Has there been any mention of such things yet? Would be nice to at least be able to reroll your starting stats considering the whole primary/secondary importance is a little misleading for certain classes/builds.
The starting stats not being affected by the respec is part of the reason why I still haven't created my TR, so I do echo the hope that this will be made possible at one point!
Also, race and gender changes would be something I'd also be happy to pay for. My level 60 CW is human, but part of me wishes I had gone with a Tiefling.
Oh hell yeah. That'd be awesome. Mostly because your stats you built for, as an example, a pve controller? Wouldn't work so well as a nuker in pvp.
I don't see it happening, tho. Stats, maybe, but race? It's rather un-dnd to be able to say "AH HA, NOW I'M A DROW" and get gm permission for such a thing.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
spl0itzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Oh hell yeah. That'd be awesome. Mostly because your stats you built for, as an example, a pve controller? Wouldn't work so well as a nuker in pvp.
I don't see it happening, tho. Stats, maybe, but race? It's rather un-dnd to be able to say "AH HA, NOW I'M A DROW" and get gm permission for such a thing.
Eh, I think that's a pretty poor excuse. I mean, isn't it pretty un-dnd to be able respec all your powers, feats, and ability scores?
plentyoskillzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
+1 for paid character re-rolls! My TR starting stats are a mess based on the fact that I maxed out DEX on my Drow and got screwed over on STR ... maxing my DEX also made my 3 lowest 10, 10 and 8 and overall stat point total low. I was under the impression DEX was really all that mattered. Yes I could re-roll and start over but I'd rather not. Especially with all the achievements I've earned and time invested. I think it would be very "un-DnD" like to force someone to make a new character, just based off of early misconceptions of the way the games mechanics work out. It takes the enjoyment out of the game having to make a new character just for that reason. Please allow a paid initial stat re-roll token!
Oh hell yeah. That'd be awesome. Mostly because your stats you built for, as an example, a pve controller? Wouldn't work so well as a nuker in pvp.
I don't see it happening, tho. Stats, maybe, but race? It's rather un-dnd to be able to say "AH HA, NOW I'M A DROW" and get gm permission for such a thing.
Depends on the GM, though there are items and spells in DnD that allow you to effectively change your race.
Eh, I think that's a pretty poor excuse. I mean, isn't it pretty un-dnd to be able respec all your powers, feats, and ability scores?
I can't see them adding anything that would change your class/race. Simply because they have quest lines tied into them. It'd be more work that other games simply because of that.
As for stats... Since the respec already exists. I don't understand why they didn't have it let characters reroll the starting stats as well. Its not a huge issue now. But it might be later when they add the rest of the paragon paths.
I can't see them adding anything that would change your class/race. Simply because they have quest lines tied into them. It'd be more work that other games simply because of that.
Race specific quests shouldn't be that hard to deal with if they really wanted to - just erase the completion flag and any associated achievements. Still that is likely to be a lot more work than allowing a reroll of your initial stats.....
Your ability scores DO reset with a retraining token. Given my math still holds true to the market of zen -> AD, I paid about 100k AD for around 600 maybe 700 zen and then purchased a retraining token from the zen store. The token wipes ability scores, powers, and feats.
Honestly there should be a full-on race change. Stats and all.
No, there shouldn't.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
I've played MMOs for years, but when I came to Neverwinter, I didn't know what to expect. You don't know what each stat does or how effective those stats will be til after you get in-game (ie: Recovery, Deflect) nor do you know what stats will do what (ie: Int is recovery for Rogues, and wis for Mages etc) so obviously some of us are going to mess up. If you don't know what Race is best a lot of ppl go with human cause it's balanced like me and I really didn't need the 3% def and only +2 to 1 stat. My fault, but i'd pay to change races and reroll. Starting a new char, getting to 60 and remaking your gear with enchants and all is pretty extreme for such a slight error. If not this, at least make bound items tradeable between characters on your account. Calling it something like reincarnation would tie into the lore, so DnD fans could be happy. If I can go to the Tower of Alteration and completely have my face remodeled....being reincarnated as a different race would be within reason.
The only excuse I see reasonable for not implementing this is lore. All races are quite balanced, and like some said you can make a new character, so if i'm going to put hours into it for a slight horizontal movement, just getting back where I was with the same class, what reason can you guys give me for not putting this in? It would be somewhat more reasonable if all races were available day 1, but I should make a Moon Elf CW now that my Human is maxed because I want a Moon Elf then again when another race comes I prefer?
This is true. You don't know what each stat is going to do for each class. This is why it is probably a good idea that your first character, or first character of a particular class should be played a few levels first for testing purposes before you roll your "real" character.
I think at least Changing the Atributes Score Rolls must be ingame , they have too much impact ingame. I have 5 x 60's and one of them needs a change , the first charceter i leveled actually. I Didnt realize how much 5 more Strenght would give damage wise for warrior , now i do.
Also, race and gender changes would be something I'd also be happy to pay for. My level 60 CW is human, but part of me wishes I had gone with a Tiefling.
I don't see it happening, tho. Stats, maybe, but race? It's rather un-dnd to be able to say "AH HA, NOW I'M A DROW" and get gm permission for such a thing.
RIP Caine
Eh, I think that's a pretty poor excuse. I mean, isn't it pretty un-dnd to be able respec all your powers, feats, and ability scores?
Thank you
Depends on the GM, though there are items and spells in DnD that allow you to effectively change your race.
I can't see them adding anything that would change your class/race. Simply because they have quest lines tied into them. It'd be more work that other games simply because of that.
As for stats... Since the respec already exists. I don't understand why they didn't have it let characters reroll the starting stats as well. Its not a huge issue now. But it might be later when they add the rest of the paragon paths.
Race specific quests shouldn't be that hard to deal with if they really wanted to - just erase the completion flag and any associated achievements. Still that is likely to be a lot more work than allowing a reroll of your initial stats.....
Your ability scores DO reset with a retraining token. Given my math still holds true to the market of zen -> AD, I paid about 100k AD for around 600 maybe 700 zen and then purchased a retraining token from the zen store. The token wipes ability scores, powers, and feats.
Can I see a link to this change please?
As far as I know, the retraining token didn't allow you to change your starting stats only the points you add every 10 levels.
No, there shouldn't.
Just curious to as why you think it shouldn't be implemented.
This is true. You don't know what each stat is going to do for each class. This is why it is probably a good idea that your first character, or first character of a particular class should be played a few levels first for testing purposes before you roll your "real" character.
Yea, all bumped (3 necro'ed) by the same person, with the same spammed message. Not exactly sure you want that as a representative.
At least it was just a short while ago, before the mods did a little forum pruning.