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The cleric needs to be made into a high damage, tankish, healing machine

wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
I've been playing PvP and everyone rushes clerics cause we are easy to kill, we are fodder. If we do manage to pull ahead we can forget about getting a kill out of it cause mages push you away, rogues flee and go invisible, great weapons fighters have more speed than you could ever hope to catch up to, the cleric on the other hand is a turtle that can't hide and can't move fast, it also has next to zero deflection. The only hope for the cleric in PvP is if it were given the ability to tank damage and high enough damage that it could kill players before they simply flee, port away, run. I know some people in this forum have said you can't expect clerics to be good in everything, but they need to be the top tankish long standing fighter or else they need to be given some sort of immunity shield they can toss up so they too have a chance at escape like all the others do. We don't have the damage to go one on one, our defense sucks and we don't get the deflection, our healing sucks. If we are to move as slow as a turtle we should at least be able to defend ourselves as one. We are power blocked quite frequently and for lengthy times and we can't hit what constantly deflects us (my hard to get daily powers and my encounters often get cast with no effect). We are fodder and hopeless in PvP combat. This needs fixed.
Post edited by wholyhandgrenade on


  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If only Control Wizards existed and CCed players going for clerics...
  • akula69akula69 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Im pretty much done with my cleric in pvp. As I said in a different thread, we are really nothing but a wasted spot in pvp now. I used to at least be able to turtle a bit waiting for me team to arrive, can't even do that now. I have no chance in an even fight, and 2vs1 in our favor, I know i'm probably going to go down right before the 1 does unless hes an idiot. I'm paper target now. First couple hours after the patch it was not bad. But now people are figuring it out and I'm gonna be the quickest kill now. Its like I have the neon sign saying kick me, I cant fight back.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've reverted to the bot strategy in PvP. Simply run to a location and be killed. I move as slow as a turtle and every other class is OP in comparison.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've reverted to the bot strategy in PvP. Simply run to a location and be killed. I move as slow as a turtle and every other class is OP in comparison.

    Except its not the 5s AS downtime that makes clerics not the star of PvP, its the excessive CC and knockbacks that happen to be best nukes as well.

    CC skills should do poor damage. Raw skills should do good damage. Now, best CC skills just happen to be best nukes.
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've reverted to the bot strategy in PvP. Simply run to a location and be killed. I move as slow as a turtle and every other class is OP in comparison.

    clerics are made to be a support class and due to how self sufficient they are in nw they keep getting nerfed because people find them to Valuable I pve. DCs kinda need a buddy to defend them and steal agro since they are not supposed to be a one man team.

    the problem your having is because everyone on your team is running off peewee soccer league style instead of all trying to protect the clerics so that the clerics can keep them alive longer. if people defended the clerics and the CWs in pvp they will probably have fewer deaths across the board.
  • akula69akula69 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    If only Control Wizards existed and CCed players going for clerics...

    And then what? Add 15 seconds onto your life while giving up a point? It would be nice if every character came with their own pocket CW, but that is not relevant. I know if my GF had a pocket CW, he would rule the world. Which by the way is what I am now going to exclusively play in pvp. They were fun and dominating before the patch. Dont feel like a worthless limp noodle begging to be stomped on.
  • akula69akula69 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Except its not the 5s AS downtime that makes clerics not the star of PvP,

    You are exactly right here, but the rest is flat out wrong.

    Its not the loss of 5s in AS that makes clerics suck, its the other AS nerf that changes the heal and adds the clerics righteousness into the equation that makes them suck.
  • xouk87xouk87 Member Posts: 32
    edited June 2013
    clerics are made to be a support class and due to how self sufficient they are in nw they keep getting nerfed because people find them to Valuable I pve. DCs kinda need a buddy to defend them and steal agro since they are not supposed to be a one man team.

    the problem your having is because everyone on your team is running off peewee soccer league style instead of all trying to protect the clerics so that the clerics can keep them alive longer. if people defended the clerics and the CWs in pvp they will probably have fewer deaths across the board.

    Actually, a GWF runs in into 3 people and start wasting them like they were rag dolls starting from cleric. A Medium skilled player with a GWF now or Tr can kill a good cleric easily , even when he is with friends.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clerics are made to be a support class and due to how self sufficient they are in nw they keep getting nerfed because people find them to Valuable I pve. DCs kinda need a buddy to defend them and steal agro since they are not supposed to be a one man team.

    the problem your having is because everyone on your team is running off peewee soccer league style instead of all trying to protect the clerics so that the clerics can keep them alive longer. if people defended the clerics and the CWs in pvp they will probably have fewer deaths across the board.

    after the nerf I'll run even then, in a group I'll still be the easy target and screw the rest of my team I'm running away from anything hostile as fast as I can.... I get a group of the opposition chasing me and then I purposely run over a team member hoping they will be the new target so I can continue my all out flee. I guess that is what clerics were meant to be in this game, a slow moving rabbit that runs from everything that moves.
  • adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    actually i'm running a pvp-tuned cleric (because why not, pve cleric is incredibly boring), i'm finding it most pleasant to "melt" enemies with a combination of DoTs (forgemaster+brand+break) and lance of faith/lazorbeam. i geared for crit and armorpen and slotted terrifying insight, +16% damage on my hammer really makes some holes.

    the fun part is that i hurt a lot while still being able to support my team with an astral shield or divinity channeled forgemaster flame spreasing foresight all around, the bad part is that i know i'm just running a gimmick set that gives me an edge over pve-specced chars but other pvp-specced characters -will- make me sorry. except CW, cw are my fodder now, excluding a crit on ice knife anything else will struggle to hurt me at all in astral or if i drop FF in divinity while my dots can melt them in 5-6 seconds.

    heh, i'm not saying it's all great, i can barely touch GWF (but i can make them bored and leave and occasionally get the kill with the hammer if i time it right and crit a bit), TR using tene will tear me apart and GF i can at best stall for a little bit but it's fun nonetheless. i managed to top score/kill a few times with it and now i'm aiming to run around with "head hunter" as my title because -that- will sound a lot scarier on my DC than my TR.

    if you feel like pseccing your DC for pvp give it a shot, it's fun, but if you have a fully pve-oriented DC you'll only suffer in pvp, i know that first hand.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adozu wrote: »
    actually i'm running a pvp-tuned cleric (because why not, pve cleric is incredibly boring), i'm finding it most pleasant to "melt" enemies with a combination of DoTs (forgemaster+brand+break) and lance of faith/lazorbeam. i geared for crit and armorpen and slotted terrifying insight, +16% damage on my hammer really makes some holes.

    the fun part is that i hurt a lot while still being able to support my team with an astral shield or divinity channeled forgemaster flame spreasing foresight all around, the bad part is that i know i'm just running a gimmick set that gives me an edge over pve-specced chars but other pvp-specced characters -will- make me sorry. except CW, cw are my fodder now, excluding a crit on ice knife anything else will struggle to hurt me at all in astral or if i drop FF in divinity while my dots can melt them in 5-6 seconds. forgemaster I didn't really like so I switch that slot out between various things, brand and break I do use and they do hurt a bit but they are very boring to play. The headhunter PvP build

    heh, i'm not saying it's all great, i can barely touch GWF (but i can make them bored and leave and occasionally get the kill with the hammer if i time it right and crit a bit), TR using tene will tear me apart and GF i can at best stall for a little bit but it's fun nonetheless. i managed to top score/kill a few times with it and now i'm aiming to run around with "head hunter" as my title because -that- will sound a lot scarier on my DC than my TR.

    if you feel like pseccing your DC for pvp give it a shot, it's fun, but if you have a fully pve-oriented DC you'll only suffer in pvp, i know that first hand.

    how are you casting AS with your 3 encounter slots already taken?? ... I've been playing about the same tonight before reading your post, I get about 1 kill for every 2 they get against me but its very boring and slow... hammer you hope to kill something with, this cleric build would be slaughtered in PvE and its boring in PvP but at least you get to do more than simply run and die... as to managing to top the list, I've done that just fleeing from everyone and lucking out on locations, I've also been able to top my team by doing that and without ever using anything (just running and dieing).. it is however funny when you beat or just about beat a rogue head to head and a GWF runs away from you when you are both half health and you are on a node (I couldn't believe he the GWF fled, didn't he know he was up against a cleric that can't do anything much to hurt him?). In any case you don't feel like a cleric, you feel like the worst character class in the game and like you aren't playing it at all like it should be played.
  • adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    brand of the sun is an at will, astral+break the spirit+forgemater are the encounters i use the most.

    and yes, it's pretty sub-par in dungeons but it's actually fun killing some of the stuff that normally preys on you as a cleric in pvp.

    also i don't "top" the score, i've actually topped the kill count several times, it really does hurt. btw if you're curious i've specced on the bottom paragon branch, i've got so much stamina i like to think of myself as a cleric of the holy skateboard order, i can easily dodge 4 times whitin the first few moments of the encounter.
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