they went down for me(and apparently several others) last night(or well, this morning) at 2:40 or so in the morning. now 10:30am and i still can't connect. i was on the game playing just fine and it went instantly to the login screen. i've been playing the game fine since launch of open beta so i dunno what gives. theres no mention of an outage by cryptic but that doesn't mean there isn't one.
there were just heavy storms in the midwest and south of the US, maybe it took out power to a center or something that allows connection from midwestern players? >_> i dunno. but the gateway website times out, the cryptic website times out, the lancher does "tried patching launcher X times" then gives a "error, time out" type message.
theres no mention of anything from cryptic. i'm not alone in this either but it also doesn't seem to be affecting everyone. does cryptic not even know they have a mini-outage or something? i want some kind of update or confirmation or something! not even the twitter account is acknowledging it.
yet it's strange the neverwinter website and forums work but the gateway doesn't and neither does cryptic's site. must be that this site is on perfect world's servers instead of cryptic's servers.
Get ready for this to be moved to the lower depths section. Cryptic's customer support consists of 4 steps:
1) They prompt you to send a ticket
2) They ignore the ticket
3) They remove your desperate thread that you create to try to get some kind of response
4) If you then send a ticket to a mod, the mod threatens you with a ban
All the above have happened to me. they just don't give a freeking shiiiit
but this is definitely some kind of outage on their end, it has nothing to do with my end. everything is fine on my end, i'm not a moron, i know "how to computer" and i can sure as HAMSTER tell when something is a network issue on the host's end and not the user's end. this is one of those situations. i'm also not the only one experiencing this, but like i said i think it's a localized issue, like only a certain region or regions is having the outage, which explains why no mention of it as it's not the entire network being affected. you know? perhaps they don't even know theres an outage. i dunno. but this is annoying.
the fact it's not just the game, but the gateway and that are also not connecting, tells me theres a network problem. i don't have any other cryptic games so i can't test the outage there too. just wish someone would confirm for sure theres an outage so i and the others with this issue don't feel like crazy people.
ye man I know but if you scroll a bit up in the forum section you will see that they consider these kinds of threads a violation of the forum rules. This is because they don't want a large amount of people complaining in the forums. It is a typical policy for companies like Cryptic
I have the same problem. Neverwinter just crashed hard on my last night at 2:30 a.m. and it still won't connect to the launcher. Surprised I'm not seeing more people with the same problem
this is the only forum where anyone is actually looking at threads right now. i just spent $30 on zen last night like 20 minutes before everything went down too. i was actually on the gateway when it went down. i was searching for a ring and it started to hang, then timed out. i went back to the game and i was at the login screen despite having alt-tabbed for all of 3 minutes to get the ring for my new stone of allure i bought. and now here i am, feeling crazy.
I have the same problem. Neverwinter just crashed hard on my last night at 2:30 a.m. and it still won't connect to the launcher. Surprised I'm not seeing more people with the same problem
Just started having the same problem at approximately 10:30am, Central time. Problem exists globally with Cryptic launcher(STO launcher also non-functional).
out of curiosity mavidian, where are you located state/country wise? im not trying to pry, im trying to see if this is an outage based on storms possibly taking out power to a facility of theirs, which would make sense and explain why apparently not everyone is affected(which would definitely prompt a cryptic response). if it is a power issue from last night's storms, then it might be an all day outage or more.
Just started having the same problem at approximately 10:30am, Central time. Problem exists globally with Cryptic launcher(STO launcher also non-functional).
so it is global? i was thinking it might have been regional.
I'm in Missouri just south of St. Louis about an hour
omg, i'm IN st. louis. see, i swear this might be a localized outage affecting only people in the midwest due to those storms. does cryptic have a server center in one of the midwestern or southern states that services midwestern traffic?
we are not crazy, there is an outage affecting us, but how many of us is another story. dude if even a janitor at cryptic can come in here and be like "yep we're aware of it, power outage, will be back when power's back, sorry bros" i'd be alright.
i've been finding people all over the central midwest that are having the outage. it definitely seems more and more like a regional outage due to power failure at a server center handling midwestern traffic.
1) They prompt you to send a ticket
2) They ignore the ticket
3) They remove your desperate thread that you create to try to get some kind of response
4) If you then send a ticket to a mod, the mod threatens you with a ban
All the above have happened to me. they just don't give a freeking shiiiit
Just started having the same problem at approximately 10:30am, Central time. Problem exists globally with Cryptic launcher(STO launcher also non-functional).
so it is global? i was thinking it might have been regional.
omg, i'm IN st. louis. see, i swear this might be a localized outage affecting only people in the midwest due to those storms. does cryptic have a server center in one of the midwestern or southern states that services midwestern traffic?
we are not crazy, there is an outage affecting us, but how many of us is another story. dude if even a janitor at cryptic can come in here and be like "yep we're aware of it, power outage, will be back when power's back, sorry bros" i'd be alright.
i've been finding people all over the central midwest that are having the outage. it definitely seems more and more like a regional outage due to power failure at a server center handling midwestern traffic.
yep, brother informed me of this. thank god.