Can anyone describe the difference between these two Comp??????????????
is galeb duhr TAunt AOE?and how many seconds?
Post edited by raynkeyyzzzzz on
danzlyraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 43
edited May 2013
I'd sincerely like to hear a response to this question. I'm torn over which to buy. I would like a companion with an AOE taunt. It's not a lot of help when my white companion tank only consistently taunts one mob leaving the rest of the pack jumping on my *** when I crit and AOE.
Do I buy the purple Galeb Duhr or the blue Neverember Guard?
cujo669Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 27Arc User
I'd sincerely like to hear a response to this question. I'm torn over which to buy. I would like a companion with an AOE taunt. It's not a lot of help when my white companion tank only consistently taunts one mob leaving the rest of the pack jumping on my *** when I crit and AOE.
Do I buy the purple Galeb Duhr or the blue Neverember Guard?
Well for one the man at arms can only be trained up to rank 15, while the others you mentioned can go up to rank 30. That alone is enough of a difference in my book.
danzlyraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 43
edited May 2013
Yea, I'm not asking about the white Man at Arms companion tank. I'm asking about the two on the zen market, the purple Galeb Duhr or the blue Neverember Guard.
Yea, I'm not asking about the white Man at Arms companion tank. I'm asking about the two on the zen market, the purple Galeb Duhr or the blue Neverember Guard.
Then why did you title this thread Man at Arms vs Galeb Duhr and not Neverember Guard vs Galeb Duhr?
zdrahonulMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
Galeb without a doubt. Still though, he's not a very good tank. He helped me ALOT through the leveling process and I decked him out in really good tanking runes and gear. He still dies all the time in epic dungeons. If you want to save money...go with the cat or the ion stone.
v1ctor2kMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Man At Arms is free and is capped at lvl 15 which makes him useless for lvl 30+ content. Galeb Duhr is capped at lvl 30 which makes him viable for all leveling content.
Like all DPS/Tanking companions, he becomes useless in T1 dungeons. If you want something that lasts you throughout the entire game, go for the passive Stone or Cat companions.
Then why did you title this thread Man at Arms vs Galeb Duhr and not Neverember Guard vs Galeb Duhr?
Because I screwed up the title and my only defense is lack of coffee My apologies.
danzlyraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 43
edited May 2013
So don't buy the blue level guard in the zen market and get the Galeb instead? Has anyone tried the the new zen market guard? I'm looking for something to solo with that will hold aggro for multi pulls better than single pulls with just leveling solo (non group and non dungeon.)
Any advices is deeply appreciated. More coffee would also be welcome. :rolleyes:
PW would prefer if you bought both. there's probably even a hidden set bonus for giving them more money.
danzlyraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 43
edited May 2013
I'd rather only sink money into one of them. But I WILL do so, if I can get advice on which of the two zen purchase tanks will do what I want for my money.
I'd rather only sink money into one of them. But I WILL do so, if I can get advice on which of the two zen purchase tanks will do what I want for my money.
It's my 2 cents worth, but maybe it saves you some. I got the galeb for my CW, thinking it's range attack meant all the mobs would stay together. It doesn't.
Personally the only tank I would buy, would be a man-at-arms at rank 30. The AoE taunt is priceless, and I believe the guard doesn't have it in the description. I found him very useful, and only underperforming due to the level restriction.
teepussiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I think sadly all companions other than augment ones are at end of the game quite pointless, not saying you cant use them to some niche stuff. But overall have to hope some of them get overtime some buffs or at least buff while soloing, assuming there will ever be any point later doing that ofc. Otherwise they have to get slightly stronger as overall. Pets have huge potential to be real money sinks, but the gains aside of augment fall flat.
I'd rather only sink money into one of them. But I WILL do so, if I can get advice on which of the two zen purchase tanks will do what I want for my money.
blue companions only go to level 25, purple ones go to 30. That alone is enough of a different, you're welcome.
Don't buy either. You don't want a tank pet. You can finish the single-player questline with the noobie starting pet, or with no pet at all. Exception of the last level, it's ridiculously easy. The final boss is um... let's just say I killed him in one hit lol...
At 60 you don't want a tank pet. Get the Ion stone pet, it gives you its stats, load it up with the stats you want and go do epic dungeons.
ALL pets except the cat and ioun stone. are USELESS in this game.
I am not saying this to troll a fanboi of Cryptic, but it is the truth.
I would say that you don't know how to use the pets. But I will agree that there is not a true "tank" pet. However, provided you're not a cleric, or another aggro stealing build, they can delay mods long enough that you can handle them. Of course, I presume you are not standing around letting mods drain your HP.
At 60 you don't want a tank pet. Get the Ion stone pet, it gives you its stats, load it up with the stats you want and go do epic dungeons.
For group PvE, this is certainly true. Cat or Stone of Allure is where it's at. But if you do a lot of Foundry quests, having a tank pet is actually very useful because of how Foundry quests scale (much harder than the regular solo PvE content). Galeb Duhr works well for me for that purpose, though he's pretty costly seeing that he is only for one character.
Man At Arms is free and is capped at lvl 15 which makes him useless for lvl 30+ content.
Not sure I agree with that but I'm sure that depends on the class you are playing. I'm playing a level 53 cleric and currently doing the quests in Rothe. He did require a lot of healing prior to 50, and did also die a lot, but once I got Astral Shield he's a pretty viable option to keep some mobs busy. I could see how for other classes he's not very viable though other than as a 5 second distraction.
danzlyraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 43
For group PvE, this is certainly true. Cat or Stone of Allure is where it's at. But if you do a lot of Foundry quests, having a tank pet is actually very useful because of how Foundry quests scale (much harder than the regular solo PvE content). Galeb Duhr works well for me for that purpose, though he's pretty costly seeing that he is only for one character.
That's basically why I'm asking actually. I do a great deal of Foundry stuff solo. I run a rogue, and a wizard alt, both aggro hard when I crit. I do have the purple grade dire wolf. Just wish there was a tank companion with a good AOE taunt that would keep the pack of mobs off me. The white Man At Arms is holding the aggro of a single mob fine, but I'm finding less and less of single encounters (not counting the minions that swat down when you blow on them).
Don't know if it makes a difference buy my wizard is in her late 20 levels. The rogue is level 42. And I just would hope that a zen market tank would work better than the man at arms once it's caught up in level to the one I have. Just can't decide which to buy, the slow rumbling golem or the new guard the zen market put up.
That's basically why I'm asking actually. I do a great deal of Foundry stuff solo. I run a rogue, and a wizard alt, both aggro hard when I crit. I do have the purple grade dire wolf. Just wish there was a tank companion with a good AOE taunt that would keep the pack of mobs off me. The white Man At Arms is holding the aggro of a single mob fine, but I'm finding less and less of single encounters (not counting the minions that swat down when you blow on them).
I use Galeb with my second wizard (who levels through Foundry mostly). He does have an AoE taunt, but it is on a longish cooldown, which makes it somewhat unreliable, though it does with the initial pull, especially if it's stacked groups. He usually holds aggro on the "big mob" in a group, though, so you can dispatch the adds without having to dodge the damage from the stronger mob. He also has some self-healing ability and seems generally durable. He dies occasionally, but when he does, he still buys you time. Certainly better than the white companions and also more useful for Foundry questing than the purple striker companions. (I love the Dire Wolf, but he has no taunt, so outside of the knocback he only does damage).
I haven't tried the blue Zen store guard, so I have no first hand experiences how he would compare.
I use Galeb with my second wizard (who levels through Foundry mostly). He does have an AoE taunt, but it is on a longish cooldown, which makes it somewhat unreliable, though it does with the initial pull, especially if it's stacked groups. He usually holds aggro on the "big mob" in a group, though, so you can dispatch the adds without having to dodge the damage from the stronger mob. He also has some self-healing ability and seems generally durable. He dies occasionally, but when he does, he still buys you time. Certainly better than the white companions and also more useful for Foundry questing than the purple striker companions. (I love the Dire Wolf, but he has no taunt, so outside of the knocback he only does damage).
I haven't tried the blue Zen store guard, so I have no first hand experiences how he would compare.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Exactly the answer I was looking for on better describing the Galeb. No one seems to have any experience with the blue Neverember Guard from the zen store, but at least I have a good answer about the Galeb that makes sense to me and what I'm looking for.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Exactly the answer I was looking for on better describing the Galeb. No one seems to have any experience with the blue Neverember Guard from the zen store, but at least I have a good answer about the Galeb that makes sense to me and what I'm looking for.
Welcome, glad I could help a little! I'm curious about the Neverember Guard, too, but since there's no way to try him out, it's like buying a cat in a bag. Well, I'd buy a cat in a bag, but not a companion! Maybe down the road, who knows. For Galeb there was some information around based on the previous beta weekends, so I was relatively sure the purchase would give me what I wanted (and it did -- just wish all my characters could use him).
Do I buy the purple Galeb Duhr or the blue Neverember Guard?
Well for one the man at arms can only be trained up to rank 15, while the others you mentioned can go up to rank 30. That alone is enough of a difference in my book.
Then why did you title this thread Man at Arms vs Galeb Duhr and not Neverember Guard vs Galeb Duhr?
Like all DPS/Tanking companions, he becomes useless in T1 dungeons. If you want something that lasts you throughout the entire game, go for the passive Stone or Cat companions.
It's not his thread.
:rolleyes: Oh ****, that's embarassing.
Sorry bout that.
That would explain it........
Because I screwed up the title and my only defense is lack of coffee
Any advices is deeply appreciated. More coffee would also be welcome. :rolleyes:
It's my 2 cents worth, but maybe it saves you some. I got the galeb for my CW, thinking it's range attack meant all the mobs would stay together. It doesn't.
Personally the only tank I would buy, would be a man-at-arms at rank 30. The AoE taunt is priceless, and I believe the guard doesn't have it in the description. I found him very useful, and only underperforming due to the level restriction.
blue companions only go to level 25, purple ones go to 30. That alone is enough of a different, you're welcome.
I am not saying this to troll a fanboi of Cryptic, but it is the truth.
At 60 you don't want a tank pet. Get the Ion stone pet, it gives you its stats, load it up with the stats you want and go do epic dungeons.
I would say that you don't know how to use the pets. But I will agree that there is not a true "tank" pet. However, provided you're not a cleric, or another aggro stealing build, they can delay mods long enough that you can handle them. Of course, I presume you are not standing around letting mods drain your HP.
For group PvE, this is certainly true. Cat or Stone of Allure is where it's at. But if you do a lot of Foundry quests, having a tank pet is actually very useful because of how Foundry quests scale (much harder than the regular solo PvE content). Galeb Duhr works well for me for that purpose, though he's pretty costly seeing that he is only for one character.
Not sure I agree with that but I'm sure that depends on the class you are playing. I'm playing a level 53 cleric and currently doing the quests in Rothe. He did require a lot of healing prior to 50, and did also die a lot, but once I got Astral Shield he's a pretty viable option to keep some mobs busy. I could see how for other classes he's not very viable though other than as a 5 second distraction.
That's basically why I'm asking actually. I do a great deal of Foundry stuff solo. I run a rogue, and a wizard alt, both aggro hard when I crit. I do have the purple grade dire wolf. Just wish there was a tank companion with a good AOE taunt that would keep the pack of mobs off me. The white Man At Arms is holding the aggro of a single mob fine, but I'm finding less and less of single encounters (not counting the minions that swat down when you blow on them).
Don't know if it makes a difference buy my wizard is in her late 20 levels. The rogue is level 42. And I just would hope that a zen market tank would work better than the man at arms once it's caught up in level to the one I have. Just can't decide which to buy, the slow rumbling golem or the new guard the zen market put up.
I use Galeb with my second wizard (who levels through Foundry mostly). He does have an AoE taunt, but it is on a longish cooldown, which makes it somewhat unreliable, though it does with the initial pull, especially if it's stacked groups. He usually holds aggro on the "big mob" in a group, though, so you can dispatch the adds without having to dodge the damage from the stronger mob. He also has some self-healing ability and seems generally durable. He dies occasionally, but when he does, he still buys you time. Certainly better than the white companions and also more useful for Foundry questing than the purple striker companions. (I love the Dire Wolf, but he has no taunt, so outside of the knocback he only does damage).
I haven't tried the blue Zen store guard, so I have no first hand experiences how he would compare.
Useless in Dungeons yes. My 60 GWF still uses the cleric in Foundry content.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Exactly the answer I was looking for on better describing the Galeb. No one seems to have any experience with the blue Neverember Guard from the zen store, but at least I have a good answer about the Galeb that makes sense to me and what I'm looking for.
I very much appreciate the info!!!
Welcome, glad I could help a little!