+ 5% critical,
18/18 strength / Dex. which according to the charts would give me a + 8% ( anything over 10) to DoT resist/Damage/stamina regen/AoE resist/critical chance/deflection chance
+ knock/repel resist and DoT resist (how much %)
I know both traits could be good for trickster. so im curious what would be more beneficial for an all around player. PvE and PvP and solo and team play.
my main concern was having some defense so i like the idea of having DoT and AoE resist. so it comes down too who has better.
Half-Orc i can get +8% Dot/AoE resist if i start with the 18/18 str/dex
Dwarf gets DoT resist but does anyone know how much?
Post edited by sokocan on
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Half-orc is better. The best race for TR, even, in my opinion.
Dwarf has little to offer a TR. Those defensive bonuses aren't worth much.
However, while the differences are clear, they are minor. If you really want to play a Dwarf TR, go for it. But from an optimization stand-point, Dwarf is not a good choice.
Half-orc is better. The best race for TR, even, in my opinion.
Why do you say 1/2-orc is the best for TR? I would think either the drow or the halfling no? I'm very interested in your thoughts. I may just have to start over again. Lol.
I'm gonna rip your head off and make it my puppet! (NwN2)
Why do you say 1/2-orc is the best for TR? I would think either the drow or the halfling no? I'm very interested in your thoughts. I may just have to start over again. Lol.
Strength > Cha = Dex is the main reason. 1% damage > 1% crit even at 100% crit severity.
Apparently rogues can't have Crit Severity high enough that Dex > Str. I don't know the game mechanics enough to theorycraft this and can't believe it. Still Half Orc gets both Str and Dex.
Personally, I went for Cha/Dex with some random points into STR and still top DPS on every dungeon so far through Icespire. With weapons that are 4-6 levels behind. Currently I am of the opinion that Lag > Dex + Char + Str and player int > all. Of course I'm no level 60 ... but I don't see the core stats mattering all that much...
+ 5% critical,
18/18 strength / Dex. which according to the charts would give me a + 8% ( anything over 10) to DoT resist/Damage/stamina regen/AoE resist/critical chance/deflection chance
+ knock/repel resist and DoT resist (how much %)
I know both traits could be good for trickster. so im curious what would be more beneficial for an all around player. PvE and PvP and solo and team play.
my main concern was having some defense so i like the idea of having DoT and AoE resist. so it comes down too who has better.
Half-Orc i can get +8% Dot/AoE resist if i start with the 18/18 str/dex
Dwarf gets DoT resist but does anyone know how much?
it's to early to specify a best race.. Hybrids are the best, consider defense and movement or additional damages.
Honestly, I believe the Drow is superior to any race when it comes to the TR. The fact that you can spec for a 20% increase to Combat Advantage damage makes Cha a far better choice. Str gives you a +1% damage increase point for point. But Cha gives you 1.2% damage increase point per point. It also increases the stats of your cat/stone, giving you more than a Str focused build. At first, sure, the H-Orc seems great. But at end game, they fall behind.
Drow also get FF which decreases the targets Power/Defense by 6%. That means the entire party takes less damage and deals more damage overall. That alone is superior to the H-Orcs severity bonus.
The difference will be even greater when they fix aggro issues allowing the TR to sustain full CA at all times.
fimconteMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Honestly, I believe the Drow is superior to any race when it comes to the TR. The fact that you can spec for a 20% increase to Combat Advantage damage makes Cha a far better choice. Str gives you a +1% damage increase point for point. But Cha gives you 1.2% damage increase point per point. It also increases the stats of your cat/stone, giving you more than a Str focused build. At first, sure, the H-Orc seems great. But at end game, they fall behind.
Drow also get FF which decreases the targets Power/Defense by 6%. That means the entire party takes less damage and deals more damage overall. That alone is superior to the H-Orcs severity bonus.
The difference will be even greater when they fix aggro issues allowing the TR to sustain full CA at all times.
Good luck getting combat advantage on Dracolich.
CA looks good on paper, but falls to the wayside due to boss mechanics.
Maybe if you run with a dps GF who keeps the boss on him all the time, but yeah...
Half-Orc Master Race, unless they fix Drow racial.
Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
If you intend to get 5/5 Improved Cunning Sneak, then humans will be the best race in terms of min-max, since 3 more feats = 3/3 Disciple of Strength = 6% more damage = 6 str worth of damage.
quorforgedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If you intend to get 5/5 Improved Cunning Sneak, then humans will be the best race in terms of min-max, since 3 more feats = 3/3 Disciple of Strength = 6% more damage = 6 str worth of damage.
Are you sure that's how it works? My understanding is that it's literally 6% more of the damage you get from STR mod.
I.e., if you have a 24 STR (max for a TR), you get 14%*1.06= 14.84% multiplier from STR instead of 14%, so less than 1% increase in damage. The one that gives +9% damage on at-wills against enemies targeting others should be much better in that case. Most Rogue DPS comes from at-wills, and since everything aggros on the Cleric, you should have that bonus most of the time.
CA looks good on paper, but falls to the wayside due to boss mechanics.
Maybe if you run with a dps GF who keeps the boss on him all the time, but yeah...
Half-Orc Master Race, unless they fix Drow racial.
I get CA all the time. But I currently run with a steady group. Once the aggro issues are dealt with, CA builds will out damage Str builds by quite a bit. It's not hard to maintain CA at all. If you run with a group that thinks the Rogue should tank the boss...you need a new group. I know it's the current "Meta" in pugs atm. But a group that plays together should never follow pug mentality.
Also, I noticed you didn't mention anything about how the Drow racial is far superior. Or the fact that my stats are higher due to my cat/stone. You only mentioned CA. TR's also get the +9% damage increase to At-Wills when not targeted. That alone nets me more when I maintain CA.
It also depends on what you do most. PVP 1/2 orc probably better, most pvp will be toe-to-toe without CA. PVE CA is powerful but you have to have a functional tank, a good group with good gear.
If you do not have drow, it will supposedly be available free later.
Really you can do any of many races, its not just those 2. A tiefling that does more dps on a hurt target is significant in PVE vs endgame bosses with a ton of health, and it has +2 cha. A human can buff any stat and gets 3 more feat points, and that may be enough to offset 2 points of dex.
Only those of us that bought the $200 Hero of the North founder's pack have access to the drow right now. The rest of the public will get it in about a month.
I'm gonna rip your head off and make it my puppet! (NwN2)
Are you sure that's how it works? My understanding is that it's literally 6% more of the damage you get from STR mod.
I.e., if you have a 24 STR (max for a TR), you get 14%*1.06= 14.84% multiplier from STR instead of 14%, so less than 1% increase in damage. The one that gives +9% damage on at-wills against enemies targeting others should be much better in that case. Most Rogue DPS comes from at-wills, and since everything aggros on the Cleric, you should have that bonus most of the time.
Yes I am sure. There is a similar feat for CWs, except that it adds 1% damage from INT per point up to 5/5 instead of 2% per point of 3/3. CWs on the forums have pretty much confirmed that it does work that way (and I have respecced several times on my CW as well). For my rogue, I get an obvious increase in damage per point added to disciple of strength that FAR exceeds the math that you have provided. Obviously I will have to respec to actually show screenshots, but I'm sorry that you won't be seeing that anytime soon. (I just respec'ed last night...)
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Scoundrel Training is bad, in fact builds that do not take Improved Cunning Sneak would probably get them together with Disciple of Strength, but you have to remember that it is fairly situational (especially in pvp). If I have to choose between 9% situational damage vs 6% constant damage, I would go with the 6%, especially since it affects my encounters (dazing strike, lashing blade) as well as my dailies (shocking exec/whirlwind of blades). People who plan of skipping ICS would probably get 3/3 DoS and 2/3 ST anyway.
Only those of us that bought the $200 Hero of the North founder's pack have access to the drow right now. The rest of the public will get it in about a month.
too lazy to find the source now but i remember reading that the drow race will become available 60days after the release of open beta. i could be wrong but i was actually looking forward to early june
Only those of us that bought the $200 Hero of the North founder's pack have access to the drow right now. The rest of the public will get it in about a month.
I just remembered a post somewhere recently that said that this wasn't "release" that it's still beta so I can't really say that the drow will be available in about a month because it's not actually release yet. Don't know if it will be available in a month or not. Sorry.
I'm gonna rip your head off and make it my puppet! (NwN2)
Have we as the Trickster Rogue Community been able truly establish a ranking system of races and stat priority for most PvE benefit?
As I read it in this thread and other sources, there are multiple beneficial options for us.
Again, these are all reasonable:
1/2 orc, possible 18/18 str/dex or 20 dex / 16 str (I think?)
tiefling, high dex and cha (I forget what is possible but anything between 16 dex 18 cha to 18 dex and 16 cha I think?) and extra damage on injured mobs (big deal for bosses, and a cha TR is also a good boss setup!!)
dwarf, not awesome but possible with 18 str and a little tougher (more con = health and innate resistances).
Human (20 dex possible, or 18 in str or cha possible with decent dex, and 3 extra feats)
halfling (high dex, can have decent other scores, extra deflection)
drow, of course
and I think elf or half elf are playable as well, pretty sure elf has dex, but can't recall if 1/2 elf has cha or not.
Of those, drow, orc, human, and tieflings are the top 4 and one could argue any of them as better than another for some builds and play styles.
IMO Half-Orc>=Drow > Tiefling>=Human > Everything else. Drow have a higher potential top end, long term damage, but half-orcs are more consistent have better burst damage.
Edit: Every race is functional though.
Honestly, I believe the Drow is superior to any race when it comes to the TR. The fact that you can spec for a 20% increase to Combat Advantage damage makes Cha a far better choice. Str gives you a +1% damage increase point for point. But Cha gives you 1.2% damage increase point per point.
Do we actually know that this is how that works out? When Charisma says it improves Combat Advantage damage by 1%, does that mean it increases all damage you deal while under Combat Advantage by 1%? Or that the damage boost granted by CA is improved by 1%? I had always figured it was the second.
I mean... it's possible you're right, but I kind of doubt the devs would make Charisma a 1% damage increase the same way Strength is. I think it's more likely that it's a 1% increase to whatever % increase Combat Advantage normally grants. And the feat TRs get improves that by a further 20%.
Do we actually know that this is how that works out? When Charisma says it improves Combat Advantage damage by 1%, does that mean it increases all damage you deal while under Combat Advantage by 1%? Or that the damage boost granted by CA is improved by 1%? I had always figured it was the second.
I mean... it's possible you're right, but I kind of doubt the devs would make Charisma a 1% damage increase the same way Strength is. I think it's more likely that it's a 1% increase to whatever % increase Combat Advantage normally grants. And the feat TRs get improves that by a further 20%.
It's been stated that it's a 1/1 % bonus for Charisma. Just like Strength. And the 20% bonus increases said percentage to 1.2% per point. If they changed anything recently, I'm unaware of it.
Dwarf has little to offer a TR. Those defensive bonuses aren't worth much.
However, while the differences are clear, they are minor. If you really want to play a Dwarf TR, go for it. But from an optimization stand-point, Dwarf is not a good choice.
Why do you say 1/2-orc is the best for TR? I would think either the drow or the halfling no? I'm very interested in your thoughts. I may just have to start over again. Lol.
What Class Are You?
+2 Str/Dex, +5% Crit Severity
Apparently rogues can't have Crit Severity high enough that Dex > Str. I don't know the game mechanics enough to theorycraft this and can't believe it. Still Half Orc gets both Str and Dex.
Personally, I went for Cha/Dex with some random points into STR and still top DPS on every dungeon so far through Icespire. With weapons that are 4-6 levels behind. Currently I am of the opinion that Lag > Dex + Char + Str and player int > all. Of course I'm no level 60 ... but I don't see the core stats mattering all that much...
i was more curious about end game build if DoT/repel come into play at all specially in large parties or PvP
Drow also get FF which decreases the targets Power/Defense by 6%. That means the entire party takes less damage and deals more damage overall. That alone is superior to the H-Orcs severity bonus.
The difference will be even greater when they fix aggro issues allowing the TR to sustain full CA at all times.
Good luck getting combat advantage on Dracolich.
CA looks good on paper, but falls to the wayside due to boss mechanics.
Maybe if you run with a dps GF who keeps the boss on him all the time, but yeah...
Half-Orc Master Race, unless they fix Drow racial.
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
What is wrong with the drow racial?
What Class Are You?
Are you sure that's how it works? My understanding is that it's literally 6% more of the damage you get from STR mod.
I.e., if you have a 24 STR (max for a TR), you get 14%*1.06= 14.84% multiplier from STR instead of 14%, so less than 1% increase in damage. The one that gives +9% damage on at-wills against enemies targeting others should be much better in that case. Most Rogue DPS comes from at-wills, and since everything aggros on the Cleric, you should have that bonus most of the time.
I get CA all the time. But I currently run with a steady group. Once the aggro issues are dealt with, CA builds will out damage Str builds by quite a bit. It's not hard to maintain CA at all. If you run with a group that thinks the Rogue should tank the boss...you need a new group. I know it's the current "Meta" in pugs atm. But a group that plays together should never follow pug mentality.
Also, I noticed you didn't mention anything about how the Drow racial is far superior. Or the fact that my stats are higher due to my cat/stone. You only mentioned CA. TR's also get the +9% damage increase to At-Wills when not targeted. That alone nets me more when I maintain CA.
Drow is easily the master race for TR.
If you do not have drow, it will supposedly be available free later.
Really you can do any of many races, its not just those 2. A tiefling that does more dps on a hurt target is significant in PVE vs endgame bosses with a ton of health, and it has +2 cha. A human can buff any stat and gets 3 more feat points, and that may be enough to offset 2 points of dex.
Only those of us that bought the $200 Hero of the North founder's pack have access to the drow right now. The rest of the public will get it in about a month.
What Class Are You?
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Scoundrel Training is bad, in fact builds that do not take Improved Cunning Sneak would probably get them together with Disciple of Strength, but you have to remember that it is fairly situational (especially in pvp). If I have to choose between 9% situational damage vs 6% constant damage, I would go with the 6%, especially since it affects my encounters (dazing strike, lashing blade) as well as my dailies (shocking exec/whirlwind of blades). People who plan of skipping ICS would probably get 3/3 DoS and 2/3 ST anyway.
too lazy to find the source now but i remember reading that the drow race will become available 60days after the release of open beta. i could be wrong but i was actually looking forward to early june
I just remembered a post somewhere recently that said that this wasn't "release" that it's still beta so I can't really say that the drow will be available in about a month because it's not actually release yet. Don't know if it will be available in a month or not. Sorry.
What Class Are You?
As I read it in this thread and other sources, there are multiple beneficial options for us.
I guess I (and likely) others are curious as to what is the best option.
Half-orc (18STR/13/13 pre-racial bonus)
Renegade with CHA focus for CA
Human (18STR/13/13 pre-racial bonus) with +3 extra feats.
(Apologies for any unclear sections of this post, it was written on my phone)
You can't get those stats. Best you can get is 16STR/16DEX/12CHA before the +2 STR/DEX racial.
Tieflling is also a contender, but I like Half-orc best.
Thank you for the correction.
Again, these are all reasonable:
1/2 orc, possible 18/18 str/dex or 20 dex / 16 str (I think?)
tiefling, high dex and cha (I forget what is possible but anything between 16 dex 18 cha to 18 dex and 16 cha I think?) and extra damage on injured mobs (big deal for bosses, and a cha TR is also a good boss setup!!)
dwarf, not awesome but possible with 18 str and a little tougher (more con = health and innate resistances).
Human (20 dex possible, or 18 in str or cha possible with decent dex, and 3 extra feats)
halfling (high dex, can have decent other scores, extra deflection)
drow, of course
and I think elf or half elf are playable as well, pretty sure elf has dex, but can't recall if 1/2 elf has cha or not.
Of those, drow, orc, human, and tieflings are the top 4 and one could argue any of them as better than another for some builds and play styles.
Edit: Every race is functional though.
Do we actually know that this is how that works out? When Charisma says it improves Combat Advantage damage by 1%, does that mean it increases all damage you deal while under Combat Advantage by 1%? Or that the damage boost granted by CA is improved by 1%? I had always figured it was the second.
I mean... it's possible you're right, but I kind of doubt the devs would make Charisma a 1% damage increase the same way Strength is. I think it's more likely that it's a 1% increase to whatever % increase Combat Advantage normally grants. And the feat TRs get improves that by a further 20%.
It's been stated that it's a 1/1 % bonus for Charisma. Just like Strength. And the 20% bonus increases said percentage to 1.2% per point. If they changed anything recently, I'm unaware of it.