One of the things I love most about this game is the companion system. I love never being alone out in the wilderness and having a companion always with me. I found out today that the highest level a companion can get is level 30!
Such an intricate system to have it cap out at 30 and be useless at end game, isnt it?
Are these at all viable when you are level 60? Is the level scale for them just weighted perhaps? I was going to invest in a cool buddy to keep me company, but not if my $30 purchase is going to be pointless in 3 weeks.
Companion RANKS are not the same as LEVELS. Each rank is equal to 2 levels. So a level 30 companion should be fine in level 60 fights. But pets dont follow level rules, a pet of any rank, for example, can equip an item of any level.
The only real problem is the quality of the pets. Locking pets ranks at set levels and no way currently to upgrade them.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
I'll put it to you this way: They are better than nothing at all.
"Rank 30" is not the same as "Level 30" but companions are not a true replacement for another player. Besides it's more fun to play with another player.
Some of the companions such as Galeb Dur are actually quite good. And even the Dire Wolf, despite all the flack it gets, is quite helpful. The AI improvements have helped drastically but they're still not 100% though.
Overall you should have one with you and they will help you massively when soloing but they still need to improve the AI a bit more especially to become more viable in dungeons.
I'll put it to you this way: They are better than nothing at all.
"Rank 30" is not the same as "Level 30" but companions are not a true replacement for another player. Besides it's more fun to play with another player.
Some of the companions such as Galeb Dur are actually quite good. And even the Dire Wolf, despite all the flack it gets, is quite helpful. The AI improvements have helped drastically but they're still not 100% though.
Overall you should have one with you and they will help you massively when soloing but they still need to improve the AI a bit more especially to become more viable in dungeons.
In what way has Galeb Dur been improved lately to make him 'Quite good" ? I leveled mine to 30 with my 60 cleric and it was the single most useless waste of time, money and effort in the history of the world. Beyond a disgrace. I can't even think of a suitable way to describe just how completely useless it was.
Serious question though. I would love to know that it was worth using now. How is it better ? I can't even be bothered logging my cleric in to try him out. That is precisely how little I enjoy clerics and Galeb Dur in this game.
Let me explain my issues with it as it was. I use past tense because if I read correctly things have changed.
It only had single target attack and in a game that rarely gives single target encounters I usually ended up tanking everything anyway since it attacked MY target and could not get any agro off me once I cast any heal. I couldn't even send it in to get agro before I did anything as I found no pet attack/control options at all. So I had something with a few hit points but no dps, no agro gaining ability worth spit and the ai of a 3yr old. I couldn't even make it offtank anything to keep something busy since when I changed targets it followed my lead.
Please tell me it has some form of ae agro that works, that it has some form of pet control panel now or some other good news. Maybe some offensive/defensive setting ? Anything...... please.........
OK well the incredibly slow patch download today has finished so I am off now but I hope someone can enlighten me.
Besides it's more fun to play with another player.
I couldn't agree more
with the patch at least companions now do bigger damage dealt, even still not much though (I bring a sellsword, only deal 40 some damage, while cleric disciple can do better with lesser power ... pretty much annoying)
My tanker companion is quite ok for solo questing. Except when it is a story boss fight.
Spent 50% of the time on Jareth Grim's fight picking him up myself.
I found the easiest ways to beat bosses were;
Drag the boss away from his spawn area to fight. Sometimes his adds will not get to you before you can kill him. Depends if the boss spawns them or they spawn in its room at %hp.
If your compainion goes down just run away a distance and it will respawn at full health and run to you. Sometimes stopping mid fight to pick them up after they have fallen over will get you killed. Plus if you are in trouble you will get your potion timer down which might save things.
Every once in a while you might get lucky running a boss around the zone fighting him and it might fall off a cliff or into lava. I can't actually recall which ones did this for me but a couple have so far. If you do it deliberately that would probably be an exploit although some players say it is 'working as intended'. If it happens I will take it as a win and put it down to the devs but I don't actually try to do it. Just remember if this happens you wont get his drop so it isn't a good plan really. Also if you can't kill the boss then you probably are not ready for the next quest area anyway.
Drag the boss away from his spawn area to fight. Sometimes his adds will not get to you before you can kill him. Depends if the boss spawns them or they spawn in its room at %hp.
So far, from my lowbie experience, story bosses will only summon fixed amount of minions according to his/her health and won't be summoning anymore minion until certain health drop. So what I did was... I'd sic my minion; I mean companion, at the boss while I focus fire on the few minions. It was an alright strategy until Grim because tank took 1k+ damage per special swing from the boss (He only summoned 4 minions at a time, 3 times in the whole fight; IF I recall correctly).
I can only imagine how strong damage dealer can burn down the bosses' health in seconds which leads to fast and accumulated minion spawns (In above case, sudden greeting to the face by 12 angry minions).
And yep, picking my minion up was kinda dangerous. And thank you for the tip.
With the right runestones and gear, I find even my level 15 Man-At-Arms is still viable for my nearly level capped DC. Same holds true with the level 15 cleric companion on some of my other toons. They fill a niche, whether it's spot healing, extra dps, or just keeping something off me for a couple seconds so I can get some breathing room while my cool-downs are coming back up.
As was already observed, they do not take the place of another player, but they're a welcome addition. Of course, I may be biased: I've always loved so-called "pet classes" in MMO's, and in Neverwinter, every class is a pet class.
I'll put it to you this way: They are better than nothing at all.
Many games (that I've played) seem to give companions/pets/hirelings a significant AOE damage resistance. Since they are just too dumb to get out of the bad stuff. Not a bash at Neverwinter at all. I've not seen any game with really smart pets.
Not noticed if Neverwinter's companions getting a similar bonus. But I think it would add to their ability to survive without making them overpowered if they had something like that. Or a larger bonus if it already exists. Its kind of a fine line though. To much and the player wonders why they can't withstand the big hits. To little and the companions seem useless.
Halgarth's Legacy-NWS-DSTGFZHFR
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
In what way has Galeb Dur been improved lately to make him 'Quite good" ?
He was always quite good but first and foremost he and all the other companions received a buff to their stats.
He also has three defensive rune slots and three slots for defensive items. Combined with an Eldritch Runestones you can buff your own stats considerably.
Rank 8 Eldritch Runestones grant the companion's owner 9% of the stats of the companions and the effect stacks (or should stack).
depending on what you equip Galeb Dhur with you could gain 1,000+ extra GS (in theory since I don't own Galeb Dhur) easily. Him attacking and sometimes tanking is a bonus for him providing a hefty bit of defense/regen/life steal/power/whatever you want more of.
Just the bonus HP from his naturally high HP would be helpful and, correct me if I am wrong, should also be gained from Galeb Dhur.
Runebane, that's my big complaint. Companions have a knack for getting themselves killed. The other day I watched my Dire Wold run straight up the "carpet" of Green Dragon Breath screaming "No stupid! Get out of that!"
He died within 30 seconds of the boss fight as usual.
The only real problem is the quality of the pets. Locking pets ranks at set levels and no way currently to upgrade them.
"Rank 30" is not the same as "Level 30" but companions are not a true replacement for another player. Besides it's more fun to play with another player.
Some of the companions such as Galeb Dur are actually quite good. And even the Dire Wolf, despite all the flack it gets, is quite helpful. The AI improvements have helped drastically but they're still not 100% though.
Overall you should have one with you and they will help you massively when soloing but they still need to improve the AI a bit more especially to become more viable in dungeons.
In what way has Galeb Dur been improved lately to make him 'Quite good" ? I leveled mine to 30 with my 60 cleric and it was the single most useless waste of time, money and effort in the history of the world. Beyond a disgrace. I can't even think of a suitable way to describe just how completely useless it was.
Serious question though. I would love to know that it was worth using now. How is it better ? I can't even be bothered logging my cleric in to try him out. That is precisely how little I enjoy clerics and Galeb Dur in this game.
Let me explain my issues with it as it was. I use past tense because if I read correctly things have changed.
It only had single target attack and in a game that rarely gives single target encounters I usually ended up tanking everything anyway since it attacked MY target and could not get any agro off me once I cast any heal. I couldn't even send it in to get agro before I did anything as I found no pet attack/control options at all. So I had something with a few hit points but no dps, no agro gaining ability worth spit and the ai of a 3yr old. I couldn't even make it offtank anything to keep something busy since when I changed targets it followed my lead.
Please tell me it has some form of ae agro that works, that it has some form of pet control panel now or some other good news. Maybe some offensive/defensive setting ? Anything...... please.........
OK well the incredibly slow patch download today has finished so I am off now but I hope someone can enlighten me.
Spent 50% of the time on Jareth Grim's fight picking him up myself.
I couldn't agree more
with the patch at least companions now do bigger damage dealt, even still not much though
I found the easiest ways to beat bosses were;
Drag the boss away from his spawn area to fight. Sometimes his adds will not get to you before you can kill him. Depends if the boss spawns them or they spawn in its room at %hp.
If your compainion goes down just run away a distance and it will respawn at full health and run to you. Sometimes stopping mid fight to pick them up after they have fallen over will get you killed. Plus if you are in trouble you will get your potion timer down which might save things.
Every once in a while you might get lucky running a boss around the zone fighting him and it might fall off a cliff or into lava. I can't actually recall which ones did this for me but a couple have so far. If you do it deliberately that would probably be an exploit although some players say it is 'working as intended'. If it happens I will take it as a win and put it down to the devs but I don't actually try to do it. Just remember if this happens you wont get his drop so it isn't a good plan really. Also if you can't kill the boss then you probably are not ready for the next quest area anyway.
So far, from my lowbie experience, story bosses will only summon fixed amount of minions according to his/her health and won't be summoning anymore minion until certain health drop. So what I did was... I'd sic my minion; I mean companion, at the boss while I focus fire on the few minions. It was an alright strategy until Grim because tank took 1k+ damage per special swing from the boss (He only summoned 4 minions at a time, 3 times in the whole fight; IF I recall correctly).
I can only imagine how strong damage dealer can burn down the bosses' health in seconds which leads to fast and accumulated minion spawns (In above case, sudden greeting to the face by 12 angry minions).
And yep, picking my minion up was kinda dangerous. And thank you for the tip.
As was already observed, they do not take the place of another player, but they're a welcome addition. Of course, I may be biased: I've always loved so-called "pet classes" in MMO's, and in Neverwinter, every class is a pet class.
Will /danceseductive for ZEN. :cool:
Many games (that I've played) seem to give companions/pets/hirelings a significant AOE damage resistance. Since they are just too dumb to get out of the bad stuff. Not a bash at Neverwinter at all. I've not seen any game with really smart pets.
Not noticed if Neverwinter's companions getting a similar bonus. But I think it would add to their ability to survive without making them overpowered if they had something like that. Or a larger bonus if it already exists. Its kind of a fine line though. To much and the player wonders why they can't withstand the big hits. To little and the companions seem useless.
He was always quite good but first and foremost he and all the other companions received a buff to their stats.
He also has three defensive rune slots and three slots for defensive items. Combined with an Eldritch Runestones you can buff your own stats considerably.
Rank 8 Eldritch Runestones grant the companion's owner 9% of the stats of the companions and the effect stacks (or should stack).
depending on what you equip Galeb Dhur with you could gain 1,000+ extra GS (in theory since I don't own Galeb Dhur) easily. Him attacking and sometimes tanking is a bonus for him providing a hefty bit of defense/regen/life steal/power/whatever you want more of.
Just the bonus HP from his naturally high HP would be helpful and, correct me if I am wrong, should also be gained from Galeb Dhur.
Runebane, that's my big complaint. Companions have a knack for getting themselves killed. The other day I watched my Dire Wold run straight up the "carpet" of Green Dragon Breath screaming "No stupid! Get out of that!"
He died within 30 seconds of the boss fight as usual.