other games support gifting store bought items to other people. Since it's not always possible to give someone the money to buy it themselves.
Props to pwe if they help exchange it or offer refund to unused/unopened item.
Some of pwe's refund statements made publicly were against the refund because the player 'used' the item. Don't take my word there are countless chargeback-refund request threads from caturday.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
And so what? I fail to see the harm in selling horses. From the sounds of it, I don't think you even read my post or comprehended it at all.
When you buy a mount from the Zen store it is an account unlock. That means any character you own can claim that mount at any time. The mounts can also be discarded at any time and claimed for free from the store West of Sgt Knox. For instance I have the PC Gamer, Guardian of Neverwinter and Hero of the North Mounts. At any time if I get bored of one I can discard it and reclaim a different one from the shop free of charge.
They can't be tradeable. They are not a single item. They are free for an unlimited amount of time on an unlimited amount of characters.
Surfak, There's a huge difference there. Players asked for refunds of Founders Packs after playing through multiple Closed Beta Weekends which were part of the package. That alone is a bit sleezy and I can't blame them for saying no.
Buying something accidentally isn't something any company really wishes to punish players for, though. If you buy something and immediately decide you actually don't like the appearance or function it doesn't hurt to politely request a refund. However if you buy it and wait a month before mentioning anything then the argument starts to lose merit.
The time between purchase and the request for a refund matters both in real life and on virtual items.
And so what? I fail to see the harm in selling horses. From the sounds of it, I don't think you even read my post or comprehended it at all.
This is a bit awkward, but I don't think you even read his (or my) post or comprehended it at all.
To be fair, I think he meant to say "keep creating characters"... but you wouldn't even need to do that.
Here's how it works: You don't buy the horse. You unlock it for your account. IE, you buy the "license to get that horse". After unlocking it, the price of that horse in the Zen shop changes from whatever it was to "Free". Now you can go into the Zen shop at any time, on any character on that account, and double-click that horse and... presto, you have it in your bag. And then you can log on your alt, and double-click it there, and now you have the horse in your alt's bag. Now maybe you're mad at the horse, so you destroy it. And then you go and double-click it in the Zen shop and get a fresh new horse.
Get the picture?
Pay once -> get infinite amount of horses on demand.
The Zen Store is fine the way it is. I like it this way because if I buy a mount or pet, I can Redeem the same item on another alt which is amazing and I hope they never change it!
Sure it sucks for giving out presents, but next time just do a bit more research and give your loved one Zen instead!
Maybe Cryptic could add a gifting system to the game where you can trade Zen, but then they'd be opening a door to help gold seller sites to start selling Zen. :P
This is a bit awkward, but I don't think you even read his (or my) post or comprehended it at all.
To be fair, I think he meant to say "keep creating characters"... but you wouldn't even need to do that.
Here's how it works: You don't buy the horse. You unlock it for your account. IE, you buy the "license to get that horse". After unlocking it, the price of that horse in the Zen shop changes from whatever it was to "Free". Now you can go into the Zen shop at any time, on any character on that account, and double-click that horse and... presto, you have it in your bag. And then you can log on your alt, and double-click it there, and now you have the horse in your alt's bag. Now maybe you're mad at the horse, so you destroy it. And then you go and double-click it in the Zen shop and get a fresh new horse.
Get the picture?
Pay once -> get infinite amount of horses on demand.
See the problem with them being tradable?
Just a reaction to this.
There only is a problem if you think in the boundaries of the way things currently work.
Why shouldnt it be possible to trade/gift a horse from one account to another, and when trading/giving it away, the 'free mount' flag is removed from your account and added to the recipients account.
It's just a matter of willingness to make it possible and configuration, not an absolute impossibility...
Just a reaction to this.
There only is a problem if you think in the boundaries of the way things currently work.
Why shouldnt it be possible to trade/gift a horse from one account to another, and when trading/giving it away, the 'free mount' flag is removed from your account and added to the recipients account.
It's just a matter of willingness to make it possible and configuration, not an absolute impossibility...
1. pay once for the mount
2. redeem it on every charslot you have
3. sell one mount ingame
4. relog and sell the second mount
5. continue for all your 20 charslots
6. make that much ad that way that you can buy a new horse and still made profit
7. go to step 1
thats why
vindiconMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
And so what? I fail to see the harm in selling horses. From the sounds of it, I don't think you even read my post or comprehended it at all.
An infinite supply of horses that were supposed to cost a bunch of zen for each account means that there's no reason for anyone to buy horses through the cash shop. It also makes every other non-CS mount obsolete and ****s up the economy (because the people doint that have an infinite supply of income, until there are more mounts than people and the economy crashes).
1. pay once for the mount
2. redeem it on every charslot you have
3. sell one mount ingame
4. relog and sell the second mount
5. continue for all your 20 charslots
6. make that much ad that way that you can buy a new horse and still made profit
7. go to step 1
thats why
I doenst have to work that way. Let me specify:
1. pay once for the mount
2. redeem it on every charslot you have
3. sell one mount ingame -> The mount is removed from all your Characters and no longer available for free on your account. It is now Free for all characters on the buyers account.
4. relog and sell the second mount -> No longer possible as a result of selling as specified in the previous step.
Thats not so hard to think of, or am i missing something?
I doenst have to work that way. Let me specify:
1. pay once for the mount
2. redeem it on every charslot you have
3. sell one mount ingame -> The mount is removed from all your Characters and no longer available for free on your account. It is now Free for all characters on the buyers account.
4. relog and sell the second mount -> No longer possible as a result of selling as specified in the previous step.
Thats not so hard to think of, or am i missing something?
would create huge problems when selling them on the AH cause when you put it in there, its still yours and thus not removed from the other chars and thus you could put all your 20 horses in the AH in just a couple of seconds without haven them removed from the chars...and when one get bought, all others should vanish too but if they have already bids on them its not as easy as it sounds
so with making them unbound you basicly create huge problems while only making them tradable
And so what? I fail to see the harm in selling horses. From the sounds of it, I don't think you even read my post or comprehended it at all.
So being able to create and sell hundreds of horses, with little more then a few minutes of work, is not a problem? An endless, effortless, source of unlimited cash, just isn't an issue for you? I do not think you understand the problem.
does it say "can be traded with other players", then its not bound in pickup
does it not say that, then its bound on pickup
it might sound harsh, but when you dont read the info they provide you, well, tough luck
You should feel stupid and embarrassed.
It states in shop that mount can be claimed on all YOUR characters and can't be traded.
Its no one else fault but yours for using service without getting to know how it works.
But it looks like this practice of locking items is perfectly normal. Such a shame...
1. It makes no sense why you can't trade a mount, of all things. I really can't see the sense in binding anything out of the Zen shop, but a mount especially. People can excuse it all they want, but it's still pretty dumb that a situation like this can even occur.
2. They should add some sort of gifting function to the Zen shop just for situations like this. You hit "gift" or whatever and type in the player you want to have it and boom, it's sent to them in the mail. No muss, no fuss.
I think anything out of the Zen shop should be tradeable/sellable. What difference does it make? It would only serve to make PW/Cryptic even more money and wouldn't harm the playerbase at all (after all, does it really matter if I bought the item directly with Zen or bought from another player who purchased it with Zen? A sale is a sale and I'd have the item and the advantage that comes with it either way).
But since I don't buy Zen, it really doesn't affect me either way. Just throwing in my two cents. I feel for you though, OP.
I understand being disappointed, but how can you feel "cheated" when the mistake was yours? It says in the description that it is "not tradable" (their spelling). Many things in MMO's are character bound, or account bound. You need to pay attention to the descriptions.
Just pointing out that your phrasing makes it sound like you were deliberately mislead.
Not sure why it is bound automatically, other than it is redeemable by all characters on your account. Maybe that is the only way they can do that, atm. You can still use it on your own characters, for variety.
I guess you are right. The mistake was mine, i must have not payed enough attention. Still the post from cinj216 above yours pretty much sums up how i see it. I may not be cheated/mislead or ripped off, but it does leave a sour taste how i cannot give something i already payed for away.
I'm sympathetic, (although I wasn't sure whether you were talking about zen mounts when I replied to you in-game). Feeling annoyed is natural at a mistake like that. But I don't think that you have been cheated or that PWE have been underhanded in this case.
Don't worry, i will give it to her one way or another
The wrath of a girlfriend being given a "stupid horse" has luckily been avoided. Next time, add the Zen to her account so she can buy something of her own choosing.
Or you could contact Accounts & Billing and complain that the description was not clear enough and you would like a refund of either the Zen or your money.
just take it as a costly mistake and move on
Lol thanks for making me laugh.:o Also good suggestion about contacting Billing!
It's not uncommon in MMORPG to do these mistakes but, at least in the games that I used to play, after they checked that you actually bought the mount and made this silly mistake, they are able to transfer it to the person that you want.
But... there is. It says:
Reclaimable for each character, not tradable
(usable only after level 20)
It's right there in the shop. The reason it's that way is because Zen mounts are meant to be an unlock for your entire account. You pay for them only once and all your characters, now and in the future, can use them. So you don't have to buy them again if you want to level another character.
The people in the Enclave who told you otherwise probably misunderstood and thought you were buying a basic mount for Gold or a mount on the auction house. Those are tradable... because those are just items like any other. And if you want one for your rogue and one for your wizard, you have to buy two of them... unlike Zen mounts which just unlock for all of your characters.
Ill try customer support to see if they can do anything out of goodwill. If not, i'll have to do as Canishelix said:
just take it as a costly mistake and move on.
First of all you shouldn't feel ripped off. People gave you the wrong information which is available right in the store front. Look at every mount, in the bottom and hardly what could be considered fine print:
"Reclaimable on each character, not tradeable (usable after level 20)"
I really don't think it could be any clearer.
So what is the right question? Instead of asking Support if there is any way you can trade the item (there isn't) ask if you can get a refund because you made the purchase in error. I can't promise anything but if this is the first time I would imagine they would permit it.
Unfortunately there is no actual gifting system so you can either purchase the mount through her account or you can purchase a Zen or equivalent card from a local store and give her the code to redeem the value.
Sadly that's all that can be done, though. Mounts are not tradeable. It's specifically written on all mounts in the Zen Store that they are not tradeable and there's no way to make them tradeable.
The mounts are account wide aren't they?, so if they were tradable you could just keep creating accounts and selling the horses so making them tradable does not make any sense.
And so what? I fail to see the harm in selling horses. From the sounds of it, I don't think you even read my post or comprehended it at all.
Props to pwe if they help exchange it or offer refund to unused/unopened item.
Some of pwe's refund statements made publicly were against the refund because the player 'used' the item. Don't take my word there are countless chargeback-refund request threads from caturday.
When you buy a mount from the Zen store it is an account unlock. That means any character you own can claim that mount at any time. The mounts can also be discarded at any time and claimed for free from the store West of Sgt Knox. For instance I have the PC Gamer, Guardian of Neverwinter and Hero of the North Mounts. At any time if I get bored of one I can discard it and reclaim a different one from the shop free of charge.
They can't be tradeable. They are not a single item. They are free for an unlimited amount of time on an unlimited amount of characters.
Surfak, There's a huge difference there. Players asked for refunds of Founders Packs after playing through multiple Closed Beta Weekends which were part of the package. That alone is a bit sleezy and I can't blame them for saying no.
Buying something accidentally isn't something any company really wishes to punish players for, though. If you buy something and immediately decide you actually don't like the appearance or function it doesn't hurt to politely request a refund. However if you buy it and wait a month before mentioning anything then the argument starts to lose merit.
The time between purchase and the request for a refund matters both in real life and on virtual items.
This is a bit awkward, but I don't think you even read his (or my) post or comprehended it at all.
To be fair, I think he meant to say "keep creating characters"... but you wouldn't even need to do that.
Here's how it works: You don't buy the horse. You unlock it for your account. IE, you buy the "license to get that horse". After unlocking it, the price of that horse in the Zen shop changes from whatever it was to "Free". Now you can go into the Zen shop at any time, on any character on that account, and double-click that horse and... presto, you have it in your bag. And then you can log on your alt, and double-click it there, and now you have the horse in your alt's bag. Now maybe you're mad at the horse, so you destroy it. And then you go and double-click it in the Zen shop and get a fresh new horse.
Get the picture?
Pay once -> get infinite amount of horses on demand.
See the problem with them being tradable?
Sure it sucks for giving out presents, but next time just do a bit more research and give your loved one Zen instead!
Maybe Cryptic could add a gifting system to the game where you can trade Zen, but then they'd be opening a door to help gold seller sites to start selling Zen. :P
Just a reaction to this.
There only is a problem if you think in the boundaries of the way things currently work.
Why shouldnt it be possible to trade/gift a horse from one account to another, and when trading/giving it away, the 'free mount' flag is removed from your account and added to the recipients account.
It's just a matter of willingness to make it possible and configuration, not an absolute impossibility...
2. redeem it on every charslot you have
3. sell one mount ingame
4. relog and sell the second mount
5. continue for all your 20 charslots
6. make that much ad that way that you can buy a new horse and still made profit
7. go to step 1
thats why
An infinite supply of horses that were supposed to cost a bunch of zen for each account means that there's no reason for anyone to buy horses through the cash shop. It also makes every other non-CS mount obsolete and ****s up the economy (because the people doint that have an infinite supply of income, until there are more mounts than people and the economy crashes).
Also, what the person above me said.
I doenst have to work that way. Let me specify:
1. pay once for the mount
2. redeem it on every charslot you have
3. sell one mount ingame -> The mount is removed from all your Characters and no longer available for free on your account. It is now Free for all characters on the buyers account.
4. relog and sell the second mount -> No longer possible as a result of selling as specified in the previous step.
Thats not so hard to think of, or am i missing something?
so with making them unbound you basicly create huge problems while only making them tradable
So being able to create and sell hundreds of horses, with little more then a few minutes of work, is not a problem? An endless, effortless, source of unlimited cash, just isn't an issue for you? I do not think you understand the problem.
There is a reason you cant trade them.